Pixel Shader Debugging

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0 comments, last by shaquill 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I often visit here nowadays.^^ Anyway my question is pixel shader debugging. My application works fine until now. but when I tried to debug shader I found something wrong. vertex shader debugging is no problem but never step into pixel shader function. ( Break point looks like "?". you know...) I don't know why. DX sample is works well. So I think it's my application's problem. After "Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );" line Output window says... "D3D9 Helper: Enhanced D3DDebugging disabled; Application was not compiled with D3D_DEBUG_INFO" In my application I wrapped dx framework suck as d3dapp.h/cpp... instead of DXUT. because old framework is more comfortable for me..^^; And when I load a model, dialog box pop up. "The shader 'PS' has no file information associated with it. Source-level debugging will not work. Shader and effects should be compiled with the D3DX*FromFile()APIs to genetrate file information."
Hellow everyone
I missed somthing in my application.

First, in pixel shader
I use the texture that I set in application.
tex2D(TextureSampler, Tex);// Added this line in PS()
And I could debug pixel shader, too.

Second as output window says
I defined D3D_DEBUG_INFO like below.
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
#define D3D_DEBUG_INFO

Sorry for bothering you.
But I'm still wondering why I can't debug
pixel shader when SetTexture() called and don't use
the texture in PS().

So...I solved my question anyway..^^;;
Hellow everyone

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