Play AVI's sound with OpenAL...

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1 comment, last by ShAdeVampirE 17 years, 7 months ago
I write an AVI player for my free game, and I choosed the OpenAL library for the sound. I heard, the windows' avi handle API's are great and easy enought, and it works fine in the video part, with OpenGL. Then I load the audio stream (AVIStreamOpenFromFile) and looks it's OK, every information what OpenAL require are correct (frequency, channel num, ...), but unfortunately when I try to play with alSourcePlay I hear nothing... Here's the playing part of the source, I hope someone can help me 'cause this problem make me mad... ALuint tmp_buffer, tmp_source; alGenBuffers(1, &tmp_buffer); alGenSources(1, &tmp_source); LONG buffer_size; AVIStreamRead(my_audio_stream, AVIStreamStart(my_audio_stream), AVISTREAMREAD_CONVENIENT, NULL, 0, &buffer_size, NULL); PBYTE tmp_format = new BYTE[buffer_size]; AVIStreamReadFormat(my_audio_stream, AVIStreamStart(my_audio_stream), tmp_format, &buffer_size); LPWAVEFORMATEX wave_format = (LPWAVEFORMATEX)tmp_format; LONG samples_num = AVIStreamLength(my_audio_stream); //Member int cout << "/// Samples num: " << samples_num << endl; // Definie Databuffers (size of one sample is 4) PBYTE m_lpAudioBuffer = new BYTE[samples_num * 4]; if(!m_lpAudioBuffer) ERRORMSG("FUCK!", "Error"); // Get the full stream for(int i=0; i < samples_num; i++) { // Auslesen der Audiodaten in den Datenpuffer if(AVIStreamRead(my_audio_stream, AVIStreamStart(my_audio_stream), AVISTREAMREAD_CONVENIENT, &m_lpAudioBuffer, buffer_size, NULL, NULL)) ERRORMSG("FUCK! during read", "Error"); } //tmp_buffer = alutCreateBufferHelloWorld (); alBufferData(tmp_buffer, AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, my_audio_stream, buffer_size*4, wave_format->nSamplesPerSec); //tmp_buffer = alutCreateBufferFromFileImage(my_audio_stream, buffer_size); alSourcei(tmp_source, AL_BUFFER, tmp_buffer); alSourcePlay(tmp_source); End everything ok, if I use the alutCreateBufferHelloWorld function, so the problem is not with the OpenAL part. And I can get the correct informations about the audio stream, so I think, it's correct as well...

So, have you studied that there is actually some data read from the AVI file, ie. that the buffer you read contains something ?
No I haven't. But could it be ok? (this code, what I quoted).

I read a lot (msdn), but the main problem ->
AVIStreamRead(...); "returns" what kind of buffer (data)? So it can be the full decoded data (if the size is correct), or it's only one chunk? And what type of data is this?

I saw in a code, and I copied for my ogg player the "trick", I use a std::vector<char> array for the data contain, and it makes easy get the buffer's size:
alBufferData(in_r_sound_data.my_buffer, format, &bufferData[0], static_cast<ALsizei> (bufferData.size()), freq);
So the best would be, if I could make this with AVI's sound as well...

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