The Best C/C++ Forum?

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27 comments, last by jeff0 17 years, 11 months ago
Where can I find the best forum for C/C++ -specific questions?
This might be what you're looking for somewhat.

Anyway, you could always just work with a bunch of tutorials, and then ask questions here. Most of us are pretty smart, at least with programming in C/C++.
[size="2"][size=2]Mort, Duke of Sto Helit: NON TIMETIS MESSOR -- Don't Fear The Reaper
Where can I find the best forum for C/C++ -specific questions?

Right here. True this may not be a c/c++ specfic forum but this forum has just about as many c++ programmers as anyother. Also you get replies damn near instantly.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
Quote:Original post by ForeverNoobie
Where can I find the best forum for C/C++ -specific questions?

Right here. True this may not be a c/c++ specfic forum but this forum has just about as many c++ programmers as anyother. Also you get replies damn near instantly.

Speak for yourself. I'm lucky enough to be awake when most of you guys are asleep. [smile]
[size="2"][size=2]Mort, Duke of Sto Helit: NON TIMETIS MESSOR -- Don't Fear The Reaper
Quote:Original post by Endar
This might be what you're looking for somewhat.

Anyway, you could always just work with a bunch of tutorials, and then ask questions here. Most of us are pretty smart, at least with programming in C/C++.

Ok, if you are so smart then maybe you can answer this question I posted some week or two ago on gamedev.

The reason I want a C/C++ only forum is because I am already very experienced in C/C++ and I am probably above the level of any pure C/C++ tutorial that exists.
Quote:Original post by ForeverNoobie
Where can I find the best forum for C/C++ -specific questions?

Right here. True this may not be a c/c++ specfic forum but this forum has just about as many c++ programmers as anyother. Also you get replies damn near instantly.

I don't want useless replies, no matter if they are instant or not ;)
I'm sorry, but looking at you own Standard Template Library code (from your site), you don't appear to be "above the level of any pure C/C++ tutorial that exists".

