Devil sdl texture mapping wrong

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8 comments, last by gabdab 17 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I have this problem texturing with Devil Image library and opengl where textures on 3d models looks wrong. I guess it is the common pitfall of sdl having its own format or | what else.. Anyone helping ? Gab.
********************************Learning japanese by playing a game is cool ..emultilang
I haven't noticed any problems with devil/sdl/openg gl works like a a charm for me. What does "looks wrong" mean? It could be your texture coordinates, can you describe more or show a image?
this is , one next to the other the 2 mesh .
The left one using Devil , the right one using a texture loader from the web(correct) .
As I mentioned I am using a sdl viewer.
I read here that texture coordinate starts from the bottom left in sdl while from up left in opengl , ok , but that doesn't explain much .
How do I turn image coordinates at the source ( texture load)?

********************************Learning japanese by playing a game is cool ..emultilang
Look into iluFlipImage (to manually flip your image) or ilOriginFunc (to have devil flip it on load).
Ok, thanks.
This is the first time I get to texture handling.
********************************Learning japanese by playing a game is cool ..emultilang
Not working,
I set this in my initgl ():
FileName = "blackman.png"; // Set filename equal to the first argument.

// Check if the shared lib's version matches the executable's version.

// Needed to initialize DevIL.
ilInit ();

// GL cannot use palettes anyway, so convert early.
ilEnable (IL_CONV_PAL);


// Gets rid of dithering on some nVidia-based cards.
ilutEnable (ILUT_OPENGL_CONV);

// Generate the main image name to use.
ilGenImages (1, &ImgId);


// Bind this image name.
ilBindImage (ImgId);

// Loads the image specified by File into the ImgId image.
if (!ilLoadImage (FileName)) {
HandleDevILErrors ();

// Lets ILUT know to use its OpenGL functions.
ilutRenderer (ILUT_OPENGL);

// Goes through all steps of sending the image to OpenGL.
TexID = ilutGLBindTexImage();

// We're done with our image, so we go ahead and delete it.
ilDeleteImages(1, &ImgId);

********************************Learning japanese by playing a game is cool ..emultilang
I have substituted Devil with Freeimage untill I get to know Devil better.
This is the function I am using to load texture.

#include "FreeImage.h"

//GLuint g_textureID = -1;

GLuint g_textureID = 0;

void loadTexture(void)



// NEW! - This function has been completely

// rewritten to use FreeImage.


//const char textName[64] = "blackman.tga";
const char textName[64] = "blackman.png";

// Get the image file type from FreeImage.

FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fifmt = FreeImage_GetFileType(textName, 0);

// Actually load the image file.

FIBITMAP *dib = FreeImage_Load(fifmt, textName,0);

// Now, there is no guarantee that the image file

// loaded will be GL_RGB, so we force FreeImage to

// convert the image to GL_RGB.

dib = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(dib);

if( dib != NULL )


glGenTextures( 1, &g_textureID );

glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_textureID );



// This is important to note, FreeImage loads textures in

// BGR format. Now we could just use the GL_BGR extension

// But, we will simply swap the B and R components ourselves.

// Firstly, allocate the new bit data doe the image.

BYTE *bits = new BYTE[FreeImage_GetWidth(dib) * FreeImage_GetHeight(dib) * 3];

// get a pointer to FreeImage's data.

BYTE *pixels = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(dib);

// Iterate through the pixels, copying the data

// from 'pixels' to 'bits' except in RGB format.

for(int pix=0; pix<FreeImage_GetWidth(dib) * FreeImage_GetHeight(dib); pix++)






// The new 'glTexImage2D' function, the prime difference

// being that it gets the width, height and pixel information

// from 'bits', which is the RGB pixel data..

glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, FreeImage_GetWidth(dib), FreeImage_GetHeight(dib), 0,


// Unload the image.

// and free the bit data.


delete bits;


********************************Learning japanese by playing a game is cool ..emultilang
One question, why does it matter what format SDL uses?
When you load a texture into OpenGL, SDL has nothing to do with it. I had a similar problem when loading two kinds of textures. i.e. JPG and PNG. For me a same image in .png and .jpg appeared different with .jpg images appearing inverted. But that just because my engine uses a UV co-ordinate system similar to OpenGL.

Yes it can get confusing, so this is how I solved the problem. I loaded the images in an external image editor application and then adjusted the iluFlipImage() so that textures were aligned correctly all the time. I check this for all popular formats like tga, png, jpg, .. bla bla bla.

I put a break-point in the debugger to check the origin of the image to see how things were getting aligned.

For OpenGL
ILinfo ImageInfo;iluGetImageInfo(&ImageInfo);  //<-- break-point here to check!// OpenGL requires an Image that is aligned to lower left.// Not all formats store images in this way (e.g. JPEG).if(ImageInfo.Origin == IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT) {   iluFlipImage();}

The engine can render using direct3d also which has a different UV co-ordinate system. Did a similar thing for that too. Now it works for all images and all formats.

For DirectX
ILinfo ImageInfo;iluGetImageInfo(&ImageInfo);  //<-- break-point here to check!// Direct3D requires an Image that is aligned to upper left.// Not all formats store images in this way.if(ImageInfo.Origin == IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT) {  iluFlipImage();}

Hope that helps.

[EDIT:] Sorry wrong comments in code. Made changes.

[Edited by - _neutrin0_ on February 2, 2007 7:53:00 AM]
++ My::Game ++
Quote:Original post by gabdab
// GL cannot use palettes anyway, so convert early.
ilEnable (IL_CONV_PAL);

This is really just FYI, since I guess it won't be around for much longer, but OpenGL has support for color indexing as well as true color.
Thx guys ,
( comments in code were from who ever wrote it, I am lexically short in english).

I tried using iluFlipImage(); with no success.
Maybe I was calling it in a wrong routine.

Anyway thanks,
********************************Learning japanese by playing a game is cool ..emultilang

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