How does the Unreal Engine work?

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18 comments, last by deftware 16 years, 9 months ago
From my understanding you buy the license it comes with full source code including their games already published (for example code). Its sorta like the id Software licenses.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

I remember the UT engine being more CPU intensive than the Quake3 engine. And by intensive I mean, UT scales better with an increase in CPU speed than quake3. Quake3 was more limited by the graphics card...

Any gems of understanding in that observation... let me know.
Wait a sec, isn't there some online manual avaible for the unreal engine? I seem to remember something with slightly dark blue-ish colors..?

Edit: I found it, but requires login for most stuff.
Yeah I've had a look at that site but as you said you need to log on as a licensee to see most of the stuff. The information you don't need to login for is mostly aimed at mods which doesn't really help me in what I want to understand. I wish the original Unreal Engine would go open source :D
It's not a bug... it's a feature!
Look at the script for one of the unreal games. I have a feeling you can actually see which methods are in native code (some keyword, extern maybe?). In any case, whatever isn't implemented in script must be in the engine proper. So by reading the interface, you can see where they drew the line. It's been a while since I modded unreal, but I doubt you'll be surprised by what's done where. Basically, all the low level stuff like collision detection, rendering, audio, input, networking, resource/level loading is done engine side. The script objects inherit from a couple which are defined almost entirely in C++, which provide some useful functionality. There are functions that let you iterate over all the game objects, or all the objects of a particular type. The script (mostly) defines what game objects are, and how they interact. Things like mesh and texture are just properties of a base class you inherit from, and there's a built in mechanism for triggering events. I won't comment on the habit of dumping all the functionality in the base classes. Oh damn, I just did. There's also an interesting article about unreals networking and how it fits in with the script but I don't remember where I saw it.

It's funny, the fact that I know far less means I can say more than these hardcore guys that actually use the engine.
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There was a public source release for Unreal Tournament some time ago. IIRC, there are some engine headers there that can give you an idea of how the engine is structured. They also released the source for their OpenGL driver at some point, so it might still be around somewhere out there.
Quote:Original post by Aldacron
There was a public source release for Unreal Tournament some time ago. IIRC, there are some engine headers there that can give you an idea of how the engine is structured.

That's pretty nasty. There are plenty of header files, but most of the interesting source is missing and the provided makefiles don't work without it.

At least the source looks nicer than Quake's. Carmack might be an optimization genius, but he don't half write ugly code.
Quote:Original post by Nathan Baum
Quote:Original post by Aldacron
There was a public source release for Unreal Tournament some time ago. IIRC, there are some engine headers there that can give you an idea of how the engine is structured.

That's pretty nasty. There are plenty of header files, but most of the interesting source is missing and the provided makefiles don't work without it.
That's a public SDK, for modding. The source files aren't there; you just use the headers and then link against the provided static libraries.

Interesting to see how the UnrealScript classes work.
I was very curious about the same thing, since I too am working on an engine. I feel fairly confident that if you were to purchase the Unreal Engine, aside from the fact that all the work is done for you, you would be slightly disappointed at how simple the system really is. At least that's my assumption.

A game is really not that complex, no more complex than say a combustion engine. That doesn’t mean the average Joe can write/build one. It just means that if he looked at the blue print, he'd see the simplicity.

That being said, here is the current version of my engine's declaration file. The exposed public functions here are what the game, the mod use to manipulate the engine (there are also public members of the returned objects).

