Simple task... that drives me crazy (SDL_ttf)

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10 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 17 years, 1 month ago
I've just finished a tetris game, just one litle thing left; showing the current score for the player. I try to do this with:
sprintf(score_str, "Score: %ld", score);
text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, score_str, (SDL_Color) {255, 255, 255});

text_surface gets the vale NULL! What am I doing wrong? When I print score_str with printf() everything looks like it should. Thanks in advance.
Use TTF_GetError() to tell you why.
Quote:Original post by rip-off
Use TTF_GetError() to tell you why.

OK. Then I get "SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface". And what does that mean. :S
Quote:Original post by Adam4444
Quote:Original post by rip-off
Use TTF_GetError() to tell you why.

OK. Then I get "SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface". And what does that mean. :S

SDL_BlitSurface is actually 2 functions inside SDL, UpperBlit and LowerBlit. AFAIK, lower blit does the raw transfer and upper blit performs checks on two surfaces and the rectangles to blit to/from. So SDL_UpperBlit was performing these checks and failed because one of the surfaces was NULL.

However, inspecting the SDL_ttf source code I can't find any calls to SDL_BlitSurface, SDL_UpperBlit or SDL_LowerBlit. This means that the error is coming from your own code.

Try the following, if you haven't already:

0) check the return value of TTF_Init(), printing TTF_GetError() if its below zero
1) check the font pointer returned by TTF_OpenFont(), and print TTF_GetError() if NULL
2) put some checks just before calling SDL_BlitSurface(), somewhere in your code you are blitting a NULL surface...
Hmm... It seams like TTF_RenderText_Solid() doesn't like spaces, because when I changed the sprintf() call to sprintf(score_str, "Score:%ld", score); it worked! I just removed the space and it work. That's weird. :P
Quote:Original post by Adam4444
Hmm... It seams like TTF_RenderText_Solid() doesn't like spaces, because when I changed the sprintf() call to sprintf(score_str, "Score:%ld", score); it worked! I just removed the space and it work. That's weird. :P

I use SDL_ttf with spaces in the strings... its odd that it doesn't work.
Why do I have a feeling 'score_str' doesn't have enough memory allocated, and ends up overrunning something?
Quote:Original post by Replicon
Why do I have a feeling 'score_str' doesn't have enough memory allocated, and ends up overrunning something?

Yepp, of course there wasn't enough space. :P Silly error of me. Anyways, thanks for your time.

EDIT: I don't think so after all...

Here's the whole code for the function:
void draw_sidebar(void){    int i, j;    SDL_Surface *text_surface;    SDL_Rect src_rect, dest_rect;    SDL_Color text_color;    char score_buf[20];        SDL_FillRect(display_surface, &(SDL_Rect) {WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE, 0, SIDEBAR_WIDTH, SIDEBAR_HEIGHT}, SDL_MapRGB(display_surface->format, 0, 0, 0));        text_color.r = text_color.g = text_color.b = 255;    /* Show the next figure. */    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {            if (next_figure.pattern[j] != NOTHING) {                src_rect.x = src_rect.y = 0;                src_rect.w = src_rect.h = BLOCK_SIZE;                dest_rect.x = (j * BLOCK_SIZE) + (WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE);                dest_rect.y = (i * BLOCK_SIZE) + 20;                dest_rect.w = dest_rect.h = BLOCK_SIZE;                SDL_BlitSurface(blocks[next_figure.pattern[j]], &src_rect, display_surface, &dest_rect);            }        }    }        /* Generate the text "Next:" over the next figure. */    text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, "Next:", text_color);    src_rect.x = src_rect.y = 0;    src_rect.w = dest_rect.w = text_surface->w;    src_rect.h = dest_rect.h = text_surface->h;    dest_rect.x = WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE + 8;    dest_rect.y = 2;    SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, &src_rect, display_surface, &dest_rect);        /* View the score, level, and rows deleted. */    sprintf(score_buf, "Score: %lu", score);    text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, score_buf, text_color);    src_rect.x = src_rect.y = 0;    src_rect.w = dest_rect.w = text_surface->w;    src_rect.h = dest_rect.h = text_surface->h;    dest_rect.y = 120;    SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, &src_rect, display_surface, &dest_rect);            /* Draw the separation line, which seperate the sidebar from the game. */    boxRGBA(display_surface, (WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE), 0, (WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE) + 2, HEIGHT * BLOCK_SIZE, 200, 200, 200, 255);    SDL_UpdateRect(display_surface, 0, 0, 0, 0);    SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface);}
Put score_buf 128 characters instead of 20, not the ~100 extra bytes that will kill your requiered specs and you will be safe if the player has a very high score...
- Iliak -
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This sounds like a problem I was having for quite a long time. It turns out that there was a bug in freetype for a while that caused sdl_ttf to fail rendering strings with spaces. If this works when you remove the space then that's probably what you're running into.

The Gentoo bug regarding this problem is here:

It covers the details pretty well, and I assume this affected other platforms the same too.

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