Is there a function in the standard library for PI?

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15 comments, last by eektor 17 years, 10 months ago
(Using C++) I'm trying to clean up my code a bit, and I tried to put PI() in place of 3.14159 (I guess I'm used to working with spreadsheets) and it didn't work. I included cmath already. If there isn't should I define it at the beginning or just leave the number in place in the code?
PI in C(++) is a constant (so no function), called M_PI. It's defined in <math.h> or <cmath> as you already guessed.
I think PI is defined as the constant M_PI.
#define PI 3.14159265
Thank you for the quick replies.

Edit: Hmm that didn't work. Any possible reasons why M_PI won't work for me? I'm using VS 2005 EE.
Mmmm, yep... for some reason unknown to me, Microsoft compilers won't define M_PI until you do:
before including cmath.
If you poke around in the MSVC++ 2005 headers you'll see the various maths constants (like M_PI) need _USE_MATH_DEFINES defined before you include cmath. This is done because aparently these constants are not part of the standard (I read that in a comment in one of the headers).
As the anymous poster posted, your're not going to get any deeper with


#define pi 3.141592653589

especially since floating point values cut so much out.
A wiseman once said nothing, but no one was there to hear it.
M_PI and its ilk aren't actually part of the C standard, which explains the need for the #defines.

Regardless, its better that headers use as few macros as possible by default (especially for things like pi...and min and max) to minimize collisions and weirdness.
Ok, thanks. Since its not part of the C++ standard, I guess I'll just do a regular define.

I have two more questions. I got a warning for using itoa. The warning told me itoa is not part of the standard anymore (?) and to use _itoa. When I changed it, it told me I need to use _itoa_s (why didn't it say that the first time?). Anyway my question is whether I should continue using _itoa_s because that is the standard. I was using the Dev C++ IDE before and had no problems with using just itoa.

Another question is I got a warning for something I didn't even write. It had to do with code in the include file xlocnum. Has anyone had this warning happen to them?

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