3DS MAX ASE file info problems

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8 comments, last by aperry 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi all, I am trying to import a model from 3ds max into my Opengl application. I've found that the most popular way to do it is to export the mesh to an ASE file. I used the vertices from the *MESH_VERTEX_LIST section and u,v coordinates from *MESH_TVERTLIST section. I know that when importing into Opengl, the Y,Z coordinates are flipped and the Z is inverted, but will that affect the U,V coordinates? I can get texture onto the model but its all in the wrong places. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Adam Perry
what kind of problems are you experiencing with the UV coordinates? have you tried applying a UVW modifier to your objects?
For the uvw coords, you need to invert the v coordinate:
u = u
v = (-v)
If the vertex coordinates are read as f1,f2,f3 they will need to be changed like so:
v1=(-f1), v2=f3, v3=(-f2)
The face data needs face b and c swapped:
f_a = a
f_b = c
f_c = b

I think that's right. Try it out - it should work. ;)
I import ASE ok; I just negate the Z vertex coord and the V texcoord.
Don't do any face reorganisation though... :?
if you invert the v coordinate, won't it give you a negative value? i thought that Opengl read bitmaps in from the bottom-left corner--the bottom left corner having a u,v value of (0,0) and the top-right corner having a value of (1,1)? Wouldn't a negative value for u or v put the coordinate out of the bitmap? And what's the deal with the faces? Why are there more texture faces than there are vertex faces? Also the index values for the texture face list is different from the index values on the vertex list. Why the difference?
OpenGL and Direct3D both read the V coordinate from the first byte you send to the API when you specify the texture. The difference is in what texture format you're using (or what loader you're using). When loading a BMP or TGA, you typically get the bottom byte first; when loading a PNG or JPG, you typically get the top byte first.

Meanwhile, I think 3dsMax defines V as always bottom-first, no matter what the loader is. Thus, if you're using PNG or JPG, or an image loaded that gives you top-first even for TGA or BMP, you will have to negate the V component. If you are using texture coordinate clamping, you have to additionally add 1.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Quote:..Don't do any face reorganisation..

Oh yeah, I was using D3D, and I came up with that combo by trial and error - so that it would be exactly the same in model space as it was in 3d studio.
Hey buddy,

I used ASE for a while and heres some tips i came across:

if youd like try setting: tv = 1 - tv
this will fix your little prob of having negative tex coords (which actually should not cause a prob anyways)

You should consider switching and using a different format. Although ASE is simple, its a text file specifically for 3DSMAX to read and not optmized for quick rendering that would be preferable in a game environment. Another thing that is annoying is the ASE file uses the indices to declare where each UV coord is being used....in other words, imagine you create a simple cube in a 3D editor, an ASE file may export 1 vertex for one of the corners, which may seem optimum at first glance, but this actually makes loading somewhat tedious, considering there may be up to 3 vertices in that EXACT location because each side of the cube would have different UV coords......:(

just some things to think about....good luck anyways

Oh yeah, I was going to mention that there may be more texture indices than vertex indices, because the vertices are being shared, but some of the vertices are using unique uv coordinates per face (even though they might actually be using the same uv coord). One thing you can do is have your program optimize the file and resave it any time a new file is created - or better yet - resaved in an optimized non-loop loadable chunk with optimization for shared uv data. I actually do this with the RTX format, which is an extended version of ASE. You can use it to include skinmesh, fog, and so on as well.
As long as your game data isn't too complex/extensive though, ASE seems fine.
Thanks guys for all the help! I finally got it to work last night at 2:30 am (or this morning..depending on who you are) Anyway, thanks again!

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