//This is the engine itself, though it is named renderer.//This takes care of all tasks of the game including //marshalling the game update routine. It is a rough draft.//- Matt Kincaid 7/2/07#ifndef CRENDERER#define CRENDERER#include <windows.h>#include <vector>#include <string>#include "renderdefs.h"//PICKING DEFINES#define NOTHING_SELECTED 0#define MODEL_SELECTED 1#define AXIS_SELECTED 2#define SELECTED_MODEL_ID 0#define SELECTED_AXIS_ID 1#define MODEL_START 10000#define AXIS_START 1struct sPassDetails{	cViewable *viewable;	cViewable *reflectcam;	cTarget *target;	cReflector *reflector;	bool reflected;	float *reflectorEQ ;	bool shadowing;	sPassDetails()	{		shadowing = false;		reflected = false;		reflector = 0;		viewable = 0;		target = 0;		reflectorEQ = 0;	}};class cRenderer{private:	cViewableManager *viewables;	cView		*currentView;	cGUI		*gui;	pPhysicsWorld	*physics;	cAtmosphere	*atmosphere;	cTerrain	*terrain;	cSoundManager	*sound;	cParticleSystem *particles;	cControlManager *controls;	cGame		*curgame; 	cShader *shadowShader;	cShader *flatNoTexShader;	cShader *brightPassShader;	cShader *finalMixShader;	cShader *horizontalBlurShader;	cShader *verticalBlurShader;	cShader *luminanceDownSampleShader;	cShader *DownSampleShader;	cShader *flatShader;	bool VBOSupport; 	bool FBOSupport; //without this, we get no targets	cTarget *mainTarget;	cTarget *brightpass;	cTarget *luminance1; //64px	cTarget *luminance2; //16px	cTarget *luminance3; //12px	cTarget *blurHorz;	cTarget *blurVert;		float curluminance;	float newluminance;	float exposure;	long drawcalls;	std::string geometrypath;	std::string materialpath;	std::string modelpath;	std::string physicalspath;	std::string soundspath;	std::vector <pObject*>		physicals;	std::vector <cModelInstance*>	instances;	std::vector <cModel*>		models;	std::vector <cModelInstance*>	frustumList; //temporary list	std::vector <cMaterial*>	materials;	std::vector <cSurface*>		surfaces;	std::vector <cShader*>		shaders;	std::vector <cPass*>		passes;	std::vector <cLight*>		lights;	std::vector <cCamera*>		cameras;	std::vector <cReflector*>	reflectors;	std::vector <cChunk*>		chunks;	std::vector <cVBO*>		vbos;	std::vector <cAnimator*>	riggedmodels;	std::vector <pVehicle*>		vehicles;	std::vector <pCharacter*>	characters;	cGraphObject			*worldobjects;	cMaterial *LoadMaterial(std::string filename_);	cSurface  *LoadSurface(std::string *filenames_, int depth);	cSurface  *CreateSurface(int x, int y, int type);	cShader   *LoadShader(std::string filename_);		//cRendererGeometryLoaders.h	cModel *LoadModel(std::string filename_);	cModel *LoadGeometry(std::string filename, bool ignorematerials = false);	cModel *LoadMilkshape(std::string filename_, bool ignorematerials);	cModel *Load3DS(std::string filename_, bool ignorematerials);	void GenerateVBO();	//physics	pVehicle *AddVehicle(std::string filename_);	pCharacter *AddCharacter(std::string filename_);	//rendering	void PushChunk(cChunk *chunk, bool zerobuffer = false);	void UseMaterial(cMaterial *material);	void FrustumCull(cViewable *view);	void SortByMaterial();	void ShadowPass(sPassDetails passdetails);	void ReflectionPass(sPassDetails passdetails);	void MainPass(sPassDetails passdetails);	void PostPass(sPassDetails passdetails);	void PickPass(int x, int y);	void ProcessHits(int hits, unsigned int buffer[]);	void ShaderBounceTo(cTarget *target);	void DrawUtilitys();	bool UpdateInput(float etime);	//mouse values	bool	leftmouse;	bool	rightmouse;	bool	lastleftmouse;	bool	lastrightmouse;	bool	leftmouseonce;	bool	rightmouseonce;	bool	mouseonce; //avoid repeating mousedown calls	int	curpos[2];	int	lastpos[2];	int	cursorStart[2];	int	cursorCurrent[2];	bool	lastkeys[256];	bool	curkeys[256];	bool	oncekeys[256];	//picking	int	selectedtype;	int	curselected[3];	cMoveable *selectedItem;	int	showBounds;	int	showPhysics;	bool	DrawUtility;	bool	exiting;	bool	focused;public:	cRenderer();	~cRenderer();	void Init(int width, int height);	void SetGame(cGame *newgame);	//object requestors	cModelInstance	*SpawnModel(cModelInstance *spawndoner);	cModelInstance	*AddModel(std::string model_, bool forphysics_ = false);	cLight	*AddLight(int type_);	cCamera *AddCamera(int type_);	cCamera *FindCamera(std::string name_);	pGeneral *FindObject(std::string name_);	void ClosestHoldables(std::vector<pGeneral*> &list, cControllable *target, float cutoff);	void ClosestItems(std::vector<pGeneral*> &list, cControllable *target, float cutoff, int type);	void ClosestVehicles(std::vector<pVehicle*> &list, cControllable *target, float cutoff);		//controls	cControllable *FindControllable(std::string name_);	void SetControllable(cControllable *conrollable);	void	AddMirror(cReflector *reflector_, cModelInstance *geometry_);	void	SetCamera(int camera);	void	SetViewPort(cView *view_);	bool	Update(float etime);	void	RenderScene();	void	ClearWorld();	void	SaveScene(std::string filename);	void	LoadScene(std::string filename);	//see if a key was pressed	bool	GetKey(int key);		bool	GetKeyOnce(int key);//ignore repeats	//delete these	void	MouseUp(int button, int x, int y);	void	MouseDown(int button, int x, int y);	void	MouseMove(int x, int y);	void	SetFocus(bool focused_);	void	Resize(int width, int height);	//end delete	//put them in here 	int		WinInput(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);	friend class cGUI;};#endif

