GDManager - Project Managing Service

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2 comments, last by TechnoGoth 16 years, 10 months ago
Ok, so i thought of a good idea, not sure how it would be put together, maybe flash or .NET, anyway heres the idea. GDManager is or would be a system for indie game developers to help run their teams/projects smoothly, with a system which all team members can log into, see deadlines and milestones, leave development notes, and keep information. Now ive searched for such a service on google and found some content managing systems, which in essence do the same, but i was thinking of integrating things such as game development ebullitins, instat devteam chat system, traficlight progress system, etc. basically im just posting this to see what feedback this kind of service would get, this isnt a help wanted post i know, but if anyone is interested in helping on the programming side and has knolage in Java, .NET and/or flash please contact me at Also, if GameDev would be interested in getting in on this, news feeds, support, sponsoring, etc please contact me with the email address provided.
Ok, ive drawn out the basic concept for the different parts of the service:
This is the Navigation Menu (each is linked to its concept):

- Developers Journal
- Project Releases
- Development Milestones
- Developers Notes
- Devteam Discussion
- DevTeam Information

- GameDev News
- GameDev Search
- GameDev Articles
- GameDev Help Wanted
- Developers Links

- Sponsor Name
- Sponsor Name
- Sponsor Name


Looks like some kind of "Sourceforge" for game development for me. I guess this can be useful for small project and hobbyists. However I don't think this could be relevant for more serious project due to the confidential nature of theses. Most of time even "milestones and deadlines" are confidential.

However I like the idea of a new online app for project management. I did pounder about it for a while too, being a senior project manager myself. Well to give you a hint, have a look at the PMI guidelines or get yourself a copy of the PMBOK (simplified version) and check the processes. If these could be included in a PHP Application, I think it would be a best seller, as long as it has a nice intuitive GUI. MS Project is also another one that is based on the PMI guidelines.

Some sections would be useful for:

- Brainstorming activities (related to scope definition of the project)
- Set permission for each document as to who is allowed to read / write to them.
- Set public or confidential status (confidential being over a https secure encrypted connection) and encrypted by the script.
- Task list definition with sub-tasks and milestones (Work breakdown structure)
- Document version tracking

To name a few features who would be useful for people like me.


I have to agree it doesn't seem relevant for any serious project. Where's the online document storage solutions with version control? Where is the work flow control? You should problably start by looking at what some of the professional solutions do like MS Project or WebOffice

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