using own matrix in opengl

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21 comments, last by Zakwayda 16 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I have been quite confused by matrix operations when developing games. I decided to learn to understand it but having a little confusion now. I created the following codes using opengl & glut: main.cpp

#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "Cube.h"
#include "Vector4.h"
#include "Matrix16.h"

// Set the size of the OpenGL Window
double winL = -300;
double winR = 300;
double winB = -300;
double winT = 300;

double start;
double last;
double now;

void UpdateScene(void);
void DrawScene(void);
void DrawAxis(void);
void renderBitmapString(float x, float y, void *font,char *string);
void Keyboard(int key, int x, int y);

CCube cube(5);

// This function is continuously called.
void Idle(void)

void renderBitmapString(float x, float y, void *font,char *string)
  char *c;
  glRasterPos2f(x, y);
  for (c=string; *c != '\0'; c++) {
    glutBitmapCharacter(font, *c);
}  /* end renderBitmapString() */

	last = clock();
	now = (last - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	start = last;


	gluLookAt(0, 0, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);


	// Your drawing code here



	// End drawing code


	glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
	glVertex3f(-200, 0, 0);
	glVertex3f(200, 0, 0);

	glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
	glVertex3f(0, -200, 0);
	glVertex3f(0, 200, 0);

	glColor3f(0, 0, 1);
	glVertex3f(0, 0, -200);
	glVertex3f(0, 0, 200);

	glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	gluPerspective(45, (winR - winL) / (winT - winB), 1, 1000);

	start = clock();

	glEnable ( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL ) ;

	float pos[4] = {0, 100, 0, 1};
	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos);

Reshape(int width, int height)
	glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

Key(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
	switch (key) {
	case 27:
	case ' ':
	case 'q':
		cube.Rotate(-5, 1, 0, 0, 1);
	case 'w':
		cube.Rotate(5, 1, 0, 0, 1);
	case 'a':
		cube.Rotate(-5, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	case 's':
		cube.Rotate(5, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	case 'z':
		cube.Rotate(-5, 0, 0, 1, 1);
	case 'x':
		cube.Rotate(5, 0, 0, 1, 1);
	case 'r':
		cube.Translate(-5, 0, 0, 2);
	case 'f':
		cube.Translate(5, 0, 0, 2);
	case 'e':
		cube.Translate(-5, 0, 0, 1);
	case 'd':
		cube.Translate(5, 0, 0, 1);
	case 'l':
		cube.Scale(2, 2, 2);

void Keyboard(int key, int x, int y)
	case GLUT_KEY_UP:
		cube.Rotate(-5, 1, 0, 0, 2);

		cube.Rotate(5, 1, 0, 0, 2);

		cube.Rotate(-5, 0, 1, 0, 2);

		cube.Rotate(5, 0, 1, 0, 2);

		cube.Rotate(-5, 0, 0, 1, 2);

		cube.Rotate(5, 0, 0, 1, 2);

main(int argc, char **argv)
	glutInitWindowSize((winR - winL), (winT - winB));
	glutInit(&argc, argv);



	return 0;             /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "Vector4.h"

static const float PI = 3.14159265359f;

inline float DEG2RAD(float a)
	return (PI/180*(a));

inline float RAD2DEG(float a)
	return (180/PI*(a));

class CMatrix16
	CMatrix16(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14,
			float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24,
			float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34,
			float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44);

	// Modification
	static CMatrix16 & Add(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2, CMatrix16 & result);
	static CMatrix16 & Subtract(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2, CMatrix16 & result);
	static CMatrix16 & Multiply(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2, CMatrix16 & result);
	static CMatrix16 & Multiply(const CMatrix16 & m1, float multiplyBy, CMatrix16 & result);
	static CVector4 & Multiply(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CVector4 & v, CVector4 & result);
	static CMatrix16 & Transpose(const CMatrix16 & m1, CMatrix16 & result);
	//static CMatrix16 & Invert(const CMatrix16 & m1, CMatrix16 & result);
	static CMatrix16 & SetIdentity(CMatrix16 & m1);
	static float Determinant(const CMatrix16 & m1);

	inline static CMatrix16 Translation(const CVector4 & v)
		return Translation(v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z());

	inline static CMatrix16 Translation(float x, float y, float z)
		return CMatrix16(1, 0, 0, 0,
						 0, 1, 0, 0,
						 0, 0, 1, 0,
						 x, y, z, 1);

	inline static CMatrix16 Scale(float x, float y, float z)
		return CMatrix16(x, 0, 0, 0,
						 0, y, 0, 0,
						 0, 0, z, 0,
						 0, 0, 0, 1);

