GLSL Textures

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1 comment, last by amnesiasoft 17 years, 10 months ago
Well, I wrote a nice little terrain texturing shader in HLSL (it's not great, but give me a break, it's my first attempt at one :P). Unfortunately, I now need it in HLSL, I've tried tweaking it to be Cg compatible and compiling with the GLSL profiles. That failed miserably. So I went and ported it manually (which wasn't actually too bad). Now the problem is, the textures don't show up at all. The original HLSL code is (ignore the highlighting):
// Projection Matrices and stuff...
float4x4 world : WorldViewProjection;

// User definable parameter
float HighAltDef <
	string UIName = "High Altitude";
	string UIWidget = "slider";
	float UImin = 0;
	float UImax = 50;
	float UIstep = 0.1;
> = 25;

float HighFringeSize <
	string UIName = "High Fringe Size";
	string UIWidget = "slider";
	float UImin = 0;
	float UImax = 25;
	float UIstep = 0.1;
> = .5;

float LowFringeSize <
	string UIName = "Low Fringe Size";
	string UIWidget = "slider";
	float UImin = 0;
	float UImax = 25;
	float UIstep = 0.1;
> = .5;

float Tiles <
	string UIName = "Tile";
	string UIWidget = "slider";
	float UImin = 0;
	float UImax = 32;
	float UIstep = 0.1;
> = 1;

float3 LightPos : POSITION <
	string UIName = "Light Position";
	string object = "spotlight";
> = {-150, 0, 50};

float3 LightColor <
	string UIName = "Light Color";
	string UIWidget = "color";
> = {1, 1, 1};

// Textures
texture highAlt;
texture lowAlt;
texture fringeTex;

// Texture Samplers
sampler2D high = sampler_state {
	texture = (highAlt);
	mipfilter = linear;
	minfilter = linear;
	magfilter = linear;

sampler2D low = sampler_state {
	texture = (lowAlt);
	mipfilter = linear;
	minfilter = linear;
	magfilter = linear;

sampler2D fringe = sampler_state {
	texture = (fringeTex);
	mipfilter = linear;
	minfilter = linear;
	magfilter = linear;

// Application->Vertex Pipeline
struct a2v {
	float4 position : POSITION0;
	float3 normal : NORMAL;
	float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex Pipe to Pixel Pipe
struct v2p {
	float4 position : POSITION;
	float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;
	float3 normal : TEXCOORD1;
	float2 uv : TEXCOORD2;
	float height : TEXCOORD3;

// Pixel Pipe to Frame
struct p2f {
	float4 color : COLOR;

// Vertex Shader
void vs(in a2v IN, out v2p OUT) {
	// Output Position
	OUT.position = mul(IN.position, world);
	OUT.pos = OUT.position;
	// Normal transfer
	OUT.normal = IN.normal;
	// Output Texture Coordinates
	OUT.uv = IN.uv;
	// Store vertex height
	OUT.height = IN.position.y;

// Pixel Shader
void ps(in v2p IN, out p2f OUT) {
	if(IN.height > HighAltDef) {
		float fringepoint = clamp((IN.height - HighAltDef) / HighFringeSize, 0, 1);
		OUT.color = tex2D(high, IN.uv * Tiles) * fringepoint + tex2D(fringe, IN.uv * Tiles) * (1 - fringepoint);
	} else {
		float fringepoint = clamp((HighAltDef - IN.height) / LowFringeSize, 0, 1);
		OUT.color = tex2D(low, IN.uv * Tiles) * fringepoint + tex2D(fringe, IN.uv * Tiles) * (1 - fringepoint);
	// Per-Pixel lighting
	float3 pworld = mul(IN.pos, world).xyz;
	float3 normal = mul(IN.normal, world).xyz;
	float3 light = normalize(LightPos - pworld);
	float intense = clamp(dot(normal, light), 0, 1);
	float4 color = float4(LightColor * intense, 1);
	color.rgb += 0.5;
	OUT.color *= color;

// Techniques
technique Textured {
	pass p0 {
		vertexshader = compile vs_1_1 vs();
		pixelshader = compile ps_2_0 ps();
The GLSL version I've created is as follows: Vertex
varying float height;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec4 pos;

void main() {
	height = gl_Vertex.y;
	normal = gl_Normal;
	pos = gl_Vertex;
	gl_Position = ftransform();
uniform float HighAltDef;
uniform float Tiles;
uniform float HighFringeSize;
uniform float LowFringeSize;
uniform vec3 LightPos;
uniform sampler2D high;
uniform sampler2D low;
uniform sampler2D fringe;
uniform vec3 LightColor;

varying float height;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec4 pos;

void main() {
	if(height > HighAltDef) {
		float fringep = clamp((height - HighAltDef) / HighFringeSize, 0.0, 1.0);
		gl_FragColor = texture2D(high, gl_TexCoord[0].st * Tiles) * fringep + texture2D(fringe, gl_TexCoord[0].st * Tiles) * (1.0 - fringep);
	} else {
		float fringep = clamp((HighAltDef - height) / LowFringeSize, 0.0, 1.0);
		gl_FragColor = texture2D(low, gl_TexCoord[0].st * Tiles) * fringep + texture2D(fringe, gl_TexCoord[0].st * Tiles) * (1.0 - fringep);
	vec4 WorldPos = pos * gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
	vec3 light = normalize(LightPos -;
	float intense = clamp(dot(normal, light), 0.0, 1.0);
	vec4 color = vec4(LightColor * intense, 1);
	color.rgb += 0.5;
	gl_FragColor *= color;
I assume I must be doing something wrong in the Fragment shader because I end up with a shaded red block of land. I can't see anything that could be wrong, but this is only the second day I've done anything with shader writing. Thanks.
Add this line to your vertex shader otherwise the tex coords are undefined.

gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;

Hey it worked (after restarting RenderMonkey). Thanks.

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