map editor for FPS (QuArK or Radiant?)

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2 comments, last by yckx 17 years, 1 month ago
english: we want to create an egoshooter and are looking for good map editor. we haven't decided for a engine yet, but it shouldn't use a big static model (.3ds), but a "real" map format (.map, .bsp), because most engines are able to read them. i have much experience in Valve Hammer Editor (WorldCraft) but i often heard that better/more professional editors exist. the most common ones seem to be QuArK and Radiant. my question is: which other map editors are there besides Hammer which are able to export to a generic map format and which pros and cons do they have? Radiant seems to exist in 3 different versions: QERadiant, Q3Radiant and GtkRadiant. where are the differences? for QuArK there is also a 3DDevelopmentPack, containing Lazarus, GLScene, QuArK und OpenBSP. what do i need this tools for creating maps? what are the common mapping sites for those applications? thanks! deutsch: wir wollen demnächst einen eigenen egoshooter machen und suchen einen guten leveleditor dafür. welche engine verwendet wird ist noch offen, es soll aber kein riesiges statisches model (.3ds) als level verwendet werden, sondern ein "richtiges" mapformat (.map, .bsp), da das die die meisten engines lesen können. ich habe viel erfahrung im Valve Hammer Editor (WorldCraft), hab aber schon öfters gehört, dass es bessere/professionellere leveleditoren gibt. die verbreitesten dürften QuArk und Radiant sein. meine frage: welche leveleditoren gibt es neben Hammer die ein allgemeines mapformat exportieren können und was sind die vor- und nachteile gegebenüber Hammer? bei Radiant scheint es außerdem 3 verschiedene versionen zu geben: QERadiant, Q3Radiant und GtkRadiant. worin liegt der unterschied? für QuArK gibt es außerdem noch ein 3DDevelopmentPack, bestehend aus Lazarus, GLScene, QuArK und OpenBSP. wofür brauche ich die zusätzlichen tools zum erstellen eines levels? was sind die standard mapping seiten für diese programme, also das äquivalent zu danke!
bump (sorry)
After using QuAkK, Radient and WorldCraft, (and Thread, and Quoole, and some obscure ones I can't remember) I think QuAkK is *much* better. Better interface, better commands/tools, easier to organise and with a nice 3d preview.

However this was several years ago, and I think you'd have better luck nowadays finding a good artist and using whatever 'proper' 3d modeler tools that they're familiar with. Brush-based modelers like QuArK/Radient/WorldCraft don't really work as well with todays poly counts.
There’s also Deled. I can’t tell you if it’s any good or not. Just throwing it out there because it wasn’t mentioned.

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