	inline static CMatrix16 Rotation(float angle, float x, float y, float z)
		angle = angle - ((int) angle / 360);
		angle = DEG2RAD(angle);
		float c = cos(angle);
		float s = sin(angle);
		return CMatrix16(c + x * x * (1 - c), x * y * (1 - c) - s * z, x * z * (1 - c) + s * y, 0,
							x * y * (1 - c) + s * z, c + y * y * (1 - c), y * z * (1 - c) - s * x, 0,
							x * z * (1 - c) - s * y, y * z * (1 - c) + s * x, c + z * z * (1 - c), 0,
							0, 0, 0, 1);

	inline CMatrix16 & Transpose() { CMatrix16 temp(*this); return CMatrix16::Transpose(temp, (*this)); }
	//inline CMatrix16 & Invert() { CMatrix16 temp((*this)); return CMatrix16::Invert(temp, (*this)); } 
	inline CMatrix16 & SetIdentity() { return CMatrix16::SetIdentity((*this)); }
	inline float Determinant() const { return CMatrix16::Determinant((*this)); }

	// Auxilliaries
	CMatrix16 & operator+=(const CMatrix16 & m1) { return CMatrix16::Add((*this), m1, (*this)); }
	CMatrix16 & operator-=(const CMatrix16 & m1) { return CMatrix16::Subtract((*this), m1, (*this)); }
	CMatrix16 & operator*=(const CMatrix16 & m1) { CMatrix16 temp((*this)); return CMatrix16::Multiply(temp, m1, (*this)); }
	CMatrix16 & operator*=(const float multiplyBy) { CMatrix16 temp((*this)); return CMatrix16::Multiply(temp, multiplyBy, (*this)); }

	// Conversion
	void ToArray(float * m) const 
		m[0] = _m11;	m[4] = _m21;	m[8] = _m31;	m[12] = _m41;
		m[1] = _m12;	m[5] = _m22;	m[9] = _m32;	m[13] = _m42;
		m[2] = _m13;	m[6] = _m23;	m[10] = _m33;	m[14] = _m43;
		m[3] = _m14;	m[7] = _m24;	m[11] = _m34;	m[15] = _m44;

	// Output and Input
	void Write(ostream & out) const
		out << "[\t" << _m11 << ",\t" << _m12 << ",\t" << _m13 << ",\t" << _m14 << "\t]" << endl
			<< "[\t" << _m21 << ",\t" << _m22 << ",\t" << _m23 << ",\t" << _m24 << "\t]" << endl
			<< "[\t" << _m31 << ",\t" << _m32 << ",\t" << _m33 << ",\t" << _m34 << "\t]" << endl
			<< "[\t" << _m41 << ",\t" << _m42 << ",\t" << _m43 << ",\t" << _m44 << "\t]" << endl;

	void Read(istream & in)
		char ch;
		in >> _m11 >> ch >> _m12 >> ch >> _m13 >> ch >> _m14
			>> _m21 >> ch >> _m22 >> ch >> _m23 >> ch >> _m24
			>> _m31 >> ch >> _m32 >> ch >> _m33 >> ch >> _m34
			>> _m41 >> ch >> _m42 >> ch >> _m43 >> ch >> _m44;

	float _m11, _m12, _m13, _m14,
		  _m21, _m22, _m23, _m24,
		  _m31, _m32, _m33, _m34,
		  _m41, _m42, _m43, _m44;

inline CMatrix16 operator+ (const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2) { CMatrix16 m; return CMatrix16::Add(m1, m2, m); }
inline CMatrix16 operator- (const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2) { CMatrix16 m; return CMatrix16::Subtract(m1, m2, m); }
inline CMatrix16 operator* (const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2) { CMatrix16 m; return CMatrix16::Multiply(m1, m2, m); }
inline CMatrix16 operator* (const CMatrix16 & m1, float multiplyBy) { CMatrix16 m; return CMatrix16::Multiply(m1, multiplyBy, m); }
inline CMatrix16 operator* (float multiplyBy, const CMatrix16 & m1) { CMatrix16 m; return CMatrix16::Multiply(m1, multiplyBy, m); }
inline CVector4 operator* (const CMatrix16 & m1, const CVector4 & v) { CVector4 temp; return CMatrix16::Multiply(m1, v, temp); }
inline CVector4 operator* (const CVector4 & v, const CMatrix16 & m1) { CVector4 temp; return CMatrix16::Multiply(m1, v, temp); }

inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & out, const CMatrix16 & mat) { mat.Write(out); return out; }
inline istream & operator>> (istream & in, CMatrix16 & mat) { mat.Read(in); return in; }


#include ".\matrix16.h"

