My meshes are squished

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2 comments, last by steven katic 16 years, 9 months ago
Hello, My meshes look fine in the .x mesh viewer, but something in the way my app is set up is squishing them horizontally and I can't pinpoint it. I haven't done any scaling to the mesh, and my windows creation code is: m_window = CreateWindow( "WindowClass", m_setup->name, g_deviceEnumeration->IsWindowed() ? WS_OVERLAPPED : WS_POPUP, 100, 200, 1000, 600, NULL, NULL, m_setup->instance, NULL ); Since it's 1000x600, I would assume it would be stretched and not squished horizontally. I've tried different sizes and making the backbuffer dimensions the same as the window, and the only result it yields is that the font renders a little more fuzzy. The same thing happens when I run it full screen. Here's a pic to show what I mean: Squished mesh Any suggestions would be much appreciated. :D Thanks a bunch!
what size is your texture, you need powers of, I had a image 116 X 38 and it did the same thing it gets maped to the display if the texture is not a power of 2.
with the 116 X38 image it mapped to a 128 X 64 as you can see this made it fat yeah your fat, you know it , so eat it.

By the Power Of 2(Math Man).
Good idea, but my texture is 128x64 for the button. The rendered text looks fine too, so I really think it has something to do with an inconsistency between the way the dx device is setup and the way the window was created...
show us your code that sets up your projection.


are you using something like:

D3DXMatrixOrthoLH( ..)

Have you played with the aspect ratio you are feeding into the projection set up?

You can modify your 'squished' appearance by doing so.

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