GL Library Permission Denied (Fedora)

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1 comment, last by ze moo 17 years, 5 months ago
I just got a copy of Fedora set up and wanted to start working on some code with it. I brought over my SDL/OpenGL code from my Mac, wrote up a small makefile, and compiled the app. A few warnings (but no errors) later I had my outputted program. However, when I run this program I get this:
[nick@localhost Spyscroller]$ ./Spyscroller 
./Spyscroller: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
Any ideas? I did just install the ATi Drivers for my X800. Prior to doing that, the app ran fine but couldn't initialize SDL and/or OpenGL. I'm guessing OpenGL is my problem. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.
Red Hat has a bunch of proprietary stuff that fudges around with DSO relocations in an effort to prevent exploitations due to buffer overflows. That's obviously the cause of this error, what the solution is is not clear to me (I don't know Red Hat or it's cracker cousin, Fedora).

You might need to make sure you've gotten your OpenGL runtime ( from an appropriate Fedora versioned distribution repository. I don't think you can just mix-and-match.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

looks like a SeLinux conflict, so you basically got 2 options:

1) disable SeLinux altogether:
run 'setenforce 0' before X starts or disable it with with 'selinux=0' in your bootloader

2) change the security context with the 'chcon -t ' command on & co
(check the infopages, maybe ati got some info on this too)

sorry for the vague option 2) (i don't have a selinux enabled kernel running, so it's just a guess)


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