GUI Issues

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1 comment, last by 17 years, 5 months ago
I'm having trouble with my GUI. I'm trying to make it so when I click a button different controls show up. But the controls from the last options are wiped off the GUI (hence if the button is pushed, for example AimF, the AimF controls are to be displayed, but any other controls are turned to false, wiping them off). However, I'm having the issue that if I click a button the controls don't show. And I don't know what happened, it used to be that if I clicked a button, the old controls wouldn't be wipped off at all. And the new controls would just overlap it and make it look reallllyyy bad. Can someone please help me with this?! Here is the code I'm trying to use:

static TCHAR Text[256];
static TCHAR Label1[256];
static TCHAR Label2[256];
static TCHAR Label3[256];
static TCHAR Label4[256];

bool WeaponF = false;
bool AimbotF = false;
bool RadarF = false;
bool RadarFV = false;
bool VisualsF = false;
bool MiscF = false;

POINT pCursor;

void DrawMenu (UCanvas* Canvas, float PosX, float PosY)
	static bool bPressed = 0;
	//PosX = 300; PosY = 300;
	GetCursorPos ( &pCursor );

			if ( ( (pCursor.x >= PosX + 10) && (pCursor.x < ((PosX + 10) + 70)) && //(pCursor.x <= PosX + 79) && (pCursor.x > (PosX + 79)) &&
						(pCursor.y >= PosY + 10) && (pCursor.y < (PosY + 10) ) ) && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) && bMouse ) ) 
				WeaponF = true;
				AimF = false;
				RadarF = false;
				RadarFV = false;
				VisualsF = false;
				MiscF = false;
			if ( ( (pCursor.x >= PosX + 80) && (pCursor.x < ((PosX + 80) + 70)) && //(pCursor.x <= PosX + 149) && (pCursor.x > (PosX + 149) ) && 
						(pCursor.y >= PosY + 10) && (pCursor.y < (PosY + 10)) && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) && bMouse ) ) ) 

				WeaponF = false;
				AimF = true;
				RadarF = false;
				RadarFV = false;
				VisualsF = false;
				MiscF = false;
			if ( (pCursor.x >= PosX + 150) && (pCursor.x < ((PosX + 150) + 70)) && //(pCursor.x <= PosX + 219) && (pCursor.x > (PosX + 219) && 
						(pCursor.y >= PosY + 10) && (pCursor.y < (PosY + 10)) && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) && bMouse ) )
				WeaponF = false;
				AimF = false;
				RadarF = false;
				RadarFV = true;
				VisualsF = false;
				MiscF = false;
			if ( (pCursor.x >= PosX + 220) && (pCursor.x < ((PosX + 220) + 70)) && //(pCursor.x <= PosX + 289) && (pCursor.x > (PosX + 289) && 
						(pCursor.y >= PosY + 10) && (pCursor.y < (PosY + 10)) && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) && bMouse ) )
				WeaponF = false;
				AimF = false;
				RadarF = true;
				RadarFV = false;
				VisualsF = false;
				MiscF = false;
			if ( (pCursor.x >= PosX + 290) && (pCursor.x < ((PosX + 290) + 70)) && //(pCursor.x <= PosX + 359) && (pCursor.x > (PosX + 359)) && 
						(pCursor.y >= PosY + 10) && (pCursor.y < (PosY + 10)) && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) && bMouse ) )
				WeaponF = false;
				AimF = false;
				RadarF = false;
				RadarFV = false;
				VisualsF = true;
				MiscF = false;
			if ( (pCursor.x >= PosX + 360) && (pCursor.x < ((PosX + 360) + 70)) && //(pCursor.x <= PosX + 429) && (pCursor.x > (PosX + 429) && 
					(pCursor.y >= PosY + 10) && (pCursor.y < (PosY + 10)) && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) && bMouse ) )
				WeaponF = false;
				AimF = false;
				RadarF = false;
				RadarFV = false;
				VisualsF = false;
				MiscF = true;

