CAD to Quake 2 or VRML

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-1 comments, last by Azrael 23 years, 1 month ago
I just got this as a job project, how could this be done? What I want is to convert from CAD 3d files to Quake 2/half life or Quake 3 (i know thats a long shoot) bsps or VRML files, (or a a BSP tree and a VRML reader) or maybe wild tangent files, is this possible? is there a tool for this already made? how could this be done.. think of the possibilities! =) What I want is to get the house model of a house or building that will be constructed and then "Visit it" before is build so the architect can see his work "live", using an open gl (for offline) and/or VRML/Blaxxun/Wild tangent viewer.. cool or what? BTW, dont worry about the q2 viewer I already have that =)

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