File I/O problems

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2 comments, last by Ezbez 16 years, 10 months ago
Hey all, ive this function in a DirectX application:
void ReadBookmarkContent()
	int i=0;
	std::fstream fBookmarkInfo(books\\bookmarks.txt");

	fBookmarkInfo.getline(cBookmarkInfo,200,'*'); //taking in the file contents
Everything compiles correctly but when it comes to runtime i get this error: Image Hosted by Anyone got a idea why it happens? ive got a very similar function to this in another place that works fine. the character array is defined as: char cBookmarkInfo[40][200]; Which is a global variable, Further info the error, it occurs here in istream:


	---->	*_Str = _Elem();	// add terminating null character
		_Myios::setstate(_Chcount == 0 ? _State | ios_base::failbit : _State);
		return (*this);
And call stack says:

>	msvcp80d.dll!std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::getline(char * _Str=0x0093c188, int _Count=200, char _Delim='*')  Line 648 + 0x3 bytes	C++
:O, thanks for your help Chett
Chett - "I look forward to helping all of you one day, but right now im just a noob learning his way through the perils of game Development."
Try checking if you have actually opened the file by checking is_open()
regards/thallishI don't care if I'm known, I'd rather people know me
You want to know what the problem was? I wrote the file name as bookmark.txt and it was allready a txt format so the real file name was bookmark.txt.txt, and this got me so fustrated last night lol.

Thanks for the help,
Chett - "I look forward to helping all of you one day, but right now im just a noob learning his way through the perils of game Development."
Hehe. Any programmer should have Windows show file extensions. FYI, open a folder then go to Tools->Folder Options->View Then uncheck 'Hide extensions for known file types'. No more of that problem!

But as thallish said, you should probably assert or something that the file is open.

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