Quick SQL question

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0 comments, last by Enigma 17 years, 7 months ago
I have two tables:

Table Employees:
    fkManager  //Recursive foreign key.  Points back to Employees.pkID

This is a fictionnal situation of the problem. Assume employeeName is unique and will never clash. Now, every columns are filled adequately, except fkManager. I want to take, in the temp table, the name of the employee, find his manager's pkID in the employee table and update the fkManager column adequately. For example:

Table Employees:
    1, NULL, Jim Jones
    2, NULL, John Doe 
    3, NULL, Jane Simmons
    4, NULL, Paul Smith
    Jim Jones, John Doe
    Jane Simmons, John Doe
    John Doe, Paul Smith

*** Insert magic query here.... ***

Table Employees:
    1, 2, Jim Jones
    2, 4, John Doe 
    3, 2, Jane Simmons
    4, NULL, Paul Smith
    Jim Jones, John Doe
    Jane Simmons, John Doe
    John Doe, Paul Smith

I'm running MSSQL Server if that can help.
I teleported home one night; With Ron and Sid and Meg; Ron stole Meggie's heart away; And I got Sydney's leg. <> I'm blogging, emo style
I think it should be something like:

UPDATE Employees INNER JOIN TempTable ON Employees.employeeName = TempTable.employeeName INNER JOIN Employees AS Managers ON TempTable.managerName = Managers.employeeName SET Employees.fkManager = Managers.pkID

I don't claim to be an expert in SQL though, certainly not from a point of view of efficiency or conciseness.


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