:	_m11(0), _m12(0), _m13(0), _m14(0),
	_m21(0), _m22(0), _m23(0), _m24(0),
	_m31(0), _m32(0), _m33(0), _m34(0),
	_m41(0), _m42(0), _m43(0), _m44(0)

CMatrix16::CMatrix16(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14,
					float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24,
					float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34,
					float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44)
:	_m11(m11), _m12(m12), _m13(m13), _m14(m14),
	_m21(m21), _m22(m22), _m23(m23), _m24(m24),
	_m31(m31), _m32(m32), _m33(m33), _m34(m34),
	_m41(m41), _m42(m42), _m43(m43), _m44(m44)


CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::Add(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2, CMatrix16 & result)
	result._m11 = m1._m11 + m2._m11;
	result._m12 = m1._m12 + m2._m12;
	result._m13 = m1._m13 + m2._m13;
	result._m14 = m1._m14 + m2._m14;

	result._m21 = m1._m21 + m2._m21;
	result._m22 = m1._m22 + m2._m22;
	result._m23 = m1._m23 + m2._m23;
	result._m24 = m1._m24 + m2._m24;

	result._m31 = m1._m31 + m2._m31;
	result._m32 = m1._m32 + m2._m32;
	result._m33 = m1._m33 + m2._m33;
	result._m34 = m1._m34 + m2._m34;

	result._m41 = m1._m41 + m2._m41;
	result._m42 = m1._m42 + m2._m42;
	result._m43 = m1._m43 + m2._m43;
	result._m44 = m1._m44 + m2._m44;

	return result;

CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::Subtract(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2, CMatrix16 & result)
	result._m11 = m1._m11 - m2._m11;
	result._m12 = m1._m12 - m2._m12;
	result._m13 = m1._m13 - m2._m13;
	result._m14 = m1._m14 - m2._m14;

	result._m21 = m1._m21 - m2._m21;
	result._m22 = m1._m22 - m2._m22;
	result._m23 = m1._m23 - m2._m23;
	result._m24 = m1._m24 - m2._m24;

	result._m31 = m1._m31 - m2._m31;
	result._m32 = m1._m32 - m2._m32;
	result._m33 = m1._m33 - m2._m33;
	result._m34 = m1._m34 - m2._m34;

	result._m41 = m1._m41 - m2._m41;
	result._m42 = m1._m42 - m2._m42;
	result._m43 = m1._m43 - m2._m43;
	result._m44 = m1._m44 - m2._m44;

	return result;

CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::Multiply(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CMatrix16 & m2, CMatrix16 & result)
	result._m11 = m1._m11 * m2._m11 + m1._m12 * m2._m21 + m1._m13 * m2._m31 + m1._m14 * m2._m41;
	result._m12 = m1._m11 * m2._m12 + m1._m12 * m2._m22 + m1._m13 * m2._m32 + m1._m14 * m2._m42;
	result._m13 = m1._m11 * m2._m13 + m1._m12 * m2._m23 + m1._m13 * m2._m33 + m1._m14 * m2._m43;
	result._m14 = m1._m11 * m2._m14 + m1._m12 * m2._m24 + m1._m13 * m2._m34 + m1._m14 * m2._m44;

	result._m21 = m1._m21 * m2._m11 + m1._m22 * m2._m21 + m1._m23 * m2._m31 + m1._m24 * m2._m41;
	result._m22 = m1._m21 * m2._m12 + m1._m22 * m2._m22 + m1._m23 * m2._m32 + m1._m24 * m2._m42;
	result._m23 = m1._m21 * m2._m13 + m1._m22 * m2._m23 + m1._m23 * m2._m33 + m1._m24 * m2._m43;
	result._m24 = m1._m21 * m2._m14 + m1._m22 * m2._m24 + m1._m23 * m2._m34 + m1._m24 * m2._m44;

	result._m31 = m1._m31 * m2._m11 + m1._m32 * m2._m21 + m1._m33 * m2._m31 + m1._m34 * m2._m41;
	result._m32 = m1._m31 * m2._m12 + m1._m32 * m2._m22 + m1._m33 * m2._m32 + m1._m34 * m2._m42;
	result._m33 = m1._m31 * m2._m13 + m1._m32 * m2._m23 + m1._m33 * m2._m33 + m1._m34 * m2._m43;
	result._m34 = m1._m31 * m2._m14 + m1._m32 * m2._m24 + m1._m33 * m2._m34 + m1._m34 * m2._m44;

	result._m41 = m1._m41 * m2._m11 + m1._m42 * m2._m21 + m1._m43 * m2._m31 + m1._m44 * m2._m41;
	result._m42 = m1._m41 * m2._m12 + m1._m42 * m2._m22 + m1._m43 * m2._m32 + m1._m44 * m2._m42;
	result._m43 = m1._m41 * m2._m13 + m1._m42 * m2._m23 + m1._m43 * m2._m33 + m1._m44 * m2._m43;
	result._m44 = m1._m41 * m2._m14 + m1._m42 * m2._m24 + m1._m43 * m2._m34 + m1._m44 * m2._m44;

	return result;

CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::Multiply(const CMatrix16 & m1, float multiplyBy, CMatrix16 & result)
	result._m11 = m1._m11 * multiplyBy;
	result._m12 = m1._m12 * multiplyBy;
	result._m13 = m1._m13 * multiplyBy;
	result._m14 = m1._m14 * multiplyBy;

	result._m21 = m1._m21 * multiplyBy;
	result._m22 = m1._m22 * multiplyBy;
	result._m23 = m1._m23 * multiplyBy;
	result._m24 = m1._m24 * multiplyBy;

	result._m31 = m1._m31 * multiplyBy;
	result._m32 = m1._m32 * multiplyBy;
	result._m33 = m1._m33 * multiplyBy;
	result._m34 = m1._m34 * multiplyBy;

	result._m41 = m1._m41 * multiplyBy;
	result._m42 = m1._m42 * multiplyBy;
	result._m43 = m1._m43 * multiplyBy;
	result._m44 = m1._m44 * multiplyBy;

	return result;

CVector4 & CMatrix16::Multiply(const CMatrix16 & m1, const CVector4 & v, CVector4 &result)
	result.X(m1._m11 * v.X() + m1._m21 * v.Y() + m1._m31 * v.Z() + m1._m41);
	result.Y(m1._m12 * v.X() + m1._m22 * v.Y() + m1._m32 * v.Z() + m1._m42);
	result.Z(m1._m13 * v.X() + m1._m23 * v.Y() + m1._m33 * v.Z() + m1._m43);

	return result;

CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::Transpose(const CMatrix16 & m1, CMatrix16 & result)
	result._m11 = m1._m11;
	result._m12 = m1._m21;
	result._m13 = m1._m31;
	result._m14 = m1._m41;

	result._m21 = m1._m12;
	result._m22 = m1._m22;
	result._m23 = m1._m32;
	result._m24 = m1._m42;

	result._m31 = m1._m13;
	result._m32 = m1._m23;
	result._m33 = m1._m33;
	result._m34 = m1._m43;

	result._m41 = m1._m14;
	result._m42 = m1._m24;
	result._m43 = m1._m34;
	result._m44 = m1._m44;

	return result;

/*CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::Invert(const CMatrix16 & m1, CMatrix16 & result)
	float temp = 1 / m1.Determinant();

	result._m11 = m1._m22 * m1._m33 * m1._m44 + m1._m23 * m1._m34 * m1._m42 + m1._m24 * m1._m32 * m1._m43
				- m1._m22 * m1._m34 * m1._m43 - m1._m23 * m1._m32 * m1._m44 - m1._m24 * m1._m33 * m1._m42;
	result._m21 = m1._m12 * m1._m34 * m1._m43 + m1._m13 * m1._m32 * m1._m44 + m1._m14 * m1._m33 * m1._m42
				- m1._m12 * m1._m33 * m1._m44 - m1._m13 * m1._m34 * m1._m42 - m1._m14 * m1._m32 * m1._m43;
	result._m31 = m1._m12 * m1._m23 * m1._m44 + m1._m13 * m1._m24 * m1._m42 + m1._m14 * m1._m22 * m1._m43
				- m1._m12 * m1._m24 * m1._m43 - m1._m13 * m1._m22 * m1._m44 - m1._m14 * m1._m23 * m1._m42;
	result._m41 = m1._m12 * m1._m24 * m1._m33 + m1._m13 * m1._m22 * m1._m34 + m1._m14 * m1._m23 * m1._m32
				- m1._m12 * m1._m23 * m1._m34 - m1._m13 * m1._m24 * m1._m32 - m1._m14 * m1._m22 * m1._m33;

	result._m12 = m1._m21 * m1._m34 * m1._m43 + m1._m23 * m1._m31 * m1._m44 + m1._m24 * m1._m33 * m1._m41
				- m1._m21 * m1._m33 * m1._m44 - m1._m23 * m1._m34 * m1._m41 - m1._m24 * m1._m31 * m1._m43;
	result._m22 = m1._m11 * m1._m33 * m1._m44 + m1._m13 * m1._m34 * m1._m41 + m1._m14 * m1._m31 * m1._m43
				- m1._m11 * m1._m34 * m1._m43 - m1._m13 * m1._m31 * m1._m44 - m1._m14 * m1._m33 * m1._m41;
	result._m32 = m1._m11 * m1._m24 * m1._m43 + m1._m13 * m1._m21 * m1._m44 + m1._m14 * m1._m23 * m1._m41
				- m1._m11 * m1._m23 * m1._m44 - m1._m13 * m1._m24 * m1._m41 - m1._m14 * m1._m21 * m1._m43;
	result._m42 = m1._m11 * m1._m23 * m1._m34 + m1._m13 * m1._m24 * m1._m31 + m1._m14 * m1._m21 * m1._m33
				- m1._m11 * m1._m24 * m1._m33 - m1._m13 * m1._m21 * m1._m34 - m1._m14 * m1._m23 * m1._m31;

