Im about to have a nervous breakdown (Collision Detection)

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4 comments, last by D3DXVECTOR3 17 years, 11 months ago
I have a plane specified like this: struct Plane { Vector3 p1; Vector3 p2; Vector3 p3; float D; // distance Vector3 N;// normal }; I have a ray with Vector3 vPos; // position Vector3 vDir; // direction Detecting collision with a plane was easy (sortof), but a plane is infinite. So how do I found out if the point is within the bounds of p1, p2, p3. (triangle/quad)!? Now i have searched all day long the net and couldnt find any solution that worked for me. So im looking for a solution to find the intersection with ray-triangle/quad before i get a nervous breakdown... thx :)
Have you tried this:
The simple way, would be to determine the intersection point (on the plane) then decide whether that point is inside the triangle.

However, there are better quicker ways..
Softsurfers Method
I actually prefer the Moller/Trumbore method mentioned by Softsurfer... but they're pretty similar.
There's a good PDF and source (on MT) out there...
I'll post a link when I find it again.

Found it...Fast, minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection

One note : The source in the paper is for Line-Triangle... However... provided you check t > 0 either in the routine, or on return... that gets you "ray-triangle".

Maybe this can help some:

If not, check out the pages higher in that webdir. Hopefully you will something that can give you a hint on what to search on or make your own solution.

Here is the function i wrote.
Works perfectly.
used functions like vector.set(VECTOR3 v) and VECTOR3::subs(VECTOR3 v1, VECTOR3 v2) are quite self explaining, and probably also used in your programs.

INTERSECTPOINT calcTriangleLineIntersection(VECTOR3 trianglePoint1, VECTOR3 trianglePoint2, VECTOR3 trianglePoint3, VECTOR3 linePoint1, VECTOR3 linePoint2)

needs 3 points (polygons must be divided in triangles if necessary)
and a line determined by 2 points (probably camera position and camera lookat).
it returns the intersection point of the infinite plane and line (intersectpoint), intersect = true if intersectionpoint is in the triangle

struct INTERSECTPOINT{    bool interSect;    VECTOR3 intersectPoint;};INTERSECTPOINT calcTriangleLineIntersection(VECTOR3 trianglePoint1, VECTOR3  trianglePoint2, VECTOR3  trianglePoint3, VECTOR3 linePoint1, VECTOR3 linePoint2){    INTERSECTPOINT iPoint;        float detA;        float kPar;		// intersectionpoint = kPar*(vector triangleside1)+lPar*(vector triangleside2)        float lPar;        VECTOR3 rv1, rv2, rv3;        rv1.set(VECTOR3::subs(trianglePoint2, trianglePoint1));        rv2.set(VECTOR3::subs(trianglePoint3, trianglePoint1));        rv3.set(VECTOR3::subs(linePoint2, linePoint1));        detA = rv1.x*rv2.y*rv3.z+rv2.x*rv3.y*rv1.z+rv1.y*rv2.z*rv3.x		-rv3.x*rv2.y*rv1.z-rv3.y*rv2.z*rv1.x-rv2.x*rv1.y*rv3.z;        if (detA==0)        {   // plane and line are parallel, intersectionpoint is infinitly far away            iPoint.interSect = false;            iPoint.intersectPoint.set(3.4e37f, 3.4e37f, 3.4e37f);            return iPoint;        }        kPar = ((linePoint1.x-trianglePoint1.x)*rv2.y*rv3.z		+rv2.x*rv3.y*(linePoint1.z-trianglePoint1.z)		+(linePoint1.y-trianglePoint1.y)*rv2.z*rv3.x		-rv3.x*rv2.y*(linePoint1.z-trianglePoint1.z)		-rv3.y*rv2.z*(linePoint1.x-trianglePoint1.x)		-rv2.x*(linePoint1.y-trianglePoint1.y)*rv3.z)/detA;        lPar = (rv1.x*(linePoint1.y-trianglePoint1.y)*rv3.z		+(linePoint1.x-trianglePoint1.x)*rv3.y*rv1.z		+rv1.y*(linePoint1.z-trianglePoint1.z)*rv3.x		-rv3.x*(linePoint1.y-trianglePoint1.y)*rv1.z		-rv3.y*(linePoint1.z-trianglePoint1.z)*rv1.x		-(linePoint1.x-trianglePoint1.x)*rv1.y*rv3.z)/detA;        iPoint.intersectPoint.set(trianglePoint1.x+kPar*rv1.x+lPar*rv2.x, trianglePoint1.y+kPar*rv1.y+lPar*rv2.y, trianglePoint1.z+kPar*rv1.z+lPar*rv2.z);        float linePointLength = VECTOR3::distance(linePoint1, linePoint2);        if (kPar>=0 && lPar>=0 && kPar+lPar<=1        && VECTOR3::distance(linePoint1, iPoint.intersectPoint) <= linePointLength        && VECTOR3::distance(linePoint2, iPoint.intersectPoint) <= linePointLength)            iPoint.interSect = true;        else            iPoint.interSect = false;        return iPoint;}

Copy paste, or try to analyze

So how do I found out if the point is within the bounds of p1, p2, p3.
I used some matrix math (detA, kPar and lPar), this is probably the way you did it. Im not sure but i think
IntersectionPoint = kPar*(trianglePoint2-trianglepoint1)+lPar*(trianglePoint3-trianglepoint1)

Now if(kPar>=0 && lPar>=0 && kPar+lPar<=1), the infinite line intersects the not infinite triangle.
and if (VECTOR3::distance(linePoint1, iPoint.intersectPoint) <= linePointLength && VECTOR3::distance(linePoint2, iPoint.intersectPoint) <= linePointLength), the not infinite line intersects the not infinite triangle.

I hope i'm understandable.

[Edited by - Kwak on May 25, 2006 11:25:09 AM]
Thanks guys, ill check those links and many thanks for the code Kwak i will analyze that. copy paste isnt gonna work for me cuz im writing it in C :p

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