TV3D vs Ogre?

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2 comments, last by Calefaction 17 years, 4 months ago
Hello, my friend and I are making an action game, and I don't know which game engine to choose. For one thing, we have learned to use Ogre3D with C++ in class, but TV3D seems more DirectX-ish, please correct me if I'm wrong, but Ogre seems kind of script-like sometimes. We have knowledge of DirectX, OpenGL, and C++. Anyone that has used both can help us decide? Thanks!!
Anyone that has used both can help us decide? Thanks!!

That all depends on the specifications of your game. Anyone helping you based on the given information, an "action game", is just stating his personal preference, not which engine best suits your project.
For one thing, we have learned to use Ogre3D with C++ in class, but TV3D seems more DirectX-ish, please correct me if I'm wrong, but Ogre seems kind of script-like sometimes.

You lost me there. What exactly do you mean by DirectX-ish and what do you mean by script-like? Are you saying that Ogre3D has more layers of abstraction? Ogre3D is an API-indepedent engine, it's not supposed to be DirectX-ish.
Best regards, Omid
Ogre is cross-platform, open-source and it supports both OpenGL and DirectX.

TV3D is DirectX only, it is not open-source and if your copy is not registered you have to show their logo during the game.

Ogre supports only graphics, TV3D supports also the audio.

If you are not interested in open source or cross-platform issues (in that case choose Ogre) you should download the demos and, most important, read some tutorials or navigate in their forums to see which is better for you.

In general, using a Game Engine, you dont need to know OpenGL or DirectX because the engine itself provides a high level of abstraction (for example Ogre let the user change the renderer at runtime). On the contrary you have to know very well Cpp (Ogre in particular is written in pure Cpp).
That's kind of a loaded question, and a subjective one at that.

OGRE is a pure rendering engine, pure and simple. It has no game related fluff of any puts pretty pictures on the screen, and it does it well. It also has one of the best material systems around for advanced effects, so all that cool stuff you see the latest engines doing, you can do with OGRE if you know how to make it do its thing.

I really know nothing about TV3D, but the fact that it's DX only, not cross-platform and you need to register it makes me go "no" right off the bat.

I would say OGRE, but I would temper that with this: OGRE is for advanced users. You need to understand C++ well, and you need to understand the math behind graphics development. Understanding of the basics of a scene graph would help as well. If you have those things, OGRE is an amazing engine to base your game around (it's the engine I use). Note that I said "base your game around", you will still be writing your own game engine. Input, sound, world management, simulation, you have to write all of that. You can also use other off the shelf libraries and mix & match (for instance, I am using SDL for raw input and OpenAL for sound).
Matt Holmes[ aka Calefaction ]Wildfire Games - General Programmer

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