	result._m13 = m1._m21 * m1._m32 * m1._m44 + m1._m22 * m1._m34 * m1._m41 + m1._m24 * m1._m31 * m1._m42
				- m1._m21 * m1._m34 * m1._m42 - m1._m22 * m1._m31 * m1._m44 - m1._m24 * m1._m32 * m1._m41;
	result._m23 = m1._m11 * m1._m34 * m1._m42 + m1._m12 * m1._m31 * m1._m44 + m1._m14 * m1._m32 * m1._m41
				- m1._m11 * m1._m32 * m1._m44 - m1._m12 * m1._m34 * m1._m41 - m1._m14 * m1._m31 * m1._m42;
	result._m33 = m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m44 + m1._m12 * m1._m24 * m1._m41 + m1._m14 * m1._m21 * m1._m42
				- m1._m11 * m1._m24 * m1._m42 - m1._m12 * m1._m21 * m1._m44 - m1._m14 * m1._m22 * m1._m41;
	result._m43 = m1._m11 * m1._m24 * m1._m32 + m1._m12 * m1._m21 * m1._m34 + m1._m14 * m1._m22 * m1._m31
				- m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m34 - m1._m12 * m1._m24 * m1._m31 - m1._m14 * m1._m21 * m1._m32;

	result._m14 = m1._m21 * m1._m33 * m1._m42 + m1._m22 * m1._m31 * m1._m43 + m1._m23 * m1._m32 * m1._m41
				- m1._m21 * m1._m32 * m1._m43 - m1._m22 * m1._m33 * m1._m41 - m1._m23 * m1._m31 * m1._m42;
	result._m24 = m1._m11 * m1._m32 * m1._m43 + m1._m12 * m1._m33 * m1._m41 + m1._m13 * m1._m31 * m1._m42
				- m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m42 - m1._m12 * m1._m31 * m1._m43 - m1._m13 * m1._m32 * m1._m41;
	result._m34 = m1._m11 * m1._m23 * m1._m42 + m1._m12 * m1._m21 * m1._m43 + m1._m13 * m1._m22 * m1._m41
				- m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m43 - m1._m12 * m1._m23 * m1._m41 - m1._m13 * m1._m21 * m1._m42;
	result._m44 = m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m33 + m1._m12 * m1._m23 * m1._m31 + m1._m13 * m1._m21 * m1._m32
				- m1._m11 * m1._m23 * m1._m32 - m1._m12 * m1._m21 * m1._m33 - m1._m13 * m1._m22 * m1._m31;

	result = result * temp;

	return result;

CMatrix16 & CMatrix16::SetIdentity(CMatrix16 & m1)
	m1._m11 = 1;	m1._m12 = 0;	m1._m13 = 0;	m1._m14 = 0;
	m1._m21 = 0;	m1._m22 = 1;	m1._m23 = 0;	m1._m24 = 0;
	m1._m31 = 0;	m1._m32 = 0;	m1._m33 = 1;	m1._m34 = 0;
	m1._m41 = 0;	m1._m42 = 0;	m1._m43 = 0;	m1._m44 = 1;

	return m1;

float CMatrix16::Determinant(const CMatrix16 & m1)
	return m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m33 * m1._m44 + m1._m11 * m1._m23 * m1._m34 * m1._m42 + m1._m11 * m1._m24 * m1._m32 * m1._m43 +
			m1._m12 * m1._m21 * m1._m34 * m1._m43 + m1._m12 * m1._m23 * m1._m31 * m1._m44 + m1._m12 * m1._m24 * m1._m33 * m1._m41 +
			m1._m13 * m1._m21 * m1._m32 * m1._m44 + m1._m13 * m1._m22 * m1._m34 * m1._m41 + m1._m13 * m1._m24 * m1._m31 * m1._m42 +
			m1._m14 * m1._m21 * m1._m33 * m1._m42 + m1._m14 * m1._m22 * m1._m31 * m1._m43 + m1._m14 * m1._m23 * m1._m32 * m1._m41 -
			m1._m11 * m1._m22 * m1._m34 * m1._m43 - m1._m11 * m1._m23 * m1._m32 * m1._m44 - m1._m11 * m1._m24 * m1._m33 * m1._m42 -
			m1._m12 * m1._m21 * m1._m33 * m1._m44 - m1._m12 * m1._m23 * m1._m34 * m1._m41 - m1._m12 * m1._m24 * m1._m31 * m1._m43 -
			m1._m13 * m1._m21 * m1._m34 * m1._m42 - m1._m13 * m1._m22 * m1._m31 * m1._m44 - m1._m13 * m1._m24 * m1._m32 * m1._m41 -
			m1._m14 * m1._m21 * m1._m32 * m1._m43 - m1._m14 * m1._m22 * m1._m33 * m1._m41 - m1._m14 * m1._m23 * m1._m31 * m1._m42;


