Problem with SDL_BUTTON_LEFT (solved)

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8 comments, last by RomanH 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi everybody I'm currently working on a game that uses mouse- as well as keyboard input. Everything works as it should except taking input from the mouse... I have two problems to be precise: 1. when I press any key on the keyboard and do not move the mouse the program detects the following as true -> sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT 2. When I move the mouse outside of the window the same thing is considered to be true again (sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) Do you have any idea/hints what could be wrong with my program? thanks a lot! RomanH P.S. My program has become pretty big (too big to post here) but if you think you need the entire source code to find the problem I can of course email it to you. [Edited by - RomanH on September 19, 2006 1:47:30 AM]
Quote:Original post by RomanH
I have two problems to be precise:
1. when I press any key on the keyboard and do not move the mouse the program detects the following as true -> sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT
2. When I move the mouse outside of the window the same thing is considered to be true again (sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)

Hmm so are you saying that (1) when a keyboard event is generated a mousebutton event is also created? (2) when focus is lost a mousebutton event is generated aswell?

Can you just post your event loop?
You can find out if the mouse is in the window with SDL_GetAppState().
if (SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) std::cout << "The mouse is in the window";

Here are the defines:
#define SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS	0x01		/* The app has mouse coverage */#define SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS	0x02		/* The app has input focus */#define SDL_APPACTIVE		0x04		/* The application is active */

SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS means the mouse is in the window
SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS means that the window is selected so you can type in it
I'm not sure what APPACTIVE is, I would think it would mean that the APP is visible on the screen, like not minimized.

Alternatively you can use SDL_GetMouseState, which returns the mouse buttons state. You can then use the SDL_BUTTON macro to determine if a mouse buttons are being pressed. I don't believe SDL_GetMouseState function returns anything if the mouse is not in the window.

if (SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL) & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) std::cout << "Left mouse button pressed";

> (1) when a keyboard event is generated
> a mousebutton event is also created?
> (2) when focus is lost a mousebutton
> event is generated aswell?

yes, that's 100% what I meant.

I'll try to post everything that is relevant. My game has a guy with different tabs. Depending on the tab you are inm, different things happen. Therefore there is a "top-level loop" that is the same for all tabs:

void GameGUI(){  QuitGame = false;  while(QuitGame == false)  {    getInput();    if(Key_ESCAPE_pressed == true){QuitGame = true;}    drawGameGUI(TabMode);    MouseDetectionAllModes();    if(TabMode == 0){draw_GUI_Tab0();}    if(TabMode == 1){draw_GUI_Tab1();}    if(TabMode != 0){draw_Cursor(0);}    //PrintMultiline(15,15,0, "Roman ist der groesste! Ausserdem kann er unglaublich lange Woerter schreiben.");    Print(580,470,1,"FPS ");    int TempFPS = (int) (SDL_GetTicks()-FPS_Counter);    if(TempFPS < 1){TempFPS = 1;}    PrintInt(607,470,1, (int) (1000/TempFPS));    SDL_UpdateRect(DisplaySurface,0,0,0,0);    FPS_Counter = SDL_GetTicks();  }}

here's the getInput()-function:

