Calculating Pi in C#

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18 comments, last by Mercury 17 years, 4 months ago
Quote:Original post by Demosthenes
Why not Math.PI? :D
Because they want arbitrary precision
Math.PI is a double. What if I want to print out 1 million digits of pi?

Using atan isn't going to help anyone (as already pointed out) because now you're going to need another routine to calculate atan of a number up to an arbitrary precision.
Quote:Because they want arbitrary precision
Math.PI is a double. What if I want to print out 1 million digits of pi?

Using atan isn't going to help anyone (as already pointed out) because now you're going to need another routine to calculate atan of a number up to an arbitrary precision.

It was a joke following Eelco's post, hence the smiley next to my original post. Oh, nevermind.
By the way, anyone know a formula for calculating e?

Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk – Programmer, game designer, writer | twitter

Dave math pages
Quote:Original post by coldacid
By the way, anyone know a formula for calculating e?

I just use the general power series for e^x and simplify it to the case when x=1 which gives you the sum from n = 0 to infinity 1/n!. I unroll the loop based on how precise I want the approximation for optimization. It's the simplest way, and it converges quickly anyway.
Quote:Original post by Eelco
Quote:Original post by Beer Hunter
Quote:Original post by Programmer One
pi / 4 = 4 * tan-1(1 / 5) - tan-1(1 / 239)
Anything wrong with pi = 4 * tan-1(1)?
well yeah, it seems to me that if you want to write a software program to approximate an infinite series, any use of hardware implemented trig functions (which are also based on series approximation) kindof defeats the point.
I know, I was just pointing out that it appears preferable to that other formula.
Mathworld on pi formulas, or for the faster stuff: pi iterations. For example:
x = sqrt(2);y = sqrt(x);pi = 2 + sqrt(2);while (not enough):    sx = sqrt(x)    x2 = (sx + 1/sx)) / 2;    y2 = (y * sx + 1/sx) / (y + 1)    x = x2;    y = y2    pi = pi * (x + 1) / (y + 1)

This method probably converges too fast to benchmark (unless you have arbitrary precission numbers of course).

Or you could try:
while (having fun):   pi = pi + sin(pi)
some pi code i found in python (prints an infinite number of pi digits)

import sysdef main():    k, a, b, a1, b1 = 2L, 4L, 1L, 12L, 4L    while 1:        # Next approximation        p, q, k = k*k, 2L*k+1L, k+1L        a, b, a1, b1 = a1, b1, p*a+q*a1, p*b+q*b1        # Print common digits        d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1        while d == d1:            output(d)            a, a1 = 10L*(a%b), 10L*(a1%b1)            d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1def output(d):    # Use write() to avoid spaces between the digits    # Use str() to avoid the 'L'    sys.stdout.write(str(d))    # Flush so the output is seen immediately    sys.stdout.flush()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()
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The fastest digit extraction algorithm for pi that I know of is an improvement of the BBP algorithm by Fabrice Bellard.
Quote:Original post by avidlinuxuser
Quote:Original post by coldacid
By the way, anyone know a formula for calculating e?

I just use the general power series for e^x and simplify it to the case when x=1 which gives you the sum from n = 0 to infinity 1/n!. I unroll the loop based on how precise I want the approximation for optimization. It's the simplest way, and it converges quickly anyway.

Another way to do it without using series' is to just evaluate it as a limit.

e = lim x->infinity (1+ 1/x)^x

So, as x gets larger, the whole thing gets closer to e. For x=999999999, e is approximately 2.7182818270999043210175031107634.

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