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <math.h>

class CVector4
	// Constructors
	CVector4(float x, float y, float z, float w = 1);

	// Selectors
	inline float X() const { return _x; }
	inline float Y() const { return _y; }
	inline float Z() const { return _z; }

	// Mutators
	inline void X(float x) { _x = x; }
	inline void Y(float y) { _y = y; }
	inline void Z(float z) { _z = z; }

	// Magnitude
	inline float Length() const { return sqrt(LengthSq()); }
	inline float LengthSq() const { return _x * _x + _y * _y + _z * _z; }
	inline void Zero() { X(0); Y(0); Z(0); }

	// Unit
	CVector4 & Unit();
	static void Unit(const CVector4 & v);

	// Modification
	static float Dot(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2);
	static CVector4 & Cross(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2, CVector4 & result);
	static CVector4 & Add(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2, CVector4 & result);
	static CVector4 & Subtract(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2, CVector4 & result);
	static CVector4 & Multiply(const CVector4 & v, float multiplyBy, CVector4 & result);
	static CVector4 & Invert(CVector4 & v);

	// Auxilliaries
	CVector4 & operator+=(const CVector4 & v) { return CVector4::Add((*this), v, (*this)); }
	CVector4 & operator-=(const CVector4 & v) { return CVector4::Subtract((*this), v, (*this)); }
	CVector4 & operator*=(const CVector4 & v) { CVector4 temp((*this)); return CVector4::Cross(temp, v, (*this)); }
	CVector4 & operator*=(float multiplyBy) { CVector4 temp((*this)); return CVector4::Multiply(temp, multiplyBy, (*this)); }
	CVector4 & operator/=(float divideBy) { CVector4 temp((*this)); return CVector4::Multiply(temp, (1 / divideBy), (*this)); }

	// Input and output
	void Write(ostream & out) const { out << "[" << _x << "," << _y << "," << _z <<  "]"; }
	void Read(istream & in) { char ch; in >> ch >> _x >> ch >> _y >> ch >> _z >> ch; }

	float _x, _y, _z, _w;

inline CVector4 operator+(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2) { CVector4 v; return CVector4::Add(v1, v2, v); }
inline CVector4 operator-(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2) { CVector4 v; return CVector4::Subtract(v1, v2, v); }
inline CVector4 operator*(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2) { CVector4 v; return CVector4::Cross(v1, v2, v); }
inline CVector4 operator*(const CVector4 & v1, float multiplyBy) { CVector4 v; return CVector4::Multiply(v1, multiplyBy, v); }
inline CVector4 operator/(const CVector4 & v1, float divideBy) { CVector4 v; float m = 1 / divideBy; return CVector4::Multiply(v1, m, v); }
inline float operator|(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2) { return CVector4::Dot(v1, v2); }

inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const CVector4 & v) { v.Write(out); return out; }
inline istream & operator>>(istream & in, CVector4 & v) { v.Read(in); return in; }


#include ".\vector4.h"

: _x(0), _y(0), _z(0), _w(1)

CVector4::CVector4(float x, float y, float z, float w) 
: _x(x), _y(y), _z(z), _w(w)


float CVector4::Dot(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2)
	return v1.X() * v2.X() + v1.Y() * v2.Y() + v1.Z() * v2.Z();

CVector4 & CVector4::Cross(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2, CVector4 & result)
	result.X(v1.Y() * v2.Z() - v1.Z() * v2.Y());
	result.Y(v1.Z() * v2.X() - v1.X() * v2.Z());
	result.Z(v1.X() * v2.Y() - v1.Y() * v2.X());

	return result;

CVector4 & CVector4::Add(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2, CVector4 & result)
	result.X(v1.X() + v2.X());
	result.Y(v1.Y() + v2.Y());
	result.Z(v1.Z() + v2.Z());

	return result;

CVector4 & CVector4::Subtract(const CVector4 & v1, const CVector4 & v2, CVector4 & result)
	result.X(v1.X() - v2.X());
	result.Y(v1.Y() - v2.Y());
	result.Z(v1.Z() - v2.Z());

	return result;

