Atmospheric Scattering halo Problem

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5 comments, last by DashR 16 years, 11 months ago
I have been working on implementing Atmospheric Scattering based on the ATI paper "Rendering Outdoor Light Scattering in Real Time". I've been having problems with this crazy halo effect: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Has anybody had the same problem? Took help from: Link1 Link2 Link3 HLSL Source:


    OUT.pos = mul(half4(pos, 1.0f), matWorldViewProj );
    // Scattering
    // Calculate View Direction
    half4 worldPos = mul( half4(pos, 1.0f), matWorld);
    half3 ViewDir = normalize(;
    // Calculate Angle btw sun direction and view direction
    half CosTheta = dot(ViewDir, vecLightDir);
    // RayLeigh Phase Function
    // fAir(theta) = (3/16PI)(1 + cos^2(theta))  ?(3/16PI)? 
    half Phase1 = (CosTheta*CosTheta) + 1.0f;
    // Calculate Distance
    half Distance = (mul( half4(pos, 1.0f), matWorldView).z);
    // Extinction
    half4 Extinction = exp(Beta1PlusBeta2 * Distance * 1.4426950f);
    half4 TotalExtinction = Extinction * TerrainReflectance;
    // Henyey-Greenstein Phase Function
    // fHG(theta) = (1 - g^2) / (4PI(1 + g^2 - 2g*cos(theta))^(3/2)
    // fHG(theta) = (1 - g^2) / ((1 + g - 2g*cos(theta))^(3/2))
    // theta is 180 - actual theta (this corrects for sign)
    // Passed constants gConstants(1-g^2, 1+g, 2g)
    half Phase2 = gConstants.x / pow((gConstants.y + gConstants.z * CosTheta), 1.5f);
    // Inscattering
    // (I) = (Beta'_1 * Phase1(theta) * Beta'_2 * Phase2(theta)) * [1-exp(-Beta_1*s).exp(Beta_2*s)] / (Beta_1 + Beta_2)
    half4 Inscattering = ((Beta1 * Phase1) + (Beta2 * Phase2)) * ((1.0f - Extinction) * (1 /Beta1PlusBeta2));
    // Apply Inscattering contribution factors
    Inscattering *= InscatteringContribution;
    // Scale with Sun color and intensity
    Inscattering.rgb *= SunColorIntensity.rgb;
    Inscattering *= SunColorIntensity.a;
    TotalExtinction.rgb *= SunColorIntensity.rgb;
    TotalExtinction *= SunColorIntensity.a;
    //OUT.Ext = Extinction;
    OUT.Ext = TotalExtinction;
    OUT.Insctr = Inscattering;    
    return OUT;


Try calculating the inscattering using the formulas directly from the paper.

	float betaRay = (3.0 / (16.0 * pi)) * bRay * (1.0 + cost*cost);	float betaMie = (1.0 / (4.0 * pi)) * bMie * ((pow(1.0 - g, 2.0)) / pow(1.0 + g*g - 2.0*g*cost, 3.0 / 2.0));		float3 inscattering = ((betaRay + betaMie) / (bRay + bMie)) * Esun * (1.0 - extinction);

where bRay is your beta1 and bMie is your beta2.

Good Luck
I think the only difference between those equations and the equations i'm using is the partial sphere coefficients (or whatever you call em': (3.0 / (16.0 * pi)) & (1.0 / (4.0 * pi)) ) Right?
I'm using a Mie Scattering Multiplier and a Rayleigh Scattering Multiplier. This should take care of that I think.

When I adjust g (the eccentricity parameter of the Henyey-Greenstein phase function) the halo ring gets bigger and smaller. Does this mean my phase function is messed-up?
Quote:Original post by MattL
I think the only difference between those equations and the equations i'm using is the partial sphere coefficients (or whatever you call em': (3.0 / (16.0 * pi)) & (1.0 / (4.0 * pi)) ) Right?

Possibly, I'm not sure how they were derived with out doing the math. But it looks like your phase2 constants may be incorrect?

half Phase2 = 1-g^2 / pow((1+g + 2g * CosTheta), 1.5f);

try your original one

half Phase2 = (1-g)^2 / 4*pi*pow((1+g^2 - 2g * CosTheta), 1.5f);

also check if your distance is correct, and make sure you have negated Beta1PlusBeta2 (edit: for the negative in the extinction calc)

[Edited by - DashR on May 3, 2007 1:45:11 AM]
So it was that the Beta1PlusBeta2 wasn't negated! Thanks DashR. But I think I have problems with some of the other settings. Anyone know of any general calibrations for different scales? Should scale matter?
Yeah Boy!

Thanks for the help!!!
Looks mint :)

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