December DirectX on Downloads

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10 comments, last by jogshy 17 years, 4 months ago
Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
Really noob question here, am I right in assuming if I use dx10 only in my engine that it will not run, or run very badly, on dx9 hw.

It will not run at all (on user systems).
The Refrast is part of the SDK and normally your users would not have it installed. For development purpose you can use it. But it is slow like hell. Seconds per Frame and not frames per second.
At the moment a D3D10 engine will cut your user base to zero as there is still no D3D10 driver available. This will hopefully change soon but even then not many people will have the right hardware and the right operating system.
huh.... I'm trying to compile a supernoob ps1.1 like:

.... blah blah boring VS ...float4 g_vBillboardColor;texture g_BaseTex;					sampler BaseTexSampler = sampler_state{    Texture = <g_BaseTex>;        MinFilter = LINEAR;    MagFilter = LINEAR;    MipFilter = LINEAR;        AddressU = clamp;    AddressV = clamp;};float4 billboardPS( float2 inUV : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR{	return tex2D ( BaseTexSampler, inUV ) * g_vBillboardColor;}technique Billboard{        pass P0	{		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;				FillMode = Solid;				CullMode = None;				AlphaTestEnable = true;		AlphaFunc = GreaterEqual;		AlphaRef = 127;				AlphaBlendEnable = false;		        VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 billboardVS();        PixelShader  = compile ps_1_1 billboardPS();			}}

and the new FXC10 shader compiler with /LD /T fx_2_0 commands gives me a nice undescribed error(somthing like "Can't compile shader in line(60)" in the "compile ps_1_1" line... but but I ***USE*** the /LD! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

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