CVector4 & CVector4::Multiply(const CVector4 & v, float multiplyBy, CVector4 & result)
	result.X(v.X() * multiplyBy);
	result.Y(v.Y() * multiplyBy);
	result.Z(v.Z() * multiplyBy);

	return result;

CVector4 & CVector4::Invert(CVector4 & v)

	return v;


#pragma once
#include "Matrix16.h"
#include "Vector4.h"

class CCube
	CCube(float size);

	float GetSize() const { return _size; }

	void Update(float dt);
	void Render() const;

	void DrawAxis() const;

	void Rotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z, int Order)
		case 1:
			_r = CMatrix16::Rotation(angle, x, y, z) * _r;
		case 2:
			_r = _r * CMatrix16::Rotation(angle, x, y, z);


	void Translate(float x, float y, float z, int Order)
		case 1:
			_t += (CVector4(x, y, z) * _r);
		case 2:
			_t += CVector4(x, y, z);


	void Scale(float x, float y, float z)
		_s._m11 *= x;
		_s._m22 *= y;
		_s._m33 *= z;


	const CMatrix16 & GetTransform() const
			_trans = _r * _s;
			_trans._m41 = _t.X();
			_trans._m42 = _t.Y();
			_trans._m43 = _t.Z();
			_trans._m44 = 1;
			_dirty = false;

		return _trans;

	void MarkDirty() { _dirty = true; }

	void Reset()


	float _size;
	mutable bool _dirty;

	CMatrix16 _s;
	CMatrix16 _r;
	CVector4 _t;

	mutable CMatrix16 _trans;


#include "Cube.h"
#include <GL\glut.h>

:	_size(1), _dirty(true), _s(), _r(), _t(), _trans()


CCube::CCube(float size)
:	_size(size), _dirty(true), _s(), _r(), _t(), _trans()



void CCube::Update(float dt)

void CCube::Render() const

	float m[16];

	glColor3f(1, 0, 0);

void CCube::DrawAxis(void) const
	glColor3f(1, 1, 0);
	glVertex3f(-30, 0, 0);
	glVertex3f(30, 0, 0);

	glColor3f(1, 0, 1);
	glVertex3f(0, -30, 0);
	glVertex3f(0, 30, 0);

	glColor3f(0, 1, 1);
	glVertex3f(0, 0, -30);
	glVertex3f(0, 0, 30);

Keys: Q & W - Rotate clockwise-anticlockwise in along local X A & S - Rotate clockwise-anticlockwise in along local Y Z & X - Rotate clockwise-anticlockwise in along local Z E & D - Translate in local X axis A & S - Translate in world X axis Up & Down Arrow - Rotate clockwise-anticlockwise in along world X Left & Right Arrow - Rotate clockwise-anticlockwise in along world Y Pg Up & Pg Down - Rotate clockwise-anticlockwise in along world Z I am not sure whether the translation part is wrong or the rotation. When I translate, say (20, 0, 0), then rotate 90 in world space Y, the object still rotate on its own space. I would expect it to orbit around the world space Y. Please anyone could give me some pointers?
First of all, how come in the Translate function the second "order" case doesn't have _r on either side?
Now, the problem is obviously with the order of the matrix multiplication. If you want to rotate the world space and R is the rotation matrix and M is the current matrix then you do R*P. The last column of P should the the position (_t in your code). I think that the problem is that after you change _t with the transformation you don't change the last column of _r. So when you rotate _r you aren't taking the transformation into account.
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true." -- Professor Robert Silensky
Quote:Original post by daniel_i_l
First of all, how come in the Translate function the second "order" case doesn't have _r on either side?
Now, the problem is obviously with the order of the matrix multiplication. If you want to rotate the world space and R is the rotation matrix and M is the current matrix then you do R*P. The last column of P should the the position (_t in your code). I think that the problem is that after you change _t with the transformation you don't change the last column of _r. So when you rotate _r you aren't taking the transformation into account.

Hi daniel,

Second 'order' in the Translate function is to translate based on world space.
I am not quite sure if that's done correctly.
And I tried to modify only the Translate function to:

void Translate(float x, float y, float z, int Order){	switch(Order)	{	case 1:		_t += (CVector4(x, y, z) * _r);		break;	case 2:		_t += CVector4(x, y, z);		break;	}	_r._m41 = _t.X();	_r._m42 = _t.Y();	_r._m43 = _t.Z();	MarkDirty();}

the rotation works as what I thought it should i.e. orbit around the world space Y.
However, the when I translate along world X after that, the object assumes the old position before the orbit around the world space Y and then moves.