void getInput(){  //void SDL_PumpEvents(void);  //SDL_PollEvent(&event)  if(SDL_PollEvent(&sdlEvent)==0)  {  keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);  Key_ESCAPE = false;  Key_ENTER = false;  Key_UP = false;  Key_DOWN = false;  Key_LEFT = false;  Key_RIGHT = false;  Button_0 = false;  Button_1 = false;  Button_2 = false;  Button_3 = false;  Key_1 = false;  Key_2 = false;  Key_3 = false;  Key_4 = false;  Key_5 = false;  Key_6 = false;  Key_7 = false;  Key_8 = false;  Key_9 = false;  Key_0 = false;  Key_F11 = false;  Key_F12 = false;  if (keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] == true)		{Key_ESCAPE	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_RETURN] == true)		{Key_ENTER	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_LEFT] == true)		{Key_LEFT	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT] == true)		{Key_RIGHT	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_DOWN] == true)		{Key_DOWN	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_UP] == true)			{Key_UP		=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_RSHIFT] == true)		{Button_1	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_RCTRL] == true)		{Button_2	=	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_1] == true)		    {Key_1	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_2] == true)		    {Key_2	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_3] == true)		    {Key_3	    =	true;}          if (keys[SDLK_4] == true)		    {Key_4	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_5] == true)		    {Key_5	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_6] == true)		    {Key_6	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_7] == true)		    {Key_7	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_8] == true)		    {Key_8	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_9] == true)		    {Key_9	    =	true;}                    	  if (keys[SDLK_0] == true)		    {Key_0	    =	true;}  if (keys[SDLK_F11] == true)		    {Key_F11    =	true;}                    	  if (keys[SDLK_F12] == true)		    {Key_F12    =	true;}  if (Key_ENTER == false)	{Key_ENTER_pressed_value =	0; Key_ESCAPE_pressed = false;} else                          {if (Key_ENTER_pressed_value == 2){Key_ENTER_pressed_value = 1; Key_ENTER_pressed = false;}                           if (Key_ENTER_pressed_value == 0){Key_ENTER_pressed_value = 2; Key_ENTER_pressed = true;}}                               if (Key_ESCAPE == false){Key_ESCAPE_pressed_value =	0; Key_ESCAPE_pressed = false;} else                          {if (Key_ESCAPE_pressed_value == 2){Key_ESCAPE_pressed_value = 1; Key_ESCAPE_pressed = false;}                           if (Key_ESCAPE_pressed_value == 0){Key_ESCAPE_pressed_value = 2; Key_ESCAPE_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_UP == false)	{Key_UP_pressed_value =	0; Key_UP_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_UP_pressed_value == 2){Key_UP_pressed_value = 1; Key_UP_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_UP_pressed_value == 0){Key_UP_pressed_value = 2; Key_UP_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_LEFT == false)	{Key_LEFT_pressed_value =	0; Key_LEFT_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_LEFT_pressed_value == 2){Key_LEFT_pressed_value = 1; Key_LEFT_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_LEFT_pressed_value == 0){Key_LEFT_pressed_value = 2; Key_LEFT_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_DOWN == false)	{Key_DOWN_pressed_value =	0; Key_DOWN_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_DOWN_pressed_value == 2){Key_DOWN_pressed_value = 1; Key_DOWN_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_DOWN_pressed_value == 0){Key_DOWN_pressed_value = 2; Key_DOWN_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_RIGHT == false)	{Key_RIGHT_pressed_value =	0; Key_RIGHT_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_RIGHT_pressed_value == 2){Key_RIGHT_pressed_value = 1; Key_RIGHT_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_RIGHT_pressed_value == 0){Key_RIGHT_pressed_value = 2; Key_RIGHT_pressed = true;}}                               if (Key_1 == false)	{Key_1_pressed_value =	0; Key_1_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_1_pressed_value == 2){Key_1_pressed_value = 1; Key_1_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_1_pressed_value == 0){Key_1_pressed_value = 2; Key_1_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_2 == false)	{Key_2_pressed_value =	0; Key_2_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_2_pressed_value == 2){Key_2_pressed_value = 1; Key_2_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_2_pressed_value == 0){Key_2_pressed_value = 2; Key_2_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_3 == false)	{Key_3_pressed_value =	0; Key_3_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_3_pressed_value == 2){Key_3_pressed_value = 1; Key_3_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_3_pressed_value == 0){Key_3_pressed_value = 2; Key_3_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_4 == false)	{Key_4_pressed_value =	0; Key_4_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_4_pressed_value == 2){Key_4_pressed_value = 1; Key_4_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_4_pressed_value == 0){Key_4_pressed_value = 2; Key_4_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_5 == false)	{Key_5_pressed_value =	0; Key_5_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_5_pressed_value == 2){Key_5_pressed_value = 1; Key_5_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_5_pressed_value == 0){Key_5_pressed_value = 2; Key_5_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_6 == false)	{Key_6_pressed_value =	0; Key_6_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_6_pressed_value == 2){Key_6_pressed_value = 1; Key_6_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_6_pressed_value == 0){Key_6_pressed_value = 2; Key_6_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_7 == false)	{Key_7_pressed_value =	0; Key_7_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_7_pressed_value == 2){Key_7_pressed_value = 1; Key_7_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_7_pressed_value == 0){Key_7_pressed_value = 2; Key_7_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_8 == false)	{Key_8_pressed_value =	0; Key_8_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_8_pressed_value == 2){Key_8_pressed_value = 1; Key_8_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_8_pressed_value == 0){Key_8_pressed_value = 2; Key_8_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_9 == false)	{Key_9_pressed_value =	0; Key_9_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_9_pressed_value == 2){Key_9_pressed_value = 1; Key_9_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_9_pressed_value == 0){Key_9_pressed_value = 2; Key_9_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_0 == false)	{Key_0_pressed_value =	0; Key_0_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_0_pressed_value == 2){Key_0_pressed_value = 1; Key_0_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_0_pressed_value == 0){Key_0_pressed_value = 2; Key_0_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_F11 == false)	{Key_F11_pressed_value =	0; Key_F11_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_F11_pressed_value == 2){Key_F11_pressed_value = 1; Key_F11_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_F11_pressed_value == 0){Key_F11_pressed_value = 2; Key_F11_pressed = true;}}  if (Key_F12 == false)	{Key_F12_pressed_value =	0; Key_F12_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Key_F12_pressed_value == 2){Key_F12_pressed_value = 1; Key_F12_pressed = false;}                   if (Key_F12_pressed_value == 0){Key_F12_pressed_value = 2; Key_F12_pressed = true;}}  if (Button_2 == false)	{Button_2_pressed_value =	0; Button_2_pressed = false;} else                  {if (Button_2_pressed_value == 2){Button_2_pressed_value = 1; Button_2_pressed = false;}                   if (Button_2_pressed_value == 0){Button_2_pressed_value = 2; Button_2_pressed = true;}}  }  SDL_GetMouseState(&MouseX, &MouseY);}

