BSP or View frustum culling?

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2 comments, last by jbarcz1 17 years, 10 months ago
Hi Im making a game, and have only static objects (like trees etc). What method should I use to cut of objects not visible? Shoule I use BSP or view frustum culling? Or another kind of method? Kind regards
look into octrees its a 3D quadtree. View frustum culling is a good start easier to implement than BSP IIRC. I haven't looked into BSP's so don't quote me on that one.
That is a really broad question, and the answer is dependent on a number of factors. Is the game based outdoors, indoors, or both? Have you done any performance tests to determine whether or not you even need anything more than frustum culling?

There is almost no reason _not_ to use frustum culling in a game. It's very easy to implement and can help performance quite a bit. However, this isn't a one or the other kind of issue, you will almost always be using some sort of spatial partitioning system, be it an Octree, a BSP, a Quadtree, or whatever, in conjunction with your frustum culling.

If you know that your objects are static and you know that you're going to have lots of them (say, more than 200), then it's almost certainly worthwhile to use some kind of tree.

Whether that tree is an Octree, BSP, or something else is entirely up to you. If your levels are basically flat, then I'd use a quadtree instead of an Octree since splitting on the vertical axis isn't going to be very useful.

If you know that you're going to be doing spatial sorting (e.g. rendering semi-transparent things back-to-front), then you may want to go with BSPs as its easier to implement spatial sorts if you have one of those. The downside to BSPs is that constructing them can be a bit of a pain, whereas with quadtrees its pretty easy.

Joshua Barczak3D Application Research GroupAMD

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