[java] JVLC VLM

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0 comments, last by Antheus 16 years, 9 months ago
Hello java people. Do any of you ever used the java binding of the VLC player? If any do, have you ever got it to stream using its VLM functionality? Problem for me is that it fails on creation of the broadcast.

String streamName = [streamName];
String location = [file URI];
String output="#std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}";
jvlc.vlm.addBroadcast(streamName, location, output, new String[0], true, false);
jvlc.vlm.setOutput(streamName, output);

And here is the exception thrown by addBroadcast()

org.videolan.jvlc.VLCException: Media [streamName] creation failed
   at org.videolan.jvlc.VLM._addBroadcast(Native Method)
   at org.videolan.jvlc.VLM.addBroadcast(VLM.java:39)

I'm really stuck on this. There aren't many examples on the whole net, as JVLC is still under development (I guess), but till now I got no help from their forums. So I thought I could rely on anyone here at gamedev who had ever used those features. I Hope there's someone here...
Checking out the source code for VLC shows that this error is caused by the VLC, not Java bindings.

For whatever reason, loading of the data failed. Unfortunately, the true error is probably not reported.

It could be that a dll is missing or not in path, a coded isn't available, or some other configuration error.

The error itself comes from vlm_ControlMediaAdd in src\input\vlm.c.

My guess would be that either the location of the media you're trying to load isn't correct, or you're missing VLC dlls in -Djava.library.path

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