[web] what's the best platform for an interactive web experience?

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2 comments, last by jbadams 17 years, 8 months ago
Interfaces and games are all interactive. What would be the best language/platform to use to accomplish animations that react to your mouse and keyboard via the web-browser? im thinking JavaApplets, possibly &#106avascript, and/or Flash.
From every other example i have seen, it has been Flash.

You could try using AJAX, but will probably end up with better results using Flash.

Look into the games at http://www.addictinggames.com/ and see what they do. I've only played a few in the past and IIRC, they were all Flash based.
You'll probably be best off using Flash for this type of thing. It's widely supported, the development environment and documentation is excellent (albeit expensive) and it's capable of creating responsive and attractive games.

Java is also a viable option, although it can at times be somewhat less responsive than Flash and will certainly take a bit more effort if you're after something with pretty graphics.

&#106avascript/AJAX can also be used but would be suited to games that aren't time-critical such as the many turn-based browser games you see out there, which are often based on languages such as PHP or ASP.NET. Anything developed using these technologies will be drastically less responsive to input of any type.

Just as an aside, navigation on a normal website should never be implemented in Flash unless you've got a damned good reason for doing so; it's bad for accesibility, makes it harder for search engines to index your page, and generally takes a lot longer to load than plain XHTML/CSS without bringing all that much benefit.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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