Template syntax (template as component of other template)

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2 comments, last by Kitt3n 16 years, 9 months ago
I'm trying to convert my existing (non-template) threaded scheduling code into a template and I know what I'd like to do, however I'm missing some vocabulary to explain it to the compiler :) See the code below: - Inside the template class, how do I get the "type of 'this' " ? - How do I correctly define the "WorkerClass" as a member of Managerclass? - In the Manager-class constructor, how do I initialize the workerclass?

For simplicity assume "Callback" is a c-style function

// Worker class uses the callback to do some work, when the callback 
// returns false work is done and the workerclass reports itself as 
// available at the managerclass 
template <typename ManagerClass, typename Callback>
class WorkerClass
    SomeClass* manager;
    Callback callback

     WorkerClass (ManagerClass* _mgr)
       manager = _mgr;

     void doWork (void)
       // doWork is called by a thread 
       if (!callback(...))
         manager->returnToPool (this);

// We can push work into the manager class. The manager will 
// distribute it over the workers (or queue it if all busy)
template <typename Callback>
class ManagerClass
    // Is this def. correct?! Shouldn't it involve something like
    // WorkerClass<This::type, callback> 
    std::vector<WorkerClass*> workers; 
      workers.resize (4); // hardcoded for the moment
      for (i=0; i<4; i++)
        workers = new WorkerClass<???, Callback> (this); // ???

    void queueJob (Callback callback)
      // push Job into queue
      // while WorkerClasses available & work to be done, 
      //   assign jobs to the workerclasses 

    void returnToPool (WorkerClass* _worker)
      // if Jobs in queue, accept Job and continue work
      // otherwise, register as 'available' worker

visit my website at www.kalmiya.com
It's ManagerClass<Callback>.

You may wish to do a typedef WorkerClass<ManagerClass<Callback>,Callback> WorkerType; at class scope and then use WorkerType from then on.
When dealing with templates, use typedefs wherever possible.

template <typename ManagerClass, typename Callback>class WorkerClass{public:  typedef WorkerClass< ManagerClass, Callback > Type;  typedef ManagerClass * ManagerPtr;  typedef ManagerClass & ManagerRef;  typedef ManagerClass ManagerType;  typedef Callback     CallbackType;  private:    ManagerPtr manager;    CallbackType callback  public:     WorkerClass (ManagerPtr _mgr)

template <typename Callback>class CallbackManager{public:  typedef ManagerClass< Callback > Type;  typedef Worker< Type, Callback > WorkerType;  typedef WorkerType *             WorkerPtr;  typedef std::vector< WorkerPtr > Workers;  typedef Callback   * CallbackPtr;  typedef Callback   & CallbackRef;  typedef Callback     CallbackType;  private:    Workers workers;         CallbackManager()    {      workers.resize (4); // hardcoded for the moment      for (i=0; i<4; i++)        workers = new WorkerType(this);    }    void queueJob ( CallbackRef callback );    void returnToPool ( WorkerPtr worker);

And then, when using, you have your own set of types already defined.

typedef CallbackManager< MyCallback > MyCallbackManager;...MyCallbackManager manager;MyCallbackManager::WorkerPtr wp = ...manager.returnToPool( wp );

As a matter of fact, if you want semi-readable code, you should never define templated types without typedefs. Even vector, list, ... Typedefs are free, so make sure to use them whenever possible.
Thanks guys, I'm getting the idea now (and so is the compiler) :)

visit my website at www.kalmiya.com

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