Error With Lesson 31 From NeHe

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12 comments, last by laura1316 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi All: I am having the following error. Before the code was not compiling and I got the following error: d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(126): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::read' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'byte *' to 'char *' with [ _Elem=char, _Traits=std::char_traits<char> ] So I converted pBuffer to (char *) pBuffer, I type casted. *)pBuffer, fileSize ); Then it compiled but now I am getting the following error when it runs. Lesson31.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point SetPixelFormat could not be located in the dynamic link library OpenGL32.DLL. If anyone has any insight please help me!


		Loads and renders a Milkshape3D model. 

	Author:	Brett Porter
	Copyright (C)2000, Brett Porter. All Rights Reserved.

	This file may be used only as long as this copyright notice remains intact.

#include <windows.h>		// Header File For Windows
#include <gl\gl.h>			// Header File For The OpenGL32 Library

#include "MilkshapeModel.h"

#include "fstream"




// byte-align structures
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#	pragma pack( push, packing )
#	pragma pack( 1 )
#	define PACK_STRUCT
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
#	define PACK_STRUCT	__attribute__((packed))
#	error you must byte-align these structures with the appropriate compiler directives

typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;

// File header
struct MS3DHeader
	char m_ID[10];
	int m_version;

// Vertex information
struct MS3DVertex
	byte m_flags;
	float m_vertex[3];
	char m_boneID;
	byte m_refCount;

// Triangle information
struct MS3DTriangle
	word m_flags;
	word m_vertexIndices[3];
	float m_vertexNormals[3][3];
	float m_s[3], m_t[3];
	byte m_smoothingGroup;
	byte m_groupIndex;

// Material information
struct MS3DMaterial
    char m_name[32];
    float m_ambient[4];
    float m_diffuse[4];
    float m_specular[4];
    float m_emissive[4];
    float m_shininess;	// 0.0f - 128.0f
    float m_transparency;	// 0.0f - 1.0f
    byte m_mode;	// 0, 1, 2 is unused now
    char m_texture[128];
    char m_alphamap[128];

//	Joint information
struct MS3DJoint
	byte m_flags;
	char m_name[32];
	char m_parentName[32];
	float m_rotation[3];
	float m_translation[3];
	word m_numRotationKeyframes;
	word m_numTranslationKeyframes;

// Keyframe data
struct MS3DKeyframe
	float m_time;
	float m_parameter[3];

// Default alignment
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#	pragma pack( pop, packing )


bool MilkshapeModel::loadModelData( const char *filename )
	std::ifstream inputFile( filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );
	if (
		return false;	// "Couldn't open the model file."

	inputFile.seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
	long fileSize = inputFile.tellg();
	inputFile.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );

	byte *pBuffer = new byte[fileSize]; *)pBuffer, fileSize );

	const byte *pPtr = pBuffer;
	MS3DHeader *pHeader = ( MS3DHeader* )pPtr;
	pPtr += sizeof( MS3DHeader );

	if ( strncmp( pHeader->m_ID, "MS3D000000", 10 ) != 0 )
		return false; // "Not a valid Milkshape3D model file."

	if ( pHeader->m_version < 3 || pHeader->m_version > 4 )
		return false; // "Unhandled file version. Only Milkshape3D Version 1.3 and 1.4 is supported." );

	int nVertices = *( word* )pPtr; 
	m_numVertices = nVertices;
	m_pVertices = new Vertex[nVertices];
	pPtr += sizeof( word );

	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < nVertices; i++ )
		MS3DVertex *pVertex = ( MS3DVertex* )pPtr;
		m_pVertices.m_boneID = pVertex->m_boneID;
		memcpy( m_pVertices.m_location, pVertex->m_vertex, sizeof( float )*3 );
		pPtr += sizeof( MS3DVertex );

	int nTriangles = *( word* )pPtr;
	m_numTriangles = nTriangles;
	m_pTriangles = new Triangle[nTriangles];
	pPtr += sizeof( word );