here's the draw_GUI_Tab0()-function:
(as you can see, the game can be in different "states". You can be outdoors, inside houses, looking at a map, looking at a different map which allows you to beam around, etc.)

void draw_GUI_Tab0(){  cursorNumber = 9;  MapUsable = false;  draw_MapButton();  draw_inventory();  draw_DirectionArrows();  //if(Key_F12_pressed){GameState=7;} // CHEAT!!!  if(Key_F11_pressed)  {    if(GameState == 1)    {      GameState = 11;      SpeechBubbleX = 50;      SpeechBubbleY = 190;      SpeechBubbleText = "Hallo";    }    if(GameState == 9)    {      GameState = 12;      SpeechBubbleX = 50;      SpeechBubbleY = 190;      SpeechBubbleText = "Hallo";    }  }  if(Key_F12_pressed){create_world();}//{switch_to_room_counter = 0; GameState=8;}  // draw slider...  SDL_BlitSurface(GUISurface,&InventorySliderSrcRect,DisplaySurface,&InventorySliderDstRect);    if(GameState == 1)  {    MapUsable = true;    set_camera();    draw_layer0(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // the ground    draw_layer1(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // cliffs and stuff    draw_layer2(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // objects and stuff    draw_player(Player.currentTileX, Player.currentTileY);  }    if(GameState == 2)  {    MapUsable = true;    draw_Map();  }    if(GameState == 3){moveAreaUP();}  if(GameState == 4){moveAreaRIGHT();}  if(GameState == 5){moveAreaDOWN();}  if(GameState == 6){moveAreaLEFT();}    if(GameState == 7)  {    draw_Map_Beaming();  }    if(GameState == 8)  {    set_camera();    draw_layer0(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // the ground    draw_layer1(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // cliffs and stuff    draw_layer2(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // objects and stuff    draw_player(Player.currentTileX, Player.currentTileY);    switch_to_room();  }    if(GameState == 9)  {    draw_room_layer0(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // the ground    draw_room_layer1(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // cliffs and stuff    draw_room_layer2(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // objects and stuff    draw_room_player(CurrentTileRoomX, CurrentTileRoomY);  }  if(GameState == 11) // speech bubble mode in normal mode  {    set_camera();    draw_layer0(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // the ground    draw_layer1(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // cliffs and stuff    draw_layer2(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // objects and stuff    draw_player(Player.currentTileX, Player.currentTileY);    print_speechbubble(SpeechBubbleX, SpeechBubbleY, 1, SpeechBubbleText);  }  if(GameState == 12) // speech bubble mode in normal mode  {    draw_room_layer0(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // the ground    draw_room_layer1(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // cliffs and stuff    draw_room_layer2(XPosArea, YPosArea, world.currentAreaX, world.currentAreaY); // objects and stuff    draw_room_player(CurrentTileRoomX, CurrentTileRoomY);    print_speechbubble(SpeechBubbleX, SpeechBubbleY, 1, SpeechBubbleText);  }  MouseDetectionTab0();  draw_Cursor(cursorNumber);}

