C++ Function pointers

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4 comments, last by Zahlman 16 years, 9 months ago
Is there a way to have a function pointer to a method of another class for a patricular instance of that class. something like this This gives me a error "'&' : illegal operation on bound member function expression" any ideas on how i can do this?

class A
	void (*fptr)();
class B
	void test(A* a_ptr)
	void print(){cout<<"Testing";}

print is a member function.

You need to use a member function pointer variable to store a pointer to a member function.
ok so when i do this shouldnt this print testing.
it actually doesnt do anything.

class A{public:	void (B::*fptr)();	A(){}	~A(){}};class B{public:	B(){}	~B(){}	void test(A* a_ptr)	{				a_ptr->fptr=&B::print;	}	void print(){cout<<"Testing";}};int main(){	A* a= new A();	B b;	b.test(a);	a->fptr;	return 0;}
a->fptr is a pointer-to-member-function. Writing a->fptr; is
the same as writing &B::print, it just evaluates to the address of a member function, discards that address, and then moves on to the next instruction.

If you wish to call a member function through a pointer-to-member-function, you must use the syntax:


Where instance is an instance of type T and ptr is a pointer to a member function of that same type T. In your case, the code would be:

yes thankyou. I knew it was something like that but i just wasnt sure, i had never used function pointers before.
Thank you.
Gamedev once again pulls through :)
Pointers to member functions.

But you really, *really* shouldn't need to be doing this except in very, *very* strange circumstances. What are you trying to accomplish?

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