map not a type?

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7 comments, last by jflanglois 17 years, 1 month ago
I've recently changed some of the code in my space simulator game to include a map at the top left corner. Although now when i try to compile it tells me "map is not a type", when it clearly is. heres my code: main.cpp
[source lang="cpp]
/* Spax is a 2d space simulator
#include <allegro.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <math.h>
//------------gloabl vars---------
#include "global.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "spaceship.h"
#include "map.h"

//--------------main Func--------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    //start allegro
    //make a map for the default soloar system
    map konz;
    for (int i = 0; i <=20; i++) {
        konz.stuff.set("planet.bmp", rand()%100000, rand()%100000, 0, "thing");
    } = load_bitmap("world.bmp", NULL);
    spaceship player(1, SHIP_CARGO_SMALL, 100, 100, 3, 0);
    world universe(konz, player);
    while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
          clear_to_color(buffer, makecol(0, 0, 0));

    return 0;


struct star {
       float x;
       float y;

//a seperate object that can be in a map------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class object {
              object() {
                       exist = false;
                       image = NULL;
              ~object() {}
              //x, y and z in world coords (not pixels)
              float x;
              float y;
              float z;
              char *name;
              bool exist;
              //file string so you can reload
              char *file;
              //init funcs
              bool set(char *filename, float _x, float _y, float _z, char *_name);

               //pointer to image
               BITMAP *image;

bool object::set(char *filename, float _x, float _y, float _z, char *_name) {
     //set all the members
     x = _x;
     y = _y;
     z = _z;
     //name so you can search for it in the world
     name = _name;
     file = filename;
     //load bitmap
     if (!(image = load_bitmap(filename, NULL))) {
                return false;
     exist = true;
     return true;

//--------------------------------------------------Map Structure-----------------------------------------------------------------
struct map {             
           BITMAP *bg;
           int bgx;
           int bgy;
           star randomstars[MAX_STARS];
           object stuff[MAX_WORLD_OBJECTS];

//--------------------------------------------------World Class-------------------------------------------------------------------
class world {
             world(map _place, spaceship _player);
             //drawing functions
             bool drawWorld();
             int getXPixelCoords(float _zoom, float _x);
             int getYPixelCoords(float _zoom, float _y);
             //move player
             bool movePlayer();
              //private funcs
              bool withinBoundaryOfPlayer(int _objectnumber);
              bool drawHud();
              bool drawStars();
              bool doStars();
              bool drawMap();
              map stuff;
              spaceship player;

world::world(map _place, spaceship _player) {
              //make copy of map
              stuff = _place;
              //make copy of player
              player = _player;

world::~world() {}

bool world::drawWorld() {
     int x = 0;
     int y = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_WORLD_OBJECTS; i++) {
         if (withinBoundaryOfPlayer(i) == true) {
            x = getXPixelCoords(ZOOM, stuff.stuff.x);
            y = getYPixelCoords(ZOOM, stuff.stuff.y);
            if (x < SCREENW + 1000 && x > -1000 && y < SCREENH + 1000 && y > -1000) {
                                        draw_sprite(buffer, stuff.stuff.image, x, y);
     rotate_sprite(buffer, player.image, SCREENW / 2, SCREENH / 2, DEGREES(player.rot));
     //draw Hud
     draw_sprite(screen, buffer, 0, 0);

bool world::drawHud() {
     //convert player stuff to char *
     char fuel[100];
     itoa((int)player.fuel, fuel, 10);
     strcat(fuel, " - FUEL");
     char xpos[100];
     itoa((int)player.x, xpos, 10);
     strcat(xpos, " - X");
     char ypos[100];
     itoa((int)player.y, ypos, 10);
     strcat(ypos, " - Y");
     textout_ex(buffer, font, fuel, 10, 10, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1);
     textout_ex(buffer, font, xpos, 10, 30, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1);
     textout_ex(buffer, font, ypos, 10, 40, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1);
     return true;

bool world::drawStars() {
     static bool start = true;
     if (start == true) {
        start = false;
     //now draw the stars
     for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_STARS; i++) {
         circlefill(buffer, getXPixelCoords(ZOOM, stuff.randomstars.x), getYPixelCoords(ZOOM, stuff.randomstars.y), 2, makecol(255, 255, 255));
     return true;    