Any idea about this?

first of all opengl's matrices are stored in the following order

/*00,04,08,1201,05,09,1302,06,10,1403,07,11,15*/float mat[16];glMultiMatrixf(mat);

12,13,14 is the translation vector

if you perform matrix transformations remember the the last matrix multiplied onto the matrix stack is the first one applied to your vertices.

rot(0,1,0,90)*trans(1,1,1) will translate your vertices by (1,1,1) and finally rotate the translated vertices around the y axis with the origin(0,0,0) as your rotation pivot.

if you want to rotate your object in object coordinates you need to first translate its center to the origin, rotate it, translate it back.
Quote:Original post by Basiror
first of all opengl's matrices are stored in the following order

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

12,13,14 is the translation vector

if you perform matrix transformations remember the the last matrix multiplied onto the matrix stack is the first one applied to your vertices.

rot(0,1,0,90)*trans(1,1,1) will translate your vertices by (1,1,1) and finally rotate the translated vertices around the y axis with the origin(0,0,0) as your rotation pivot.

if you want to rotate your object in object coordinates you need to first translate its center to the origin, rotate it, translate it back.

Hi Basiror,

Thanks for your reply.
I was told about pre and post-multiply to achieve world and local transformation.
Would you advise doing pre or post-multiply for performing world and local matrix?

Kindly advice from anyone is welcome too, please.
I have been struggling and reading a lot of articles on matrices.
I understand the basic but when it comes to applying transformation, I would still get confused.
Hope could get some helps.
By convention opengl matrices are post multiplied

Think about it like this:

Example post multiply(OPENGL):
1) Modelview; glTranslate(...);
2) Modelview*trans(...); glRotate(....);
3) Modelview*trans(...)*rotate(...);

Post multiply == multiply from right
Pre multiply == multiply from left

Example pre multiply:
1) trans(...); glRotate(....);
2) trans(...)*rotate(...); premult(modelview);
3) Modelview*trans(...)*rotate(...);

thats all.

some notes:
your matrix is orthogonal:
-> the transpose of the matrix is its inverse
-> the column vectors are perpendicular to each other
e.g.: a*b == 0 -> a perpendicular to b

the determinant of a square diagonal matrix is its determinant

there is really a lot of information I could provide you, but I would suggest your to get a math script of a lecture at university, there tons of them on the net.
Actually you can use any order for storing matrices. OpenGL does not enforce ordering of matrices.

The only thing I like to add is this link. Hope that helps.
++ My::Game ++
Quote:Original post by Basiror
By convention opengl matrices are post multiplied

Think about it like this:

Example post multiply(OPENGL):
1) Modelview; glTranslate(...);
2) Modelview*trans(...); glRotate(....);
3) Modelview*trans(...)*rotate(...);

Post multiply == multiply from right
Pre multiply == multiply from left

Example pre multiply:
1) trans(...); glRotate(....);
2) trans(...)*rotate(...); premult(modelview);
3) Modelview*trans(...)*rotate(...);

thats all.

some notes:
your matrix is orthogonal:
-> the transpose of the matrix is its inverse
-> the column vectors are perpendicular to each other
e.g.: a*b == 0 -> a perpendicular to b

the determinant of a square diagonal matrix is its determinant

there is really a lot of information I could provide you, but I would suggest your to get a math script of a lecture at university, there tons of them on the net.

I was actually looking at the implementation in the Ogre3d engine too.
In there the order of matrix multiplication is according to the transform space that is specified.
I wanted to re-create that example to understand on the matrix transformation.
I was thinking that doing that way will be much more flexible in terms of implementing user interaction.
Any advice on that?
Quote:Original post by _neutrin0_
Actually you can use any order for storing matrices. OpenGL does not enforce ordering of matrices.

The only thing I like to add is this link. Hope that helps.

Of course you can use whatever order you wish, but remember that you should take care about sequential access to the matrix elements when multiplying matrices with vectors

I would adopt my internal order in such a way that you can directly use OpenGL matrices for the sake of simplicity.

For my personal projects I multiply from the right by convention.
Its just more intuitive and most frameworks I have worked with do it the same way.
Quote:Original post by Basiror
For my personal projects I multiply from the right by convention.
Its just more intuitive and most frameworks I have worked with do it the same way.
I'm kind of nitpicking here, but for the benefit of the OP I'd like to suggest that neither left-multiplication nor right-multiplication is any more intuitive than the other. One or the other may be more intuitive to a particular person (depending on how they prefer to think about sequential transforms), but neither is objectively better than the other (or at least I haven't come across any convincing arguments to this effect).

Also, I personally find the terms 'right multiply' and 'left multiply' to be somewhat confusing; the terms 'row-vector notation' and 'column-vector notation' are, on the other hand, unambiguous.

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