Help understanding Object Oriented Game Design Article?

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2 comments, last by darkelf2k5 17 years, 6 months ago
I read the article at:, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around some of the ideas presented. I'm not sure how some of the concepts presented would be implimented in C++. In figure 6-A it gave the following psudo-code for a main loop:
  foreach Entity E in LogicalSpace
The problem is not all Entities have Form. Only the Renderable objects would have Form. In another part of the article it mentioned querying Entities to see if they have certain Actions, States, etc., I'm not sure how this would effectively be done. Would this be done with something like boost::ptr_map mapping search queries to pointers to the Actions and States being queried for? How might the Actions and States be implimented, so that other entities can make use of them? Can somebody maybe give a small source-code example explaining how Entities, Actions, Forms, States, and Spaces could all work together in a game? It seems complex, and I'm not sure how they would all interact with eachother.
"foreach Entity E in LogicalSpace"
That means you don't have to step through all the Entities, put the renderable ones into one space and use that.

"how this would effectively be done"
Something like Entity::HasState( const State& ); could be used. There are a lot of ways to make the check fast. Desctiptive States (with static data) can only exist once and Entities could hold references to it. It is easy to compare those.

The rest is explained in the article imo. It is not a trivial topic thou.
Every time you implement a singleton, God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens!
You can take ations list from Enity to the external list.
e.g. you have a EntityManager which keep 2 lists of actions
active - actions for execute in this game loop
possible - actions waiting for use
In such situation entity register its actions as possible and if it's needed move its to the active list, and in the game loop you do: foreach active.

Such system is similar to listeners systems.

PS. RenderSelf also can be action ;)
Actually, this Renderable suff might be the only weak spot in the article. Objects rendering themselves is not a good idea usually. Have some render data at another place and use actions to modify it. Then let a separate renderer draw all the vaild objects for the current frame.
Every time you implement a singleton, God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens!

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