CgFx: Get program used by pass

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0 comments, last by Dave Eberly 16 years, 10 months ago
Hi there, I'm using the Cg API 1.5 and Cg effect files for rendering. Now I need to get the fragment program used by a pass. How am I doing this? I can't find a function in the (damn) API documentation. So, my effect looks something like: //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ float4 FP(float3 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { return float4(texCoord,1); } technique T1 { pass { VertexProgram = NULL; FragmentProgram = compile arbfp1 FP(); CullFaceEnable = false; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And I have a CGpass handle in my application. Now I need something that gives me a CGprogram handle for the fragment program. Any ideas? Cheers, Felix
Presumably, you used cgCreateEffectFromFile to load the FX file. Why would you not just call cgCreateProgramFromEffect? For example,

float4x4 WVPMatrix;sampler2D baseSampler = sampler_state{  MinFilter = LinearMipMapLinear;  MagFilter = Linear;};void VP(   float4 inPosition  : POSITION,   float2 inTCoord : TEXCOORD0,   out float4 outPosition : POSITION,   out float2 outTCoord : TEXCOORD0,   uniform float4x4 matrix){   outPosition  = mul(inPosition, matrix);   outTCoord = inTCoord;}void FP(   float2 inTCoord : TEXCOORD0,   out float4 pixelColor : COLOR,   uniform sampler2D sampler){    pixelColor = tex2D(sampler, inTCoord);}technique Technique1{   pass Pass1   {      VertexProgram = compile arbvp1 VP(WVPMatrix);      FragmentProgram = compile arbfp1 FP(baseSampler);   }}

In code,
    CGcontext context = cgCreateContext();    cgGLRegisterStates(context);    CGeffect effect = cgCreateEffectFromFile(context,"Test.fx",0);    CGtechnique technique = cgGetNamedTechnique(effect, "Technique1");    CGpass pass = cgGetNamedPass(technique, "Pass1");    CGprogram vprogram = cgCreateProgramFromEffect(effect,        cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX),"VP",0);    CGprogram fprogram = cgCreateProgramFromEffect(effect,        cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT),"FP",0);

Perhaps you could provide more details about why you think you need to access the program handle from the pass handle.

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