VK_ Constants?

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2 comments, last by irreversible 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I am quite new to windows programming. I was tring to use the keyboard imput events: for exaple if the "Escape key" is pressed the program quits. the VK_ Constant is VK_ESCAPE. The problem is that my complier does not recognise the letter constants like VK_A or VK_B. I tried lowercases (VK_a, Vk_b) but it didn't work. the other contants, like VK_INSERT or VK_DELETE, work fine. Does anybody know why the letter constants don't work?? Thanks in Advance, Merlino.
It's because you can use the actual characters, i.e.

case 'A':  // do something with the A key.  break;

They didn't waste time writing VK_A through VK_Z because of that.

(Edit) Always remember to use the capitalized character in this case!
Ok, Thanks man!
Characters, numbers and punctuation (including special characters) aren't virtual.

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