anyone still use vi/m?

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25 comments, last by Kylotan 16 years, 10 months ago
I alas still do for c++ coding. It's okay, but having used msvc# for a large project I cannot use vi (or c++ much) without the sharp pain of knowing something better.
I use gvim on Windows and Linux for quick text editing, but I've switched to TextMate on OS X, where I do most of my editing.

Vim with CScope works great for large projects.
I was ViEmu for coding and gVim for text editing on Windows, and I use gVim for everything on linux. For those wanting a quick way to learn vim, I highly suggest the Graphical Cheat Sheet Tutorials.

I use vi almost exclusively at work (sometimes nedit for some cut & paste ease over vi). At home I tend to stick with MSVC++
I use Vim both for work and home. For big projects you might want something like the vim project plugin, and ctags is a necessity.
I have been using (g)vim exclusively on Linux, Unix, and Windows since 1999 and MacOS X since it came out (BBEdit was required for System 9 and earlier). Home, work, and play.

Before a forced conversion to vi in the early 1990s I was an EDT apostle -- that's the text editor that came with RSX-11 for the PDP. An EDT emulation mode was available for EVE (on VMS) and Emacs (on the Atari ST and DOS). Go, GOLD-KP1!

Although vi, like emacs, has a steep learning curve, it's like touch typing. Once learned, you have far greater power than some click-n-paste GUI behemoth with oodles and layers of menus and toolbars and no screen real estate left to type in. With vim (as with emacs), if you don't have a menu to click on to do something you can just select a range and pipe-substitute through an external command (eg. :%!sort -fud).

As for the lack of integration with an IDE, it's not a problem if you aren't already addicted to an IDE (crank is only a problem for skinpoppers). It doesn't hurt a developer any to know, understand, and completely grok their build chain. I find this "intellisense" thing annoying and unnecessary.

I find, however, that I use a text editor like vi for editing text, and a command-line shell for using the sommand line. I don't need one single tool to do everything if I can have better tool specialized for their jobs.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

It's often quite easy to reduce menus and toolbars in text editors; Kate has one menu, one toolbar. Visual Studio has more, if you want it that is. It's all removable. The benefit of having such things as an interface is that you don't have to memorise every possible way you might ever want to do something, just as a menu in a restaurant means that you don't have to plan your meal and memorise all the possible food types before you go in.

Where's the logic in finding intellisense 'annoying and unnecessary'? If you have a hundred classes and each class has 30 members, and there are hundreds of library functions too, then type inference and autocompletion is the sort of thing you would expect a computer to do for you, rather than requiring you to remember everything or keep moving within the document to check. I don't see Unix people complaining about tab completion in the shell being unnecessary, but it's the same principle!

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