Need help finding a resource. Help appreciated

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3 comments, last by ChopperDave 17 years, 6 months ago
Hey everyone! I have been using engines to make games for the past 5 years, and its time for me to get into game programming. I know C++ and Java, but I just cant find any GOOD tutorials on directX or 2d programming. All the Direct X tuts I find, just blurt out random code, and they dont tell you where they are supposed to go. I am wondering if anyone would be kind enough to point me in the direction of some good tutorials on Direct X programming, or any kind of 2D programming. I appreciate all of your efforts. Thank you.
You might want to go ahead and check out this book. It is a great introduction to DirectX. Though it doesn't say a whole lot about 2D programming, it's still a good start.
Yeah, that's the problem with tutorials. I go for books 9 times out of 10. They're usually $40-50 well spent.
I have bought that book, and another, and I cant seem to understand it, it just gives me random code snippets, I dont see where the actual code is.
You're right, they are code snippets. That is because all the author is trying to do is give you the pieces you need to get an app running. It's your job to put them together.

The code is used mostly to explain individual concepts about DirectX. He tells you in text (not code) the steps you need to take to create a simple app. You need to read the concepts carefully, follow the code that accompanies them (independent of an app...keep your scope focused to that snippet), and then put the app together yourself.

I know the book works because it's how I learned DirectX. Just don't give up on it. Sometimes I had to read a section multiple times and still revisit it later to understand it.

It may help to read a book on graphics theory before tackling DirectX and understand the math behind it.

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