and here's the source to the MouseDetectionTab0()-function:
(the problem occurs somwhere after the line with the comment "// left mouse button is pressed". At least that's what I'm guessing...)

void MouseDetectionTab0(){  int i;    // find the position of the mouse on the playing field    MouseTileX = (int) (((MouseX+32)/32)-1);  if(MouseTileX < 1 || MouseTileX > 12){MouseTileX = -1;}  MouseTileY = (int) (((MouseY)/32)-1);  if(MouseTileY < 1 || MouseTileY > 12){MouseTileY = -1;}  RelativeMouseTileX = (XPosArea+MouseTileX)-1;  RelativeMouseTileY = (YPosArea+MouseTileY)-1;  // check where the cursor is in relation to the player  if(MouseY > 48 && MouseX > 16 && MouseX < 432 && MouseY < 464 && (GameState == 1 || GameState == 9))  {    if(MouseY < Player.DstRect.y &&       MouseX < Player.DstRect.x){cursorNumber = 1;}    if(MouseY < Player.DstRect.y &&       MouseX >= Player.DstRect.x &&       MouseX <= Player.DstRect.x + 32){Player.direction = 0; cursorNumber = 2;}    if(MouseY < Player.DstRect.y &&       MouseX > Player.DstRect.x + 32){cursorNumber = 3;}    if(MouseX > Player.DstRect.x + 32 &&       MouseY >= Player.DstRect.y &&       MouseY <= Player.DstRect.y + 32){Player.direction = 1; cursorNumber = 4;}    if(MouseY > Player.DstRect.y + 32 &&       MouseX > Player.DstRect.x + 32){cursorNumber = 5;}    if(MouseY > Player.DstRect.y + 32 &&       MouseX >= Player.DstRect.x &&       MouseX <= Player.DstRect.x + 32){Player.direction = 2; cursorNumber = 6;}    if(MouseY > Player.DstRect.y + 32 &&       MouseX < Player.DstRect.x){cursorNumber = 7;}    if(MouseX < Player.DstRect.x &&       MouseY >= Player.DstRect.y &&       MouseY <= Player.DstRect.y + 32){Player.direction = 3; cursorNumber = 8;}        // cursor on an object next to player    if(MouseTileX > 0 && MouseTileY > 0)    {      if((Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY-1 && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX) ||          (Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY+1 && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX) ||         (Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX-1) ||         (Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX+1))      {        if(world.area[world.currentAreaX][world.currentAreaY].Layer2Array[RelativeMouseTileY][RelativeMouseTileX].type != 0)        {          cursorNumber = 9;        }      }    }  }  // left mouse button is pressed  if(sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)  {  // allow mouse to influence slider directly  // might implement scoll wheel...  //    if(MouseY >= 91 &&       MouseY <= 292 &&       inventory_slider_activated == true)    {      inventory_position = (int)((MouseY-92)/(184/MAX_INV_ENTRIES));      if(inventory_position < 0){inventory_position=0;}      if(inventory_position > MAX_INV_ENTRIES){inventory_position=MAX_INV_ENTRIES;}    }    // moving the player    if((GameState == 1 || GameState == 9) && inventory_object_chosen == 0){movePlayerMultipleSteps();}  }  // left mouse button is released  // for some reason this requires one mouse click before is works  // (no real problem but strange)  if(sdlEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP &&     sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)  {    MouseReleased = true;    movement_counter_activated = false;    inventory_slider_activated = false;    PlayerMovementBlocked = false;  }  // inventory arrows...  if(MouseX >= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.x &&      MouseX <= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.x + ArrowScrollUPDstRect.w)  {    if(MouseY >= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.y &&        MouseY <= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.y + ArrowScrollUPDstRect.h &&       inventory_position>0) // arrow up    {      SDL_BlitSurface(GUISurface,&ArrowSrcRect[0][2],DisplaySurface,&ArrowScrollUPDstRect);    }    if(MouseY >= ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.y &&        MouseY <= ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.y + ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.h &&       inventory_position<MAX_INV_ENTRIES) // arrow down    {      SDL_BlitSurface(GUISurface,&ArrowSrcRect[2][2],DisplaySurface,&ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect);    }  }  // right mouse button down...  if(sdlEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN &&     sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)  {    inventory_object_chosen = 0;    if(GameState == 2){GameState = 1;} // quit map mode    if(GameState == 7){GameState = 1;} // quit beam mode  }          // stuff that is to be clicked on once  // clicking on things...  