[.net] visualstudio2005 upgrade problem

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1 comment, last by RDK1LL 17 years, 8 months ago
I've just upgraded from vs6.0 to vs2005 and am trying to compile my old project(VS6.0) with it. After sorting out my initial problem with the winnt.h file and then a sprintf function call error, I've now got it successfully compiled but when I try to run it, I get an assertion failure with a _seekl file line 66, I think for the open file function. Is this file file not compatible with VS8, is there a new function or file or something else I need to use. ?
"For every answer, I have a question."
If you're using Standard C++ or C, then you shouldn't have any troubles compiling your application with (almost) any C++ compiler. You could try out an alternative IDE like Code::Blocks.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Thanks, I'm downloading it now!
"For every answer, I have a question."

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