Anti Aliasing points isn't working??

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1 comment, last by Langecrew 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi all. Hey, I was under the impression that, if I want GL_POINTS to render smoothly instead of rendering as little boxes, all I had to do was: glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); draw my points; glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); right??? if that is the correct way to smooth out points, can anyone think of a reason why it wouldn't work? I'm using Delphi to program OpenGL, and my PointSize is set to 3.5 if that helps at all. If you want me to post my code, just take the pseudo-code I have above and replace "draw my points;" with a call to "glVertex3f();" and you'll have the code I'm working with. This is weirding me out too, I got it to work in a different project a couple months ago on the same machine with the same IDE. Do I have to enable something else along the line too that I'm just forgetting? Thanks, have a great day, -Langecrew-
You also have to enable blending.

Also, I think there may be issues with point and/or line antialiasing working incorrectly (or not at all) given certain hardware/driver/platform combinations, but I can't really offer anything more specific than that (except to say that I've run into some problems with antialiasing in OS X, using a GeForce2).
Ahh.........TOTALLY forgot about blending.

Thank you very much!!

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