if(sdlEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN &&     sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT &&     MouseReleased == true)  {    MouseReleased = false;    // moving the player    //if((GameState == 1 || GameState == 9) && inventory_object_chosen == 0){movePlayerSingleStep();}        // inventory scroll arrows    if(MouseX >= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.x &&        MouseX <= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.x + ArrowScrollUPDstRect.w &&       MouseY >= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.y &&        MouseY <= ArrowScrollUPDstRect.y + ArrowScrollUPDstRect.h)    {      if(inventory_position>0){inventory_position--;}    }    if(MouseX >= ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.x &&        MouseX <= ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.x + ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.w &&       MouseY >= ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.y &&        MouseY <= ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.y + ArrowScrollDOWNDstRect.h)    {        if(inventory_position<MAX_INV_ENTRIES){inventory_position++;}    }    // map button    if(MouseX >= MapButtonDstRect.x &&        MouseX <= MapButtonDstRect.x + MapButtonDstRect.w &&       MouseY >= MapButtonDstRect.y &&        MouseY <= MapButtonDstRect.y + MapButtonDstRect.h &&       MapUsable == true)    {      if(GameState == 2){GameState = 1;}      else if(GameState != 2){GameState = 2;}    }        // activate inventory slider (so that it reacts to mouse movements)    if(MouseX >= InventorySliderDstRect.x &&        MouseX <= InventorySliderDstRect.x + InventorySliderDstRect.w &&       MouseY >= InventorySliderDstRect.y &&       MouseY <= InventorySliderDstRect.y + InventorySliderDstRect.h)    {      inventory_slider_activated = true;    }    // picking up objects    if(MouseTileX > 0 && MouseTileY > 0)    {      if((Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY-1 && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX) ||          (Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY+1 && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX) ||         (Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX-1) ||         (Player.currentTileY == RelativeMouseTileY && Player.currentTileX == RelativeMouseTileX+1))      {        if(world.area[world.currentAreaX][world.currentAreaY].Layer2Array[RelativeMouseTileY][RelativeMouseTileX].selected == false)        {          world.area[world.currentAreaX][world.currentAreaY].Layer2Array[RelativeMouseTileY][RelativeMouseTileX].selected = true;        }        else if(world.area[world.currentAreaX][world.currentAreaY].Layer2Array[RelativeMouseTileY][RelativeMouseTileX].selected == true)        {          add_to_inventory(world.area[world.currentAreaX][world.currentAreaY].Layer2Array[RelativeMouseTileY][RelativeMouseTileX].type,1);          world.area[world.currentAreaX][world.currentAreaY].Layer2Array[RelativeMouseTileY][RelativeMouseTileX].type = 0;        }      }    }    // beaming    if(!clicking_beam_map_forbidden && MouseTileX > 0 && MouseTileY > 0 && GameState == 7 && world.BeamArea[MouseTileY-1][MouseTileX-1]&& world.visitedArea[MouseTileY-1][MouseTileX-1])    {     GameState = 1;     world.currentAreaX = MouseTileX-1;     world.currentAreaY = MouseTileY-1;     //world.visitedArea[MouseTileY-1][MouseTileX-1] = true; // only needed when cheated :-)     Player.currentTileX = world.BeamTargetX[MouseTileY-1][MouseTileX-1];     Player.currentTileY = world.BeamTargetY[MouseTileY-1][MouseTileX-1];     PlayerMovementBlocked = true; // make sure the player doesn't move with this click    }        // taking something out of the inventory...    for(i = 1; i < 9; i++)    {      if(MouseX >= InventoryDstRect.x &&          MouseX <= InventoryDstRect.x + InventoryDstRect.w &&         MouseY >= InventoryDstRect.y &&         MouseY <= InventoryDstRect.y + InventoryDstRect.h &&         inventory_list[i+inventory_position] != 0)      {        inventory_object_chosen = inventory_list[i+inventory_position];      }    }    // click the speech bubble away    if(MouseX > SpeechBubbleX &&        MouseX < SpeechBubbleX + SpeechBubbleW &&        MouseY > SpeechBubbleY &&        MouseY < SpeechBubbleY + SpeechBubbleH &&        (GameState == 11 || GameState == 12))    {     if(GameState == 11){GameState = 1;}     if(GameState == 12){GameState = 9;}     PlayerMovementBlocked = true;    }      // activate a tile and switch it to another tile...  use_object();    /*    // dropping object again...    if(MouseX < InventoryDstRect[1].x ||        MouseX > InventoryDstRect[1].x + InventoryDstRect[1].w ||       MouseY < InventoryDstRect[1].y ||       MouseY > InventoryDstRect[8].y + InventoryDstRect[8].h)    {      inventory_object_chosen = 0;    }    */  }    // using weapon  if(sdlEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {Player.frame = 2;}  if(sdlEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP && sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {Player.frame = 0;}  if(MouseReleased == true){clicking_beam_map_forbidden = false;}}