	if(Canvas != NULL && Controller != NULL)
		DrawGUI(Canvas, PosX, PosY, 440, 380,TEXT("T2x Hack"),false,FColor(255,255,255,255));
		AddButton(Canvas, PosX + 10, PosY + 10, 70, 15, WeaponF, TEXT("   Weapon"), ColorBlack);
		AddButton(Canvas, PosX + 80, PosY + 10, 70, 15, AimF, TEXT("   Aim"), ColorBlack);
		AddButton(Canvas, PosX + 150, PosY + 10, 70, 15, RadarFV, TEXT("  3D Radar"), ColorBlack);
		AddButton(Canvas, PosX + 220, PosY + 10, 70, 15, RadarF, TEXT("  2D Radar"), ColorBlack);
		AddButton(Canvas, PosX + 290, PosY + 10, 70, 15, VisualsF, TEXT("  Visuals"), ColorBlack);
		AddButton(Canvas, PosX + 360, PosY + 10, 70, 15, MiscF, TEXT("    Misc"), ColorBlack);
		if ( WeaponF )
			appSprintf(Text, TEXT(" Weapon"));
			appSprintf(Label1, TEXT("Weapon Accuracy"));
			appSprintf(Label2, TEXT("Firing Mods"));
			appSprintf(Label3, TEXT("Sight Mods"));
			appSprintf(Label4, TEXT("Misc"));
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 25, PosY + 30, Text, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 50, Label1, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 60, 130);
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 130, Label2, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 140, 130);
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 200, Label3, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 210, 130);
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 270, PosY + 50, Label4, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 260, PosY + 60, 130);
			//Weapon Accuracy
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 80, bPerfectAccuracy, TEXT("Perfect Accuracy"));
			//Firing Mods
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 170, bNoMuzzleFlash, TEXT("No Muzzle Flash"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 150, bWeaponFireAnyState, TEXT("Weapon Fire In Any State"));
			//Sight Mods
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 260, bSuperZoom, TEXT("Super Zoom"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 240, bCanUse3DSights, TEXT("Can Use 3D Sights"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 220, bNoZoomAnimation, TEXT("No Zoom Animation"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 270, PosY + 140, bNoWeaponWeight, TEXT("No Weapon Weight"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 270, PosY + 120, bWeaponCanSupport, TEXT("Weapon Can Support"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 270, PosY + 100, bNoReloadAnimation, TEXT("No Reload Animation"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 270, PosY + 80, bNoLimitations, TEXT("No Limitations"));
		if ( AimF )
			appSprintf(Text, TEXT(" Aim"));
			appSprintf(Label1, TEXT("Aim Options"));
			appSprintf(Label2, TEXT("Firing"));
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 25, PosY + 30, Text, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 50, Label1, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 60, 130);
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 130, Label2, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 140, 130);
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 70, bAutoAim, TEXT("Auto Aim"));
		if ( RadarFV )
			appSprintf(Text, TEXT("3D Radar"));
			appSprintf(Label1, TEXT("ESP's"));
			appSprintf(Label2, TEXT("Extra"));
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 25, PosY + 30, Text, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 50, Label1, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 60, 130);
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 230, Label2, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 240, 130);
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 70, bPlayerNameESP, TEXT("Player Name"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 90, bPlayerDistance, TEXT("Player Distance"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 110, bWeaponNameESP, TEXT("Weapon Name"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 130, bPlayerHealthESP, TEXT("Player Health"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 150, bBleedHealthESP, TEXT("Bleed Health"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 170, bPlayerStatesESP, TEXT("Player States"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 270, bWeaponFireAnyState, TEXT("Weapon Fire In Any State"));
		if ( RadarF )
			appSprintf(Text, TEXT("2D Radar"));
			appSprintf(Label1, TEXT("Showings"));
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 25, PosY + 30, Text, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 40, PosY + 50, Label1, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawHorizLines(Canvas, PosX + 30, PosY + 60, 130);
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 70, bEnemyOnRadar, TEXT("Show Enemy On Radar"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 90, bAlliesOnRadar, TEXT("Show Allies On Radar"));
		if ( VisualsF )
			appSprintf(Text, TEXT("Visuals"));
			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 25, PosY + 30, Text, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 80, bClearVision, TEXT("Clear Vision"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 100, bNoFlash, TEXT("No Flash"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 120, bWallHack, TEXT("Wall Hack"));
		if ( MiscF )
			appSprintf(Text, TEXT("  Misc"));

			Canvas->pCanvasUtil->DrawString( PosX + 25, PosY + 30, Text, BoxFont, ColorBlack );
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 80, bPerfectAccuracy, TEXT("Fast ROF"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 100, bNoMuzzleFlash, TEXT("Normal ROF"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 120, bWeaponFireAnyState, TEXT("Auto Reload"));
			DrawCheckBox(Canvas, PosX + 40, PosY + 140, bWeaponFireAnyState, TEXT("No Weapon Jams"));
		if( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_HOME ) &1 )
			bMouse = !bMouse;
		if ( bMouse )
			ConsoleCommand(Controller, TEXT("Setsensitivity 0"));
			DrawCursor(Canvas, pCursor.x, pCursor.y);
		else if ( !bMouse )
			ConsoleCommand(Controller, TEXT("Setsensitivity 3"));
		if ( bMouse && bDrag && ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RBUTTON ) ) )
			PosX = pCursor.x;
			PosY = pCursor.y;

[Edited by - Xore on October 22, 2006 10:59:52 PM]
This also might help you all.

void DrawCheckBox (UCanvas* Canvas, int PosX, int PosY, bool &bOption, const TCHAR* Text)void AddButton( UCanvas* Canvas, int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, bool bFace, FString Text, FColor Color )

But yeah, I can't get the button clicking to work anymore :-(
Classes are your FRIEND.

Wrap everything up into one class per control and a parent class that draws everything. I promise you, it will be INCREDIBLY helpful. Trying to create a GUI without a class hierarchy is like trying to go fishing without a fishing rod - it can be done, but why bother when you can do it more easily?

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