/*  Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Jesper Öqvist  [comments]  Simple unidirectional list class.  [license]  See license.txt  [created] 2003-02-28  [updated] 2004-07-10    added jsh::list::iterator::null_pointer  [updated] 2004-07-30    added jsh::list::find_first  [updated] 2005-12-02  	changed empty() to is_empty()  [updated] 2005-12-06  	added pop_back()*/#ifndef jshList_h#define jshList_h#include <jsh_base.h>#pragma warning(disable: 4284)namespace jsh{template <class _t>class list{	struct _node	{		_t _value;		_node* _next;		_node() {}		_node(const _node& _a) {*this = _a;}		_node& operator=(const _node& _a) {_value = _a._value;_next = _a._next;}		~_node() {}	};	_node* _front;	_node* _back;	ulong _size;public:	list<_t>(): _front(NULL), _back(NULL), _size(0) {}	list<_t>(const list<_t>& _a): _front(NULL), _back(NULL), _size(0) {*this = _a;}	list<_t>& operator=(const list<_t>& _a){		clear();		_node* _tmp = _a._front;		while (true){			if (_tmp == NULL) return *this;			push_back(_tmp->_value);			_tmp = _tmp->_next;		}	}	~list<_t>() {clear();}	class iterator	{		friend class list<_t>;	protected:		mutable _node* _pointer;		const iterator& operator--() const {/*NOT a bidirectional iterator*/}		const iterator operator--(int) const {/*NOT a bidirectional iterator*/}		iterator& operator--() {/*NOT a bidirectional iterator*/}		iterator operator--(int) {/*NOT a bidirectional iterator*/}	public:		iterator(): _pointer(NULL) {}		iterator(const iterator& _a) {*this = _a;}		iterator(_node*const& _a): _pointer(_a) {}		~iterator() {}		const iterator& operator=(const iterator& _a) const {_pointer = _a._pointer;return *this;}		const iterator& operator=(const _node*const& _a) const {_pointer = _a;return *this;}		const iterator& operator=(_node*& _a) {_pointer = _a;return *this;}		const _t& operator*() const {return _pointer->_value;}		const _t* operator->() const {return &_pointer->_value;}		_t& operator*() {return _pointer->_value;}		_t* operator->() {return &_pointer->_value;}		const iterator& operator++() const {_pointer = _pointer->_next;return *this;}		const iterator operator++(int) const {iterator _tmp(*this);++(*this);return _tmp;}		iterator& operator++() {_pointer = _pointer->_next;return *this;}		iterator operator++(int) {iterator _tmp(*this);++(*this);return _tmp;}		bool operator==(const iterator& _a) const {return (_pointer == _a._pointer);}		bool operator!=(const iterator& _a) const {return (_pointer != _a._pointer);}		bool operator==(const _node*const& _a) const {return (_pointer == _a);}		bool operator!=(const _node*const& _a) const {return (_pointer != _a);}		friend bool operator==(const _node*const& _a, const iterator& _b) {return (_a == _b._pointer);}		friend bool operator!=(const _node*const& _a, const iterator& _b) {return (_a != _b._pointer);}		//is the iterator pointing at nothing?		bool null_pointer() const {return (_pointer == NULL) ? true : false;}	};	void push_front(const _t& _a);//put value at front	void push_back(const _t& _a);//put value at back	void pop_front();//remove front element	void pop_back();//remove last element	const iterator begin() const {return iterator(_front);}//constant iterator	iterator begin() {return iterator(_front);}//non-constant iterator	const _t& front() const {return _front->_value;}//consant reference	_t& front() {return _front->_value;}//non-constant reference	const iterator end() const {return iterator(_back);}//constant iterator	iterator end() {return iterator(_back);}//non-constant iterator	const _t& back() const {return _back->_value;}//constant reference	_t& back() {return _back->_value;}//non-constant reference	ulong size() const {return _size;}//size of list	ulong length() const {return _size;}//size of list	bool is_empty() const {return (!_size);}//is list empty?	void clear() {while (!is_empty()) pop_front();}//erase all the contents of the list	void remove(const _t& _a);//remove all elements with values equal to argument	void erase(iterator& _a);//erases iterator from list	void insert(iterator& _a, const _t& _b);//insert _b in front of _a	void insert_after(iterator& _a, const _t& _b);//insert _b after _a	void swap(list<_t>& _a){//swaps this list with argument		_node* _tmp;_tmp = _front;_front = _a._front;_a._front = _tmp;		_tmp = _back;_back = _a._back;_a._back = _tmp;		ulong _tmp2 = _size;_size = _a._size;_a._size = _tmp2;}	void reverse(){//reverses order of elements		list<_t> _new;		while (!is_empty()){			_new.push_front(front());			pop_front();}		swap(_new);}	iterator find_first(const _t& _a){//finds first element matching argument		iterator _it = begin();		while (!