Polling for other Computers on a LAN in Java

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12 comments, last by PhlashStudios 16 years, 11 months ago
Could anyone post some code that exemplifies this? I'm not sure how to find the broadcast address in Java.
<a href="http://eyeredux.com/campaigns/1/redirect">Hello!</a>
Here is a similar program I have used before (client version). The server was written in C++, but all it did was create a UDP socket (java DatagramSocket) and every time someone sent it a packet (java DatagramPacket )it just got the address of the sender and echoed "Server name = whatever" back at them.

Here is the client source (includes a stupid GUI, written hastily, don't blame me [smile] )

import java.io.IOException;import java.net.InetAddress;import java.net.*;import java.net.UnknownHostException;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class ServerQuery{	private static final int QUERY_PORT = 1234;//13457;	InetAddress address = null;	DatagramSocket socket = null;	//DatagramPacket packet;	JTextArea messageArea;		ServerQuery()	{                //DatagramPacket packet;		JFrame frame = new JFrame("ServerQuery");		messageArea = new JTextArea("Servers:\n");		messageArea.setSize(300,300);		messageArea.setEditable( false );		frame.setSize(300,300);		Container pane = frame.getContentPane();		pane.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );		pane.add( new JScrollPane(messageArea), BorderLayout.CENTER );				JButton button = new JButton("refresh");		button.addActionListener( 			new ActionListener()				{ 					public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )					{ 						refresh();					}				}			);		pane.add( button, BorderLayout.SOUTH );		frame.setVisible( true );		frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);				try		{			//address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip);			socket = new DatagramSocket();			socket.setBroadcast( true );			refresh();		}		catch( SecurityException e )		{			print( e.toString() );		}		catch( IOException e )		{			print( e.toString() );		}	}		public static void main( String[] args )	{		ServerQuery query = new ServerQuery();		query.run();	}		public void print( String msg )	{		messageArea.setText( messageArea.getText() + '\n' + msg );	}		private void refresh()	{		messageArea.setText("Servers:\n");		try		{			byte []ip = new byte[4];			for( int i = 0 ; i < 4; ++i )			{				ip = (byte)255;			}                        address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip);			String meaningless = "hi server how are you??? im grand thanks just tell us your ip, no?";			meaningless += '\0';			DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket( meaningless.getBytes(), meaningless.length() );			packet.setPort( QUERY_PORT );			packet.setAddress( address );			socket.send( packet );		}		catch( UnknownHostException e )		{			print( e.toString() );		}		catch( SecurityException e )		{			print( e.toString() );		}		catch( IOException e )		{			print( e.toString() );		}	}		public void run()	{		while(true)		{			try			{				byte [] bytes = new byte[1024];                                DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(bytes,bytes.length);				socket.receive( packet );								int indexOfNul = 0;				while( bytes[indexOfNul] != 0 )				{					indexOfNul++;				}				print( new String( packet.getData(),0,indexOfNul ) );				print( "Server at address : " + packet.getAddress().toString() );			}			catch( IOException e )			{				print( e.toString() );			}		}	}}

Here is a simple echo server I wrote for some reason ( I think it was to test UDP through a firewall or some stupid reason ). Note the port is different.

import java.net.*;class Echo{	private static final int SIZE = 1024;	public static void main( String [] args )	{		System.out.println("UDP echo server running...");		try		{			byte [] data = new byte[SIZE];			DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(data,SIZE);			DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(1234);//24567);			while(true)			{				try				{					socket.receive( packet );					String string = new String( packet.getData(),0 , packet.getLength()  );					System.out.println( java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString() + ": Echoing message from " + packet.getAddress().toString() + ':' + packet.getPort() + " " + string );					packet.setAddress( packet.getAddress() );					socket.send( packet );				}				catch( Exception e )				{					System.out.println(e);				}			}		}		catch( Exception e )		{			System.out.println(e);		}	}}

You can try that (it may need a tiny but of work, this was old, throw away code).

As for your question as to how to get the broadcast address, this is the way I seem to have chosen:
byte []ip = new byte[4];for( int i = 0 ; i < 4; ++i ){	ip = (byte)255;}address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip);

Im sure there are easier ways, like this probably:
address = InetAddress.getByName("");
You can mask the address like so:
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("");byte[] addrBytes= address.getAddress();addrBytes[3]=(byte)255;InetAddress newAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(addrBytes);

Thanks guys.
<a href="http://eyeredux.com/campaigns/1/redirect">Hello!</a>

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