error C2027: use of undefined type

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9 comments, last by Aardvajk 17 years, 10 months ago
template<class OPType> bool MRef<OPType>::decrease() { bool ret = false; if ( objp!=NULL ) { int rc = objp->decRefCount(); if (rc<=0){ if (rc<0){ #ifndef _MSC_VER merr << "MRef::~MRef: WARNING: deleteing object with negative reference count (" << rc << ") - created without reference?" << end; #endif } delete getPointer(); setPointer(NULL); ret = true; } } return ret; } in above code i am getting error --------- c:\minisip\libmutil\include\libmutil\MemObject.h(330): error C2027: use of undefined type 'ConfMessageRouter' Can anybody suggest me for this? waiting for reply... Thanks -Nilesh
Thanks for reply

but i had already gone through it but didnt get any solution

Pls reply me

- Nilesh
Well, the error is reporting the problem in the minisip library, not your code. I have no idea about this library but you could try compiling a minimal application (int main(){ } sort of thing) that includes the library and see if you get the error, then if not, gradually start adding your code in until the error occurs. This might lend a clue.

Sorry can't be of more help.


Thanks paul

Can u pls tell me from where should i get samples for the Minisip lib

Nilesh - is the above code actually from the Minisip lib or is it your own? I am a bit confused by your last question.

Is the MRef template something that minisip defines? I also fail to see where the objp variable is defined along with merr and the GetPointer and SetPointer functions.

Google seems to suggest that minisip is some kind of phone library or something. I think you'll need to post some more information about the project you are working on and the origin of the code above.
Paul- pls find the code

Copyright (C) 2005, 2004 Erik Eliasson, Johan Bilien

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

* Authors: Erik Eliasson <>
* Johan Bilien <>
* Cesc Santasusana <cesc dot santa at g mail dot com>

#ifndef _MEMOBJECT_H
#define _MEMOBJECT_H

#include <libmutil/libmutil_config.h>



#include <typeinfo>



#include <typeinfo> //remove, for debug in ipaq

class Mutex;

* The MObject class contains a reference counter that is
* used to determine when the object should be removed
* from the heap (when no one is referencing it).
* Use this as superclass and use MRef instead of pointers.
class LIBMUTIL_API MObject{

* Constructor.

* Copy constructor
* Needed so that we don't get
* the reference count and mutex from the
* one we duplicate.
MObject(const MObject &);

* Deconstructor.
virtual ~MObject();

* Needed since reference count and the
* mutex that protects it should not be
* copied when MObjects are.
void operator=(const MObject &);

Decrease the reference counter (thread-safe)
int decRefCount();

Increase the reference counter (thread-safe)
void incRefCount();

Return the value of the reference counter
int getRefCount();

* If mutil has been configured with --enable-memdebug
* (MDEBUG defined) the unique type name (with the format
* from typeinfo(...).name). An empty string will be
* returned if memory debugging was not implemented.
* Note that the format of the type name is compiler
* dependent.
* The purpose of this method is to allow debugging
* (such as showing which objects are allocated).
virtual std::string getMemObjectType();

Reference counter ...
int refCount;

Mutex, provides thread safety.
When MEMDEBUG is on, this is not used (instead a global mutex
Mutex *refLock;

This is the minisip Smart Pointer implementation: MRef
It is a template class, which uses reference counting for its "smartness".
The reference counter is attached to the MObject, thus we can only
use MRef with MObjects.

Pitfall 0: We can only MRef MObjects! I (cesc) tried to change it into an
MObject-independent smart pointer class, but MObject is too widely
used all over minisip. Specially painful are MRef conversions from
one type to another ... i mean:
MRef<X> x;
MRef<Y> y;
//if X inherits from Y
y = new Y();
x = *y;
This works fine ... as the counter is attached to the MObject, thus
both MRefs share the same counter.

Pitfall 1: You MAY _NOT_ create references to local variables. When the
reference is deleted it will see that there is no other references
to the object and try to delete it.
Example of code with bug:
void f(MRef<T> ref){

T obj;

Pitfall 2: You MAY _NOT_ create a reference to "this" in a constructor.

Pitfall 3: If objects reference each other in such a way that
it forms a circle (for example A->B, B->A or A->B, B->C, C->A)
then the memory will not be freed automatically. Break the
circle by putting one of the refecences to NULL and the whole
list will be freed.
template<class OPType>
class MRef{

The non-smart pointer
(it has to be a sub-class of MObject!)
OPType objp;
#if 0
Keep a pointer to (MObject *)objp ...
(do not delete this one ... we will delete objp instead).
MObject * mObj;

Initialize the MRef and its counter for the first time.
Call only when the objp we receive is freshly created with new
inline bool init();

Increase the reference counter ...
inline bool increase();

Decrease the reference counter ... and destroy if needed
inline bool decrease();

Return the raw pointer ...
inline OPType getPointer() const;

Set the pointed object ... we perform a dynamic cast to check
if the received object is an MObject ..
The boolean parameter (default true) tells wheather we want this
check to be performed or not (dynamic cast)
inline void setPointer(OPType o);

We receive the object freshly created with a new,
or if without params, create an empty MRef
inline MRef(OPType optr = NULL);

We are copying an MRef object ... increase the counter
inline MRef(const MRef<OPType> &r);

We must decrease the counter, and if needed, destroy the
allocated object and the counter.
inline virtual ~MRef();

Assign operator overloaded (check if object received is
an MObject).
We have to first get rid of the previous referred object,
that is why first we decrease, then copy "o", then increase
the counter.
inline void operator=(const OPType o);

