can't compile c++ code. c1xx error before compiling?

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4 comments, last by AIRmichael 17 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I am trying to compile a program in visual studio 2005. And with that program I try to compile and all other programs, I get the same compile error. Does any one know what is causing it? And how can i fix it? In visual studio 6 I have seen a CL problem before as well, but there it says it will just ignore it. Greetings, Mic 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: v274, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'v274', configuration 'Release|Win32' 1>Compiling... 1>CL15 1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'CL15': No such file or directory 1>Window.cpp
MSDN always has good documentation of error codes.

Greetings, Mic
EUhm it still doesn't make sense. Cause I have no CL15 in my project... So why does it try to compile it? I think the error is because CL15 doesn't exist. But why does it try to compile something I didnt add to the project?
I'm just guessing here but the Microsoft compilers are normally called cl*.exe and I believe it will output the same error whether the unfound file is a source file, an executable it wants etc. Is CL15 perhaps the compiler?
The compiler is called CL.exe. CL15 isnt anywhere on the machine. CL15 is the department I work for, and they have a network. Hopefully it doesn't try to do any server stuff before compiling? Or its just a coincidence that it is called CL15?

Greetings, Mic

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