	for ( i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++ )
		MS3DTriangle *pTriangle = ( MS3DTriangle* )pPtr;
		int vertexIndices[3] = { pTriangle->m_vertexIndices[0], pTriangle->m_vertexIndices[1], pTriangle->m_vertexIndices[2] };
		float t[3] = { 1.0f-pTriangle->m_t[0], 1.0f-pTriangle->m_t[1], 1.0f-pTriangle->m_t[2] };
		memcpy( m_pTriangles.m_vertexNormals, pTriangle->m_vertexNormals, sizeof( float )*3*3 );
		memcpy( m_pTriangles.m_s, pTriangle->m_s, sizeof( float )*3 );
		memcpy( m_pTriangles.m_t, t, sizeof( float )*3 );
		memcpy( m_pTriangles.m_vertexIndices, vertexIndices, sizeof( int )*3 );
		pPtr += sizeof( MS3DTriangle );

	int nGroups = *( word* )pPtr;
	m_numMeshes = nGroups;
	m_pMeshes = new Mesh[nGroups];
	pPtr += sizeof( word );
	for ( i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
		pPtr += sizeof( byte );	// flags
		pPtr += 32;				// name

		word nTriangles = *( word* )pPtr;
		pPtr += sizeof( word );
		int *pTriangleIndices = new int[nTriangles];
		for ( int j = 0; j < nTriangles; j++ )
			pTriangleIndices[j] = *( word* )pPtr;
			pPtr += sizeof( word );

		char materialIndex = *( char* )pPtr;
		pPtr += sizeof( char );
		m_pMeshes.m_materialIndex = materialIndex;
		m_pMeshes.m_numTriangles = nTriangles;
		m_pMeshes.m_pTriangleIndices = pTriangleIndices;

	int nMaterials = *( word* )pPtr;
	m_numMaterials = nMaterials;
	m_pMaterials = new Material[nMaterials];
	pPtr += sizeof( word );
	for ( i = 0; i < nMaterials; i++ )
		MS3DMaterial *pMaterial = ( MS3DMaterial* )pPtr;
		memcpy( m_pMaterials.m_ambient, pMaterial->m_ambient, sizeof( float )*4 );
		memcpy( m_pMaterials.m_diffuse, pMaterial->m_diffuse, sizeof( float )*4 );
		memcpy( m_pMaterials.m_specular, pMaterial->m_specular, sizeof( float )*4 );
		memcpy( m_pMaterials.m_emissive, pMaterial->m_emissive, sizeof( float )*4 );
		m_pMaterials.m_shininess = pMaterial->m_shininess;
		m_pMaterials.m_pTextureFilename = new char[strlen( pMaterial->m_texture )+1];
		strcpy( m_pMaterials.m_pTextureFilename, pMaterial->m_texture );
		pPtr += sizeof( MS3DMaterial );


	delete[] pBuffer;

	return true;

Your code compiled ---and ran--- unmodified for .net2003, which compiler are you using?
I am using the built in compiler from Visual 2003. What do I need to change from Lesson 31 in order for it to work with Visual Studio.
Hi yes I am using the built in compiler with Visual 2003. Do I need to make any other changes? How can I get it to work? I just took the lesson 31 from the NEHe website, downloaded the one for the Visual and then tried to run it, and have been unsuccessful, please help!
I actually used the first link for lesson 31.

Upgraded the vc6 proj to .net solution.
copy your source.
compile, ran, it worked.

Sorry I didn't go into it further but thats what I did and it worked, possibly a bug in the .net version. good luck.
How do I do this: Upgraded the vc6 proj to .net solution? Please help, thanks!
real simple, .net does it for you. open the .dsw file.

Ok so I did that, and I get the following error. Did you have apstring.cpp and apstring.h? If so how did you get it?

c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\fstream.h(220): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'apstring.cpp': No such file or directory
The original code calls for fstream.h - vc6 style.
Your code you posted doesn't, it uses fstream - no .h extension. Did you copy the source you posted and try that?
Ok so now I am getting the following errors:

d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(117): error C2079: 'inputFile' uses undefined class 'std::basic_ifstream<_Elem,_Traits>'
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(117): error C2078: too many initializers
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(118): error C2228: left of '.fail' must have class/struct/union type
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(121): error C2228: left of '.seekg' must have class/struct/union type
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(122): error C2228: left of '.tellg' must have class/struct/union type
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(123): error C2228: left of '.seekg' must have class/struct/union type
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(126): error C2228: left of '.read' must have class/struct/union type
d:\Profiles\r65136\Desktop\lesson31\MilkshapeModel.cpp(127): error C2228: left of '.close' must have class/struct/union type

Any ideas?

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