C# Question.

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1 comment, last by Rick D 17 years, 1 month ago
I am an early level C# programmer in school. I am just starting this last week in GUI and we have to make a averaging program. Everything but one part is working fine, and this one thing is something that I have had trouble with before but was never a real issue as I didn't need to run things the way I am now. I have to pass a variables value from the form to my class. The following is my code.
Quote: Form1 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace LetterGrade { public partial class Form1 : Form { Class1 averageObject = new Class1(); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); }//Closes Form 1 Method. private void btnScore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tempVal = "",errorFlag = ""; int score = 0; try { tempVal = txtScore.Text; score = int.Parse(tempVal); errorFlag = "noError"; txtScore.Clear(); }//Closes the try. catch (System.FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Error! You have entered an invalid interger!"); errorFlag = "error"; }//Closes the catch. if (errorFlag == "error") { txtName.Clear(); txtName.Focus(); }//Closes the if. if (score < 0 || score > 100) { MessageBox.Show("Error! You must enter an interger from 0 through 100!"); errorFlag = "error"; }//Closes the if. if (errorFlag == "noError") { MessageBox.Show("Score entered " + score, "Grade Average"); averageObject.TotalScoreMethod(); averageObject.CounterMethod(); }//Closes the if. }//Closes the btnScore_Click method. private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Exit(); }//Closes the btnExit_Click method. private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScore.Clear(); txtName.Clear(); txtId.Clear(); txtOutput.Clear(); }//Closes the btnClear_Click method. private void btnOutput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = "", id = "",data = ""; name = txtName.Text; id = txtId.Text; MessageBox.Show("name " + name + "\nid " + id + "\naverage " + averageObject.AverageMethod() + "\nletter grade " + averageObject.LetterGradeMethod()); data = "name " + name + "\r\nid " + id + "\r\naverage " + averageObject.AverageMethod() + "\r\nletter grade " + averageObject.LetterGradeMethod(); txtOutput.Text = data; }//Closes the btnOutput_Click method. }//Closes the class. }//Closes the namespace.
Quote: Class1 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace LetterGrade { class Class1 { private string letterGrade; private int totalScore; private int counter; private int average; public void CounterMethod() { counter = counter + 1; }//Closes the counter method. public void TotalScoreMethod() { totalScore = totalScore + score; }//Closes the totalscore method. public int AverageMethod() { average = totalScore / counter; return average; }//Closes the average method. public string LetterGradeMethod() { if (average >= 90) { letterGrade = "A"; }//Closes the if. else if (average >= 80) { letterGrade = "B"; }//Closes the if. else if (average >= 70) { letterGrade = "C"; }//Closes the if. else if (average < 70) { letterGrade = "F"; }//Closes the if. return letterGrade; }//Closes the lettergrade method. }//closes the class. }//Closes the namespace.
I need to get the value of score in the form to pass on to the average method I have in class 1. Appreciate any help as I am still new to this :)
I mean pass it to my total score method not average method.
Never mind I got help on another website...

If anyone else ever has a question like this the answer is you do it like this:

In the btnScore_Clk I have averageObject.TotalScoreMethod(); Need to make it averageObject.TotalScoreMethod(score);

And in the class I have a method TotalScoreMethod(). Need to be TotalScoreMethod(int score).

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