How to get float value in GPU?

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3 comments, last by taby 17 years, 11 months ago
Hi everyone! I try to get the float values that are bigger than 1.0 by using glReadPixels() so my code is as follow: gl_FragColor.x =12.123; My texture parameters set as glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB, _iWidth, _iHeight, 0,GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, 0); I chaged the interformat to GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_ATI,GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT32_ATI GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB But I got the values that were 1.0. So,how can I do to get 12.123 ? Finally, thanks for everyone ^_^
i believe the final values displayed to the screen are clamped 0->1 thus if u read back something youve drawn there the max value is 1.0
if u wanna get a textures values try glGetImage(..) or something
disclaimer (ive never used FP textures )
AFAIK you will need to setup to use FP buffers with your PFD setup code so you have the ability to go above 1 e.g. HDR rendering
You should use FBOs instead of ReadPixels. FBOs does not clamp the values.

Allocate from CPU RAM a float-type buffer representing a texture of a certain # of channels/type, and through OpenGL, an FBO of the same # of channels/type.

Then call glReadPixels after the FBO has been drawn to using a GLSL fragment shader.

The data type parameter should be good old GL_FLOAT for OpenGL function calls when dealing with colour output textures. GL_RGBA, GL_RGB or GL_ALPHA (and other colour formats) work as the texture format.

4 channels per render target, 4 render targets. 16 unclamped outputs. This works on the 6800GT in GLSL.

Are you certain that the luminance format is clamped unconditionally and others are not?

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