C++ Pointers To Arrays In Functions

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13 comments, last by Zahlman 17 years, 5 months ago
First of all sorry if this is a question that could be googled but I've read multiple articles and some did cover some parts of what I inteded to do but none covered all of them together :S I would like to pass a pointer to a 3-dimensional booleaan array into a function and then be able to acces the array through that pointer. The array declaration is like this; bool Array[9][9][9] Somehow Visual c++ 2003 keeps giving me errors that the variable types arent correct. I would appreciate all help, Thanks in advance... Quinnie
void foo(bool*** bar);or void foo(bool bar[][][]);

to use
int main(....{ bool arr[9][9][9];foo(arr);....
Thanks, I'll try that right away...

Edit: It doesnt seem to work, I'll post my script and erros...

Sudoku Solver.cpp(16) : error C2664: 'LoadSudoku' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'bool [9][9][9]' to 'bool *** '

int _tmain(){bool SUD[9][9][9];	LoadSudoku( SUD );}int LoadSudoku( bool*** Sudoku ){}

So something seems to be wrong... (I'm rewriting my sudoku solver from qbasic into c++ for the people wondering about all the Sudoku stuff :P)
class SudokuBoard {  bool board[9][9][9];public:  friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, SudokuBoard & loaded) {    // load the board  }  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, SudokuBoard & displayed const) {    // display the solved board  }  bool Solve() {    // solve the board  }}

First of all Thank You for the alternative solution... though I'm not a big fan of using classes and stuff... Though if there is no other solution to this problem I'll guess I should get used to it :P

But I would prefer a solution that would pass the pointer using a function above using classes to do it...

Thanks for all of the help...
Quote:Original post by Quinnie
Thanks, I'll try that right away...

Edit: It doesnt seem to work, I'll post my script and erros...

Sudoku Solver.cpp(16) : error C2664: 'LoadSudoku' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'bool [9][9][9]' to 'bool *** '

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

So something seems to be wrong... (I'm rewriting my sudoku solver from qbasic into c++ for the people wondering about all the Sudoku stuff :P)

Sorry about.
hmmm the following will work for your sitation
void foo(bool bar[9][9][9]);

If nobody posts the answer I will repost here.

If you don't want to use stl::vector, then there are two (main) ways accept multi-dimensional arrays as function arguments, and the method to choose depends on how the array was allocated. Option 2 may seem much more complicated, but it has the advantage of the rows/cols/depth being dynamic.

// Option 1:void func1(bool array[][9][9]){  // array properties:  //   num rows: can be any length  //   num cols: must be 9 elements  //   num deep: must be 9 elements}void usage(){  bool array[9][9][9];  func1(array);}

// Option 2:void func1(bool ***array){  // array properties:  //   num rows: can be any length  //   num cols: can be any length  //   num deep: can be any length}void usage(){  const int NUM_ROWS = 9;  const int NUM_COLS = 9;  const int NUM_DEEP = 9;  // allocate dynamic 3D array  bool ***array = new bool**[NUM_ROWS];  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++)  {    array = new bool*[NUM_COLS];    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLS; j++)    {      array[j] = new bool[NUM_DEEP];    }  }  func1(array);  // free 3D array  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++)  {    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLS; j++)    {      delete [] array[j];    }    delete [] array;  }  delete [] array;}
<a href="http://www.slimcalcs.com>www.slimcalcs.com
Thanks a lot for all your guys help...

I think I'll stick to the first method also mentioned by the AP since I wont be needing dynamic size of the array.

Again thanks to you all...
void function(bool (&array)[9][9][9]){} (pass by reference to bool[9][9][9]) if you want to enforce all three array dimensions.

Quote:Original post by Enigma
void function(bool (&array)[9][9][9]){} (pass by reference to bool[9][9][9]) if you want to enforce all three array dimensions.


Arrays are passed by reference by default. For example, 'array' in the following code is passed by reference.
void func(bool array[9][9][9]){ } 

EDIT: Enigma, I think I misunderstood your quote. I believe you were emphasizing the enforcement of dimensions instead of passing by reference.
<a href="http://www.slimcalcs.com>www.slimcalcs.com

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