I think that's all that might be somehow related to my problem.

Thanks a lot!!!

Quote:Original post by ScottC
You can find out if the mouse is in the window with SDL_GetAppState().
if (SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) std::cout << "The mouse is in the window";

this little solves the second problem! Thanks!!!

SDL_GetMouseState should solve your first problem too.
Quote:Original post by ScottC
SDL_GetMouseState should solve your first problem too.

:-) Yes, of course it does.


Firstly I do not see the sdl event queue, do you use it at all? have you disabled events which you are not catching?
In void MouseDetectionTab0() it does not take a parameter and I do not see where the sdlevent comes from that the function is using?

the following seems to be a problem, if there are no events grab input else??don't bother with it??
void getInput()
//void SDL_PumpEvents(void);
//check input method
SDL_GetMouseState(&MouseX, &MouseY);

OK after looking at the code again I see that getInput must use a global sdlEvent and therefore the other funcs do aswell.
In MouseDetectionTab0 you check if the button is pressed without knowing if the event is a button press(from what I see).
Quote: // left mouse button is pressed
if(sdlEvent.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)

If you think the problem is solved then fair enough.

[Edited by - dmail on September 18, 2006 3:29:04 PM]
Quote:If you think the problem is solved then fair enough.


yes, it works like a charm now. But thanks for reading through my code nevertheless.


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