bool world::doStars() {
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_STARS; i++) {
        if (rand()%2 == 0) {
           stuff.randomstars.x = player.x + rand()%100000;
        } else {
          stuff.randomstars.x = player.x - rand()%100000;
        if (rand()%2 == 0) {
           stuff.randomstars.y = player.y + rand()%100000;
        } else {
          stuff.randomstars.y = player.y - rand()%100000;
    return true;

bool world::drawMap() {
     int x;
     int y;
     for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_WORLD_OBJECTS; i++) {
         x = getXPixelCoords(ZOOM / 10, stuff.stuff.x);
         y = getYPixelCoords(ZOOM / 10, stuff.stuff.y);
         //draw to map bitmap
         circlefill(map, x, y, 1, makecol(255, 0, 0));
     draw_sprite(buffer, map, SCREENW - 200, 10);
     return true;

//=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Collision and stuff=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
bool world::withinBoundaryOfPlayer(int _objectnumber) {
     if (stuff.stuff[_objectnumber].exist == false || stuff.stuff[_objectnumber].image == NULL) {
                              //it doesn't exist
                              return false;
     } else {

        return true;

int world::getXPixelCoords(float _zoom, float _x) {
     return (int)(player.x + (x * _zoom));

int world::getYPixelCoords(float _zoom, float _y) {
     return (int)(player.y + (y * _zoom));

//-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-keyboard input=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-
bool world::movePlayer() {
     if (key[KEY_UP] && player.speed < player.maxspeed) {
                      player.speed += player.accel;
                      player.oldrot = player.rot;
                      player.fuel -= (player.weight / 100) * player.speed;
     if (key[KEY_DOWN] && player.speed > -player.maxspeed) {
                        player.speed -= player.accel;
                        player.oldrot = player.rot;
     if (key[KEY_RIGHT]) {
                         player.rot += player.rotspeed;
     if (key[KEY_LEFT]) {
                        player.rot -= player.rotspeed;
     if (player.speed > 0) {
                      player.speed -= player.weight / 50;
     } else if (player.speed < 0) {
                             player.speed += player.weight / 50;
     player.y += player.speed * cos(player.oldrot / 180 * M_PI);
     player.x -= player.speed * sin(player.oldrot / 180 * M_PI);

I don't see how changing a few functions in a completly different class can make map not appear as a type..
Post the minimum amount of code that reproduces the error.
If that is not possible, at least post the entire error message.

I recommend not using the name map, as the standard library already defines a std::map. The standard library is in the std namespace but I find it nicer to use throw using namespace std around and never use standard names for my own stuff.
all the error messages are basically because map isn't a type...but it is:
struct map {                        BITMAP *bg;           int bgx;           int bgy;                      star randomstars[MAX_STARS];                      object stuff[MAX_WORLD_OBJECTS];};

Again, please post the actual error message(s), and possibly the lines of code they reference.
that was it! it works. I must have included a standard library header with that std::map in it. Thanks!
Quote:Original post by Glak
I recommend not using the name map, as the standard library already defines a std::map. The standard library is in the std namespace but I find it nicer to use throw using namespace std around and never use standard names for my own stuff.

You should look into the using declaration in more detail, and its scoping rules. Namespaces weren't introduced into C++ so that you could bypass them and complain about name clashes.
It's a bit harsh to suggest the guy was 'bypassing' them and 'complaining'. Namespaces are reasonably esoteric and it's quite likely that many people could read an entire C+ book or take weeks of classes and never see anything except "using namespace std;".
Quote:Original post by Kylotan
It's a bit harsh to suggest the guy was 'bypassing' them and 'complaining'. Namespaces are reasonably esoteric and it's quite likely that many people could read an entire C+ book or take weeks of classes and never see anything except "using namespace std;".

You're right. It was a bit harsh. (edit: although I think Glak knows perfectly well what he is doing with the std namespace.)

I don't think that namespaces being (debatably) esoteric is a good reason to condone their misuse, though.

To Glak and other interested souls: take a look at the section on namespaces from The C++ Standard Library Part 1. I recommend reading the other parts too, by the way.


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