Can't access private members VC++

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2 comments, last by Deyja 17 years, 8 months ago
I'm trying to implement the observer design pattern as follows:

#include <Subject.h>
class Observer
    Observer() {}
    virtual ~Observer() {}
    virtual void notify() {}
    friend class Subject;

#include <Observer.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Subject
    virtual ~Subject();

    void registerObserver(Observer& o);
    void unregisterObserver(Observer& o);
    virtual void notifyAll();
    std::vector<Observer*> m_list;

//Class A.h
class A : public Subject

void A::notifyAll()
  if(m_list.size() <= 0)

  for(std::vector<Observer*>::iterator I = m_list.begin(); I != m_list.end(); I++)
    ((Observer*) I)->notify();  // C2248

I keep getting compiler error C2248: 'notify': cannot access private member declared in class 'Observer' afaik, the friend class i did in observer.h should allow subject to use it's private method. I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 service pack 6. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Friendship is not inherited. Use a "notify" protected function on your Subject that notifies the Observer, and call this function from methods of A. Such as:

Subject::Notify(Observer& ob) { ob.notify(); }

In unrelated news, doesn't VC6 provide cstdlib (as opposed to non-standard stdlib.h) ?
My C++ is poor, but my first thought was, is the friend modifier inheritable?

P.S. Upgrade now.

EDIT: Damn, beaten.
Even when VC++ does it right, people assume it is wrong.

Isn't that nice?

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