Inheritance Problems

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4 comments, last by evilsanta 17 years, 6 months ago
Alright, so im messing around with some stuff in C++, and I have a question reguarding vectors etc. etc.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class object{
            //cout << "object created \n";
        void update(){
            cout << "OBJECT!!!" << "\n";
        void setCost(int newCost){}
vector<object> objectVector;
vector<object>::iterator objectIterator;

class fruit: public object{ //EXTENDS OBJECT
    float fruitCost;
        fruit(){ //Constructor
            //cout << "fruit created \n";
        fruit(float newFruitCost){ //Overload Constructor, uses this if param met
            fruitCost = newFruitCost;
            cout << "fruit created OVERLOAD\n";
        void setCost(float newFruitCost){
            fruitCost = newFruitCost;
        float getCost(){
            return fruitCost;
        void update(){
            cout << fruitCost << "\n";
int main(){
    objectVector.push_back(fruit(0)); //create a null one that isnt counted
    float input;
    while (1){
        cout << ":";
        cin >> input;
        if (input == 0){ //ITERATE
            for (objectIterator = objectVector.begin()+1;
                objectIterator != objectVector.end();
                objectIterator++) {
                    objectIterator -> update();
        }else{ //CREATE A NEW FRUIT
            objectIterator = objectVector.end()-1;
            objectIterator -> setCost(y);
    return 0;

Now in the above code, if you enter the input 1, 2, and 3 then 0 you get 3 OBJECT!!! lines, now what I want is to hold all my objects in one vector, as if the following vector<object> objectVector; vector<object>::iterator objectIterator; is changed to vector<fruit> objectVector; vector<fruit>::iterator objectIterator; Then it works how I want it to, it outputs the cost, but declaring a vector etc. etc. for each class I might have in a game just seems redundant... is what I want even possible? Is there a better way to code the above? Thanks!
Ummm. I think that you have a "shadowing" problem. You need to make you functions in your parent class "virtual" so that they do not *shadow* fruits functions.
Thanks for the reply, but when I add virtual to my object member function update, it still does the same thing...

But I did some research on virtual more, am I correct in saying that its b/c my pointer isnt pointing at "fruit"? Ive been trying to implement pointers to the iterating, but so far I havent had much luck. :(
Ok Im actually relatively new to C++ so this definition may not be exactly correct - and someone PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IT ISN'T!!!.
This is what i think is happening:

You have a vector of objects. Each position in your vector is only allocated enough memory for a single "object" object(lol). But a "fruit" object is larger than an "object" object because it is a subclass. So when you try to add a "fruit" object into your vector, it is getting sliced back to the size of an "object" object. Thus all your objects in your vector are actually of type "object".

Pointers are all the same size. So create a vector<object *> instead. Now you will have to go "push_back(new fruit(x))" when adding items to your vector. So now you are just adding a pointer to a new "fruit" object, which is the same size as a pointer to an "object" object.

update() still needs to be virtual

Hope that helps.
One other thing:

1)Because you have a vector of pointers, you will need to dereference your iterator and then do the indirection operator thing(i dont know what its called) to access your update() function on your object:


Excellent, that fixed it thanks much!

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