Assign operator overloaded (copying an exhisting MRef)
We have to first get rid of the previous referred object,
that is why first we decrease, then copy "o", then increase
the counter.
inline void operator=(const MRef<OPType> &r);

Overload the comparison operator (between MRefs).
True if the referred objects are equal (not the MRefs)
inline bool operator ==(const MRef<OPType> r) const;

Return true if contained object is null
inline bool isNull() const;

Overload the bool() operator
inline operator bool() const;

Overload the member access operator
(this actually turns MRef into a smarter pointer
inline OPType operator->() const;

Overload the de-ref operator
inline OPType operator*() const;

template<class OPType>
OPType MRef<OPType>::getPointer() const{
return objp;

template<class OPType>
void MRef<OPType>::setPointer(const OPType o){
if (o!=NULL){
//check if the pointer is to an MObject ...
if( dynamic_cast<OPType>(o) != NULL ) {
objp = o;
} else {
std::cerr << "MRef: Trying to use an MRef for a non MObject class" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Stack trace: " << getStackTraceString() << std::endl;
} else {
objp = NULL;

template<class OPType>
bool MRef<OPType>::init() {
bool ret = false;
if ( objp!=NULL ) {
ret = increase();
return ret;

template<class OPType>
bool MRef<OPType>::increase() {
bool ret = false;
if ( objp!=NULL ) {
ret = true;
return ret;

template<class OPType>
bool MRef<OPType>::decrease() {
bool ret = false;

if ( objp!=NULL ) {
int rc = objp->decRefCount();
if (rc<=0){
if (rc<0){
#ifndef _MSC_VER
merr << "MRef::~MRef: WARNING: deleteing object with negative reference count ("
<< rc
<< ") - created without reference?" << end;
delete getPointer();
ret = true;
return ret;

template<class OPType>
MRef<OPType>::MRef(OPType optr) {

template<class OPType>
MRef<OPType>::MRef(const MRef<OPType> &r) {
setPointer( r.getPointer() );

template<class OPType>
setPointer( NULL );

template<class OPType>
void MRef<OPType>::operator=(const OPType o){
setPointer( o );

template<class OPType>
void MRef<OPType>::operator=(const MRef<OPType> &r){
setPointer( r.getPointer() );

template<class OPType>
bool MRef<OPType>::operator ==(const MRef<OPType> r) const {
return getPointer() == r.getPointer();

template<class OPType>
bool MRef<OPType>::isNull() const{
return getPointer()==NULL;

template<class OPType>
MRef<OPType>::operator bool() const {
return !isNull();

template<class OPType>
OPType MRef<OPType>::operator->() const {
OPType ret;
ret = getPointer();
if( ret == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "MRef::operator-> : ERROR: trying to access a null pointer (";
std::cerr << typeid(OPType).name() << ").";
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Stack trace: "<< getStackTraceString() << std::endl;
assert( ret != NULL );
return getPointer();

template<class OPType>
OPType MRef<OPType>::operator*() const{
OPType ret;
ret = getPointer();
if( ret == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "MRef::operator* : Warning: accessing a null pointer (" << typeid(OPType).name() << ")." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Stack trace: "<< getStackTraceString() << std::endl;
return getPointer();

* if MDEBUG was defined when compiling libmutil it is possible
* to use following three debuging functions. "setDebugOutput"
* can be used to see if this feature was enabled when compiling
* libmutil. This functionality is only intended to be used
* for debugging purposes since destructing an object has
* complexity O(n) where "n" is the number of MObject objects.

* @param on If true, then a debug message will be printed
* to the screen when a MObject that is allocated
* on the heap will be removed. If false, no debug
* messages will be output.
* @return True if debugging features was enabled when
* compiling libmutil and false if it was not.
LIBMUTIL_API bool setDebugOutput(bool on);

LIBMUTIL_API bool getDebugOutputEnabled();

* @return Number of MObject objects currently allocated on
* the heap or on the stack.
LIBMUTIL_API int getMemObjectCount();

* @return A list of all allocated objects on the form
* "String(count)" where "String" is what is returned
* by "getMemObjectType" for the object and "count"
* is the number of references to it or "on stack" if
* there is no references to it (and it is most likely
* not dynamically).
LIBMUTIL_API minilist<std::string> getMemObjectNames();


Ya its from minisip lib
i am going to develop one app
in that i have to refer this lib but i am not able to compile it

did u work on minisip lib?

pls suggest me somthing
its really needful

Assuming that you understand what an undefined type is (it's a type which is unknown to the compiler), I'd track your error to the line where you use MRef<>.

I guess that you failed to include the file that defines ConfMessageRouter somewhere.

Please, can you edit your previous post to add [source lang="cpp"][/source] tags? Thanks!

Sorry Nilesh - it is not much good dumping the entire h file from a library on the forum and expecting anyone to read through it :)

As I said, I have no idea about the library in question and was trying to offer more general advice. Since the error you get is compile-time, the problem is most likely that a required file has not been included (as Emmanuel has already said).

If it is genuinly a problem with the library and not your set-up, you'll have to either contact the originator or find an alternative library.

Thanks Paul

I solved that error But now i am getting
Can u pls suggest me anything for this

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall Minisip::Minisip(class MRef<class Gui *>,int,char * *)" (__imp_??0Minisip@@QAE@V?$MRef@PAVGui@@@@HPAPAD@Z) referenced in function _main

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