_it.null_pointer()){			if (*_it == _a) return _it;			_it++;		}		return iterator(NULL);	}};template <class _t>void list<_t>::push_front(const _t& _a){	if (!is_empty())	{		_node* _new = new _node;		_new->_next = _front;		_front = _new;	}	else	{		_front = new _node;		_front->_next = NULL;		_back = _front;	}	_front->_value = _a;	_size++;}template <class _t>void list<_t>::push_back(const _t& _a){	if (!is_empty())	{		_back->_next = new _node;		_back = _back->_next;	}	else	{		_front = new _node;		_back = _front;	}	_back->_value = _a;	_back->_next = NULL;	_size++;}template <class _t>void list<_t>::pop_front(){	if (is_empty()) return;	if (_front == _back)	{		delete _front;		_front = _back = NULL;	}	else	{		_node* _tmp = _front->_next;		delete _front;		_front = _tmp;	}	_size--;}template <class _t>void list<_t>::pop_back(){	if (is_empty()) return;	if (size() == 1)	{		clear();		return;	}	_node* _tmp = _front;	while (_tmp->_next != _back)	{		_tmp = _tmp->_next;	}	delete _back;	_back = _tmp;	_back->_next = NULL;}template <class _t>void list<_t>::remove(const _t& _a){	_node* _tmp = _front;	_node* _tmp2 = _tmp;	while (true)	{		if (_tmp == NULL) return;		if (_tmp->_value == _a)		{			if (_tmp == _front)			{				pop_front();				if (is_empty()) return;				_tmp = _tmp2 = _front;				_tmp = _tmp->_next;			}			else			{				_tmp2->_next = _tmp->_next;				if (_tmp == _back) _back = _tmp2;				delete _tmp;				_tmp = _tmp2->_next;				_size--;			}			continue;		}		_tmp2 = _tmp;		_tmp = _tmp->_next;	}}template <class _t>void list<_t>::erase(iterator& _a){	_node* _tmp = _front;	_node* _tmp2 = _tmp;	while (true)	{		if (_tmp == NULL) return;		if (_tmp == _a)		{			if (_tmp == _front)			{				pop_front();				_a = _front;			}			else			{				_tmp2->_next = _tmp->_next;				if (_tmp == _back) _back = _tmp2;				delete _tmp;				_a = _tmp2->_next;				_size--;			}			return;		}		_tmp2 = _tmp;		_tmp = _tmp->_next;	}}template <class _t>void list<_t>::insert(iterator& _a, const _t& _b){	_node* _tmp = _front;	_node* _tmp2 = _tmp;	while (true)	{		if (_tmp == NULL) return;		if (_tmp == _a)		{			if (_tmp == _front)				push_front(_b);			else			{				_tmp2->_next = new _node;				_tmp2 = _tmp2->_next;				_tmp2->_next = _tmp;				_tmp2->_value = _b;				_size++;			}			return;		}		_tmp2 = _tmp;		_tmp = _tmp->_next;	}}template <class _t>void list<_t>::insert_after(iterator& _a, const _t& _b){	_node* _tmp = _front;	while (true)	{		if (_tmp == NULL) return;		if (_tmp == _a)		{			if (_tmp == _back)				push_back(_b);			else			{				_node* _tmp2 = _tmp->_next;				_tmp->_next = new _node;				_tmp = _tmp->_next;				_tmp->_next = _tmp2;				_tmp->_value = _b;				_size++;			}			return;		}		_tmp = _tmp->_next;	}}};#pragma warning(default: 4284)#endif//jshList_h
Quote:Original post by jeff0
Quote:Original post by Endar
This might be what you're looking for somewhat.

Anyway, you could always just work with a bunch of tutorials, and then ask questions here. Most of us are pretty smart, at least with programming in C/C++.

Ok, if you are so smart then maybe you can answer this question I posted some week or two ago on gamedev.

The reason I want a C/C++ only forum is because I am already very experienced in C/C++ and I am probably above the level of any pure C/C++ tutorial that exists.

As rip_off already helpfully answered, any solution to the question you have linked to would be implementation dependant, so posting on a pure C or C++ forum would be unlikely to help.

PS I appreciate you do not want useless replies like mine but unfortunately this is a public forum so you will just have to put up with it.

After seening how fast this thread went off-topic I guess I'll just find one for myself.

Don't get me wrong now, I'm sure there are lots of good programmers here at gamedev that might be able to help me, but this is hardly the best c/c++ forum - mainly due to the fact that it isn't a c/c++ forum.
You might want to check out the comp.lang.c++ group, and subgroup (moderated). But a word of advice - be careful about the level of arrogance that is beginning to creep into some of your posts - judging by your "standard template library" implementation the AP mentioned your level of skill is nowhere near as high as you think it is. I'm not saying you're not competent, just that you are definitely not "very experienced in C/C++ and I am probably above the level of any pure C/C++ tutorial that exists".


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