Managed DirectInput Problems...

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-1 comments, last by kooooo 17 years, 8 months ago
Ok... I've been trying to learn Managed DirectX (using C#) and so far it's been really great. I just started DirectInput, and I can get it to work, but I can't make it ignore a key being held down. I have a program setup to change the clear color (background color) when a key is held/pressed (determined by function). But when I try to make it only change when pressed it won't work. * by pressed I mean press and release is 1... whereas held means every frame it keeps returning true for if the key is down. So, if I haven't confused you all with the question, here is my code. I can't find out what is wrong with it... I think it *should* work but it doesn't. <source> ... Device keyboard; bool keypressed = false; List<Key> pressedkeys = new List<Key>(); ... public bool KeyPressed(Key k, bool repeat) { if (keypressed == true) { if (repeat == true) { foreach (Key current in keyboard.GetPressedKeys()) { if (current == k) { keypressed = true; if (pressedkeys.Contains(k) == false) { pressedkeys.Add(k); } return true; } } } else if (repeat == false) { foreach (Key current in keyboard.GetPressedKeys()) { if (current == k) { keypressed = true; if (pressedkeys.Contains(k) == false) { pressedkeys.Add(k); } return false; } } } } else { foreach (Key current in keyboard.GetPressedKeys()) { if (current == k) { keypressed = true; if (pressedkeys.Contains(k) == false) { pressedkeys.Add(k); } return true; } } } if (pressedkeys.Contains(k) == true) { pressedkeys.Remove(k); } if (pressedkeys.Count <= 1) keypressed = false; return false; } </source>

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