Normal Map on a flat plane issue

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1 comment, last by BornToCode 17 years, 6 months ago
I have an a normal and height map. When i apply the normal map/height to a flat surface that is facing the camera the faces are extruded properly but the minute i pitch the surface or create the surface around the xz plane, the lighting get all mess up and the surface becomes totally flat. I try to move the light source and position it ontop of the plane but no luck, still looking the same.
are you doing your lighting calculations in tangent space? is your tangents space matrix correct? are your normals,tangents,bitangents correctly calculated?
Yes the lighting calculation are done in tangent space. I am using the D3DXCreateTANGENT From the D3DX library, so i assume it is correct. But that is ok, as i found a solution around it.

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