Sharing a std::vector between threads

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9 comments, last by ajas95 17 years, 9 months ago
I'm a bit new to multithreading and have read some on mutexes, critical sections, and other interesting ways to share information between threads. Which is the best way to share a std:vector between 2 threads? Or is there a best way? I don't want to have copies of it, and I need read/write access by both threads (e.g. so I can use the [] operator and the push_back() function). Is this possible?
Grab life by the cord.
You need exactly one mutex (or critical section in Microsoft speak). Every time one of your threads wants to do anything with the vector (add elements to it, read the nth element, remove an element, etc.), it first needs to acquire the mutex. When it's done fiddling with the vector, it must release the mutex. That's all there's to it really.
Yes. Make sure the thread that reads or writes to it always owns the mutex that's locking it every time you're reading or writing from it.
Okay, I'm not quite sure if I understand precisely the implementation of a critical section; is it just there as a sort of flag? Do I use it to know if I can access the data? Or does it hold the data itself?
Grab life by the cord.
A critical section is just some sort of a lock. You need one of these to protect each resource contended between 2 more threads. Your vector is such a contended resource. The mutex (i.e. the critical section) ensures that only ONE thread at a time can access the vector because each thread that wants to access the vector will first have to acquire the mutex. While that thread owns the mutex, all other threads trying to acquire it are blocked (and hence cannot mess with the vector). Then as soon as the thread currently owning the mutex releases it, one of the waiting threads acquires it and can subsequently access the vector. Does that makes sense?
Quote:Original post by CrazyCamel
Okay, I'm not quite sure if I understand precisely the implementation of a critical section; is it just there as a sort of flag? Do I use it to know if I can access the data? Or does it hold the data itself?

You're not supposed to implement a "critical section", just use the ones provided by the operating system.

Think of a mutex (critical section) this way:

In order to enter the public rest-room (the public rest room is the vector) at the gas station, you need to have the key (the key is the mutex). You walk up to the attendant (the attendant is the operating system), and ask for it (at this point, you are a thread asking for the mutex). The attendant tells you that someone already has the key, so you will have to wait (another thread has the mutex).

After a while, the person who had the key comes out of the rest room back and hands the key to the attendant (the thread that was using the vector is done and releases the mutex). You take the key from the attendant and have access to the rest-room (you are now a thread that owns the mutex, and can use the vector).
I think everyone here is clear on this but just in case... a critical section and a mutex are not the same thing in windows terminology:)

A Mutex is a Kernel level lock( and partially because of this it is Operating System wide).

A critical section is a user land idea that doesn't require a kernel level transition so its faster than a mutex but only visible within a process boundary.


I'd encourage you to use Boost::Threads mutex and locks instead of the windows mutex's. IMHO, I find them easier to work with:)

A mutex is anything that supports the concept of mutual exclusion. I wouldn't necessarily go with the Microsoft usage of the terms "critical section" and "mutex". Really, what MS calls a critical section is a mutex, whereas the section of code it can be used to protect is the critical section. And what MS calls a mutex is also a mutex, just one that also works across processes.
Quote:Original post by Red Ant
A mutex is anything that supports the concept of mutual exclusion. I wouldn't necessarily go with the Microsoft usage of the terms "critical section" and "mutex". Really, what MS calls a critical section is a mutex, whereas the section of code it can be used to protect is the critical section. And what MS calls a mutex is also a mutex, just one that also works across processes.

Fair enough:) I updated my post to reflect that! Someone had brought up windows so I thought I'd clarify for those people who may not be familar with windows threading terminology:)

Lots of replies... such devoted people =)

Anyway, one last question- not as important, but will I take much of a performance impact if I call EnterCriticalSection() and LeaveCriticalSection() together 5-10 extra times or so per 10 frames (approximately 50-100 extra calls per second; fps was generally around 100 in my last release tests). I ask because in a specific function I call another function, and both access the critical section, and to speed it up I suppose I could condense it and put the whole thing in the first function, but it seems less structured. It doesn't seem like calling EnterCriticalSection() and LeaveCriticalSection() would cause much delay though, but I am curious what yall think (since you seem to take much interest in mutexes anyway =) ).
So speed (whatever little it may be) or (from my point of view) a more structured approach?

Edit - Not sure if this little code snippet (roughly showing the two ways) will help:
//some "//do stuff" sections removed =)//more structured (imo)int VWGref::ProcCom(int olv)  {	EnterCriticalSection(&cs);	//do stuff	LeaveCriticalSection(&cs);	return 0;}int VWGref::BuildCom(int olv)  {	int e=0;	if(e=ProcCom(olv))return e;//it should be noted that sometimes ProcCom is called //multiple times via a loop	EnterCriticalSection(&cs);	//do stuff	LeaveCriticalSection(&cs);	return 0;}//faster(?)int VWGref::BuildCom(int olv)  {	EnterCriticalSection(&cs);	//do stuff normally in ProcCom()	//do stuff	LeaveCriticalSection(&cs);	return 0;}

[Edited by - CrazyCamel on July 20, 2006 11:54:08 PM]
Grab life by the cord.

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