Excuse the formatting, apparently tabs are retarted in the forums.

Here is the demo "mod" I am working on along with the engine.

//This is a derived game object. The engine loads this//and calls setup. Then the update function get's called //once per frame. - Matt Kincaid 7/2/07#ifndef MYGAME#define MYGAME#include "renderdefs.h"#include "cgame.h"#include "crenderer.h"#include "ccamera.h"#include "ccontrollable.h"#include "pgeneral.h"#include "pvehicle.h"#include "pcharacter.h"#include "math.h"#include <vector>class cExampleGame : public cGame{private:	pCharacter	*character;	cCamera		*maincamera;	std::vector<pVehicle*>	results;	std::vector<pGeneral*>	holdables;public:	cExampleGame()	{		character = 0;		maincamera = 0;	}	~cExampleGame()	{	}	virtual void Setup(cRenderer *renderer_)	{		renderer = renderer_;		renderer->LoadScene("c:\\media\\scenes\\testout.xml");		character = dynamic_cast<pCharacter*>(renderer->FindControllable("dude"));		maincamera = renderer->FindCamera("main");		//put the club in the guys hand		character->HoldObject(renderer->FindObject("gun1"), HOLD_LEFT);		character->HoldObject(renderer->FindObject("golfclub"), HOLD_RIGHT);		//give guy control first		renderer->SetControllable(character);		maincamera->TrackMoveable(character->GetHeadMoveable());		//maincamera->TrackMoveable(renderer->FindObject("golfball")->GetMoveable(), true);	}	virtual void Cleanup()	{	}	virtual void Update(float etime)	{		if (renderer->GetKeyOnce('E'))		{			if (!character->IsRiding())			{				//see if there is a golfcart near by				renderer->ClosestVehicles(results, character, 10);				if (results.size() > 0)				{					//switch to closest one					character->EnterVehicle(;				}			}			else			{				//switch to character						character->ExitVehicle();			}		}		if (renderer->GetKeyOnce('1'))		{			renderer->ClosestHoldables(holdables, character, 10);			if (holdables.size() > 0)			{				character->HoldObject(, HOLD_LEFT);			}			else				character->DropObject(HOLD_LEFT);		}		if (renderer->GetKeyOnce('2'))		{			renderer->ClosestHoldables(holdables, character, 10);			if (holdables.size() > 0)			{				character->HoldObject(, HOLD_RIGHT);			}			else				character->DropObject(HOLD_RIGHT);		}	}};#endif

With 110 lines of code, this demo was generated. Clicky (google video)

If you really want answers, look at this series of articles

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