Not sure whats causing this undeclared identifier.

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9 comments, last by metimmee 17 years, 7 months ago
Ive been working on my simple game engine for a while now but ive been recently working on the Collision detection between sprites. For some reason when I compile what I have it gives me undeclated identifier for the Sprite arguments I have in my BOOL SpriteCollision() function. I have included my sprite class.h file so I really don't see why. Ive looked and looked and I still can't tell what might be causing it. Its probibly something im over looking. Could someone maybe see if theres something wrong with this section of code?

// SDL libs
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma comment(lib, "SDL.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "SDLmain.lib")

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_syswm.h>

using namespace std;
#include "Sprite.h" // <- see its there

// Constant Variables
//For the mouse functions
const int LEFT = 1;
const int RIGHT = 2;
const int MIDDLE = 3;

// Defines
#define MouseButtonPressed(evt, btn) (evt.button.state == SDL_PRESSED && evt.button.button == btn)
#define MouseButtonReleased(evt, btn) (evt.button.state == SDL_RELEASED && evt.button.button == btn)
// SDL Function Declarations

int main(int argc, char *argv[]);

// Game Engine Function Declarations

// These are implemented by you for your game.
BOOL GameInitialize();
void GameStart();
void GameEnd();
void GameActivate(HWND hWindow);
void GameDeactivate(HWND hWindow);
void GamePaint(SDL_Surface *screen);
void GameCycle();
int  HandleKeys(SDL_Event event);
void MouseButtonDown(int x, int y, int iButton);
void MouseButtonUp(int x, int y, int iButton);
void MouseMove(int x, int y);
BOOL SpriteCollision(Sprite *pSpriteHitter, Sprite *pSpriteHittee);  //<- But this causes an undeclared identifier

Try removing the #include "Sprite.h"

Forward declare Sprite
class Sprite;

You should minimise the #includes in a .h wherever possible.

Unrelated but, remove the using namespace::std from your .h, and qualify each stl class. eg. std::vector
Forward declare? I can't remove #include "Sprite.h" because it has my sprite class in it.
Ill change the using later on. Right now im just worried about getting things to work. Not a 100% good coding style. Though I am tyring to keep things in a good coding style. Qualifing each stl:: is a waste to me when I don't know every single one ill be using.
Could you give us the entire error message?
sure. Don't know if it will help much because its very basic.
e:\my documents\c++ programs\jpong\gameengine.h(69) : error C2065: 'Sprite' : undeclared identifier
Show us your Sprite.h.

What namespace is the sprite class in?

[edit] namespace query
//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Game Application// C++ Header - Sprite.h//-----------------------------------------------------------------#pragma once//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Include Files//-----------------------------------------------------------------#include <windows.h>#include <SDL.h>#include <string>#include "Bitmap.h"#include "GameEngine.h"//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Custom Data Type(s)//-----------------------------------------------------------------enum SPRITEACTION{	SA_NONE	= 0x0000L,	SA_KILL	= 0x0001L,};				enum BOUNDSACTION		{	BA_STOP,	BA_WRAP,	BA_BOUNCE,	BA_DIE};//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Function Declarations//-----------------------------------------------------------------// These are to be able to mess with SDL_Rect much easier.void SetSDLRect(SDL_Rect &rcRect, int x, int y, int w, int h);// rcRect1 = Rectangle to copy to.// rcRect2 = Rectangle to copy from.void CopySDLRect(SDL_Rect &rcRect1, SDL_Rect &rcRect2);void InflateSDLRect(SDL_Rect &rcRect, int x, int y);//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Sprite Class//-----------------------------------------------------------------class Sprite{protected:	// Member variables	Bitmap		*m_pBitmap;	SDL_Rect	 m_rcPosition,				 m_rcCollision;	POINT		 m_ptVelocity;	int			 m_iZOrder;	SDL_Rect	 m_rcBounds;	BOUNDSACTION m_baBoundsAction;	BOOL		 m_bHidden;	// Helper Methods	virtual void CalcCollisionRect();public:	// Constructor(s)/Destructor	Sprite(Bitmap* pBitmap);	Sprite(Bitmap* pBitmap, SDL_Rect &rcBounds, 		   BOUNDSACTION baBoundsAction = BA_STOP);	Sprite(Bitmap* pBitmap, POINT ptPosition, POINT ptVelocity,		   int iZOrder, SDL_Rect &rcBounds, BOUNDSACTION baBoundsAction = BA_STOP);	virtual ~Sprite();	// General Methods	virtual SPRITEACTION	Update();	void					Draw(SDL_Surface *screen);	BOOL					IsPointInside(int x, int y);	BOOL					TestCollision(Sprite *pTestSprite);	// Accessor Methods	SDL_Rect	GetPosition()						{return m_rcPosition;};	void		SetPosition(int x,int y);	void		SetPosition(POINT ptPosition);	void		SetPosition(SDL_Rect &rcPosition)	{CopySDLRect(m_rcPosition, rcPosition);};	void		OffsetPosition(int x, int y);	SDL_Rect	GetCollision()						{return m_rcCollision;};	POINT		GetVelocity()						{return m_ptVelocity;};	void		SetVelocity(int x, int y);	void		SetVelocity(POINT ptVelocity);	BOOL		GetZOrder()							{return m_iZOrder;};	void		SetZOrder(int iZOrder)				{m_iZOrder = iZOrder;};	void		SetBounds(SDL_Rect &rcBounds)		{CopySDLRect(m_rcBounds, rcBounds);};	void		SetBoundsAction(BOUNDSACTION ba)	{m_baBoundsAction = ba;};	BOUNDSACTION GetBoundsAction()					{return m_baBoundsAction;};	SDL_Rect	GetBounds()							{return m_rcBounds;};	BOOL		IsHidden()							{return m_bHidden;};	void		SetHidden(BOOL bHidden)				{m_bHidden = bHidden;};	int			GetWidth()							{return m_pBitmap->GetWidth();};	int			GetHeight()							{return m_pBitmap->GetHeight();};};//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Sprite Inline Helper Methods//-----------------------------------------------------------------inline void Sprite::CalcCollisionRect(){	int iXShrink = m_rcPosition.w / 12;	int iYShrink = m_rcPosition.h / 12;	CopySDLRect(m_rcCollision, m_rcPosition);	InflateSDLRect(m_rcCollision, iXShrink, iYShrink);}//-----------------------------------------------------------------// Sprite Inline General Methods//-----------------------------------------------------------------inline BOOL Sprite::TestCollision(Sprite *pTestSprite){	SDL_Rect rcTest = pTestSprite->GetCollision();	return	m_rcCollision.x <= (rcTest.x + rcTest.w) &&			rcTest.x <= (m_rcCollision.x + m_rcCollision.y) &&			m_rcCollision.y <= (rcTest.y + rcTest.h) &&			rcTest.x <= (m_rcCollision.y + m_rcCollision.h);}

Note this is probibly got a lot of errors in it that I havn't had the compiler catch yet.
I see no sprite::SpriteCollision
Sprite.h includes GameEngine.h and GameEngine.h includes Sprite.h. Either use a forward declare like was already suggested, or rethink how you organize files.

Gehh im going to just stop for now and let my mind rest. If I forward declare Sprite then I error C2027 now. *sighs* I wish the book I was working from was newer so I knew I was organizing everything right. Ive looked at that link you gave metimmee. I think ive even read it beffore. But having my code in so many seperate files is getting confusing. Especialy in how do Include what where. X-x What to put in each file.

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